View Full Version : Cool Picture from the Inauguration!

Rick Hurst
01-24-2009, 10:42 PM
Zoom in and see who you might know. The level of detail is amazing.

I spy a Texas flag. Find George Bush Sr. with his funny hat. Can you find it?

Fullscreen Gigapan Viewer (http://gigapan.org/viewGigapanFullscreen.php?auth=033ef14483ee8994966 48c2b4b06233c)

Gunnar Alquist
01-24-2009, 11:47 PM
I can't find G.H.W.B., but I do see Aretha and her hat and W is looking sour.

Richard Moore
01-25-2009, 01:05 AM
Very cool Rick, thanks. Technology is amazing, and a little creepy!

(HW is sitting next to Hilary, two rows back from Laura Bush, behind W.)

Billy Stephens
01-25-2009, 07:07 AM
Very cool Rick, thanks. Technology is amazing, and a little creepy!

(HW is sitting next to Hilary, two rows back from Laura Bush, behind W.)
That must Have been a Big Rabbit ( to make that Hat.) :D

Rick Cantrell
01-25-2009, 07:39 AM
I can almost read the sheet music in the band

Rick Cantrell
01-25-2009, 07:44 AM
Can you find Waldo?

A.D. Miller
01-25-2009, 07:52 AM
How much did that camera cost?:confused:

Rick Cantrell
01-25-2009, 08:02 AM
"How much did that camera cost?:confused:"


At Walmart
Cameras have gotten a lot cheaper, and better quality.

Rick Hurst
01-25-2009, 08:54 AM
I just found a interesting bunch of guys. Look toward the middle of the picture all the way in the back at the white building. Looks like some snipers on the roof. All dressed in black.

Raymond Wand
01-25-2009, 09:16 AM
Note the bullet proof glass around the podium.

Jeff Remas
01-25-2009, 09:30 AM
That is one awesome picture. I cannot believe the detail in it.


Rick Hurst
01-25-2009, 10:02 AM
Wonder if anyone's ever mentioned the 4+ in. openings in those railings?:D


Ron Bibler
01-25-2009, 10:23 AM
If we can see them... They can see us:eek: thats very creepy!!!



Jerry McCarthy
01-25-2009, 11:11 AM
Funny, the first thing I noticed at that ceremony was the wide openings in the guard railing. Hey, once an inspector, always an inspector.
Zoomed in and found Dick "Dr. Strangelove" Chaney scowling as usual sitting nest to his boss, or was it the other way around?

Richard Moore
01-25-2009, 11:56 AM
"How much did that camera cost?:confused:"


At Walmart
Cameras have gotten a lot cheaper, and better quality.

The robotic camera mount is only $279. I was expecting it to be a lot more. You add your own camera to that, but it looks like any decent point and shoot camera works. The stitching software and website usage, as far as I can tell, is free.

The home page, gigapan: The GigaPan(SM) process allows users to upload, share, and explore brilliant gigapixel+ panoramas from around the globe. (http://gigapan.org/) has links to a bunch of other photos.
The Hanauma Bay one is neat.
Fullscreen Gigapan Viewer (http://gigapan.org/viewGigapanFullscreen.php?id=5322)

It's amazing the way you can zoom in on the tiny dots (bathers) on the beach.

Billy Stephens
01-25-2009, 12:19 PM
The stitching software

The Hanauma Bay one is neat.
Fullscreen Gigapan Viewer (http://gigapan.org/viewGigapanFullscreen.php?id=5322)
The Stitching software ( dropped a few stitches) there are at least a couple of sets of legs walking around without bodies. :eek:

Richard Moore
01-25-2009, 12:38 PM
No, not the software. The camera has to move to take a sequence of many tight shots. That has to take a little time between shots and even longer between each pan. Anything moving near the edges of each shot, especially in the foreground, is going to get a bit screwed up.

John Goad
01-25-2009, 01:31 PM
Is Clarence Thomas asleep?
I guess he could be praying, but it looks like he's dozing.

John Arnold
01-25-2009, 01:43 PM
Is Clarence Thomas asleep?
I guess he could be praying, but it looks like he's dozing.

He's thanking the Lord that he wasn't the one to screw up the oath.

Jerry Peck
01-25-2009, 06:32 PM
Is that G. H. W. Bush next to Bill and Hillary?

Start at 'W' and behind him is Laura, behind her are the two Bush girls, behind them is G. H. W. Bush.

Next to the Bush girls is Michelle Obama, behind here and next to G. H. W. Bush are Bill and Hillary. Next to Michelle are the two Obama girls.

Isn't that Joe Biden in front of Michelle?

Two rows back from Bill and Hillary, isn't that Al Gore?

Truly amazing detail in that photo.

Rick "I just found a interesting bunch of guys. Look toward the middle of the picture all the way in the back at the white building. Looks like some snipers on the roof. All dressed in black."

They are all cameramen. I doubt that there is a single square inch of that area which is not covered by multiple cameras from multiple angles. Showing all sides of all faces, and if a person tried to cover themselves up, some camera someplace will show their face.

Now, those cameramen may well also be, or be backed up by, snipers.

Rick Hurst
01-25-2009, 06:50 PM

I saw those earlier today upon the corner of that building way in the rear of the picture.

Look at the building that has the real faint flag pole on it. If you look at the railing there appears to be some type of repair or something that has what looks like a 2x4 bolted onto the outside of the railing.


Mitchell Meeks
01-25-2009, 08:24 PM
Is this the same camera system that was mentioned on an episode of CSI at the beginning of this system? It was a camera set up in the middle of the room that took pictures of the entire room automatically.

Also if you look at the The Hanauma Bay picture and if you zoom in at the far right side where an observation deck is that it will cut off the bodies, etc because they moved.

Jerry Peck
01-25-2009, 09:32 PM
is that it will cut off the bodies, etc because they moved.

Crimeny, now we're talking about cutting off bodies because people moved! :eek:

Dang sure glad I did not attend, I can't sit still that long. :)

Raymond Wand
01-26-2009, 07:57 PM
US Presidents - George Washington to Barack Obama (http://www.flixxy.com/presidents-morphing.htm)

Very interesting........
44 U S Presidents