12-31-2008, 10:41 AM
I have been using the 3d software for a few years now, but with the upcoming changes in Texas' format I am not pleased with there new forms. Interested in knowing what other software inspectors are using in Texas or if many are using the same software. Any input is welcome. Thanks and Happy New year.:)

Bob Spermo
12-31-2008, 10:55 AM

I am a big fan of Whisper Solutions based in San Antonio. Their Texas Form 7s (current and future) are excellent. They give the choice of a basic form or one with narrative and check boxes. Pictures are extremely easy to import. You can also create your own forms. I just created phase inspection forms that have the correct building procedures/illustrations and the ability to import the applicable code. Builders have really liked my phase inspection forms as it gives them something concrete to give to the sub. Check out their web site Whisper Computer Solutions, Inc. - Home of WhisperPI, Property Inspection Report Software (http://www.whispersolutions.com).

12-31-2008, 11:13 AM
Thanks Bob,
I'll be sure to check it out...is it pricy?

Bob Spermo
12-31-2008, 01:32 PM
I think $295 but it offers alot of flexibility and the guys that own it have been very helpful to me.

Scott Patterson
01-01-2009, 01:15 PM
The beauty of 3D is that you can make your own forms and or change what you have already to meet your needs and it is not all that difficult.

Why buy something new when you can change what you already have?

Rick Bunzel
01-01-2009, 04:22 PM
I am with Scott.

Save your money. Just modify the forms to meet the new specs and your needs. Really pretty simple to do. If your not taking advantage of the flexibility your missing out on the real strength of the product.

When I first started using 3D 5 years ago I had several competitors in my area using it also. I went on a quest to take the best of the Hi's reports I found and incorporate them into mine. Today my reports looks unique and I have been told that everyone finds them very easy to read and extract the most important information from.


Jerry McCarthy
01-01-2009, 05:06 PM
FWIW Sal I've reviewed many inspection reporting systems as a CREIA report reviewer and 3-D has always stood out above the rest. One good reason for this is described by Scott in his above post. Flexibility is vital in selecting a reporting system and there’s plenty out there to choose from, but most are not worth serious consideration, especially the “check list” type. :mad:

PS: I’m not a shill for 3-D and when I was in the trenches I used a reporting system of my own invention, but if I where to buy one of the shelf it would be 3-D.

01-02-2009, 07:33 AM
Thanks Guys...It's off to work.....:)

Nolan Kienitz
01-02-2009, 09:07 AM
The software one uses is purely a personal choice/decision and what works best for you. The application should be just that "an application". It should not be something that writes your report for you. That is your personal/business decision and the words you choose.

That being said I support what Bob noted about the Whisper Solutions products. For "me" the application is great and works wonderful. They have an older version (Whisper PI) that is $295 and their new version (Whisper Reporter) that is $595.

I started with PI and upgraded to Reporter when it became available. It is a fantastic product and is leaps/bounds more advanced than it's predecessor. It is completely customizable (is that a word?) to whatever needs you have or want.

In Texas we have to follow a strict TREC report format, but we can still make changes with certain areas of the template. Easy to do with Whisper.

I've also built templates for commercial inspections, phase inspections, insurance inspections and on and on. It is a great application for my use anyway.

I think well worth consideration, but as noted that there are many applications available to choose from.

Whisper Computer Solutions, Inc. - Products (http://www.whispersolutions.com/Products.htm)

01-02-2009, 09:39 AM
Again thanks for the info. I think for right now I'm going to work with 3D since I already own it. They made some revisions to the TREC form that seem to make it easier. I guess I was just resisting the changes and upgrades. Going to be working on some samples today and hopefully will have things good to go for the February deadline. Does any one know how to apply for a Fed bail out? I could use a billion or so......:D