View Full Version : Central Ohio - New Member

Gary Anglin
01-09-2009, 08:38 PM
I've been lurking for a week or so and thought it time to say hello. I am not a Home Inspector - my background is 31 years as a Commercial Insurance Field Underwriter and Loss Prevention Rep.. So I've seen my share of building issues and worse, the results of those issues.

I'm planning to build a new home in about a year or so. Currently doing a full face lift to the home we have now to get it ready to sell. I'm also an avid DIY remodeler and known as the Tim the Tool Man and hardware store of our court. Except I don't blow things up.... well, most of the time anyway.

When I found this site I thought it would help to see what professionals are talking about and see how that can be applied to the current home (and the projects done to it over the last 20 years) and pick up some pointers when building the new one.

So I hope you don't mind a nonprofessional crashing the site. In my circumstance this site is already more helpful than any of the DIY sites. I'll try not to bug you for free advice but have already noticed a couple issues with some of the projects I've done in the past. So a big help so far and I appreciate being here - my goal is a sold home inspected with no issues.


Ron Bibler
01-09-2009, 08:43 PM
LETS See Lurking and nonprofessional crashing of the site. You fit in just about right. Always glad to have a some one keeping and eye on things.


