View Full Version : FHA- Hud Certified Inspector-Roster
todd anderson
02-09-2009, 06:46 PM
Does anyone have any feed back as being a FHA inspector ? and put
on thier Roster.
Has this increased anyone business.
I passed the Pre application but the next steps are a lot of hoops
traveling to Washington DC for a week of training,tests , than some infield test inspections ect.
I wood spend a lot of money to does this and not sure if i will see any return
on it
Has anyone gone though this , training and certification ?
Scott Patterson
02-10-2009, 08:56 AM
Does anyone have any feed back as being a FHA inspector ? and put
on thier Roster.
Has this increased anyone business.
I passed the Pre application but the next steps are a lot of hoops
traveling to Washington DC for a week of training,tests , than some infield test inspections ect.
I wood spend a lot of money to does this and not sure if i will see any return
on it
Has anyone gone though this , training and certification ?
The DC training is not for the HUD roster listing, it is for an entirely different program. You just need to fill out their application and meet their requirements.
I have been on the roster for 10+ years and I bet I have done a dozen or so jobs in that period of time. Not really worth the trouble. Now, I do know several guys that do well on the roster and also with 203K inspections. It all depends on your area. Very few homes in my are are built to sell in the HUD/FHA price ranges so the builders don't worry with the HUD Red Tape.
todd anderson
02-10-2009, 03:43 PM
Thanks for your help
The DC training is not for the HUD roster listing, it is for an entirely different program. You just need to fill out their application and meet their requirements.
I have been on the roster for 10+ years and I bet I have done a dozen or so jobs in that period of time. Not really worth the trouble. Now, I do know several guys that do well on the roster and also with 203K inspections. It all depends on your area. Very few homes in my are are built to sell in the HUD/FHA price ranges so the builders don't worry with the HUD Red Tape.
matt berman
02-14-2009, 06:54 AM
i have been on huds roster for 4 years, maybe a dozen inspections. not a great source of income but still some income,
Joseph Melbourne
02-14-2009, 06:48 PM
Where can you find info on how to get on the FHA and HUD roster ?
Scott Patterson
02-15-2009, 09:19 AM
Where can you find info on how to get on the FHA and HUD roster ?
Try the HUD website
Homes and Communities - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ( :D
John Dirks Jr
03-29-2009, 06:13 AM
Does HUD have a form or checklist that they want you to fill out? Can anyone post one?
I live near DC so traveling to training is not a hastle. Should I be looking into expanding into this area of business?
I've been reading the other threads on this subject and frankly I'm getting confused abour all the different things.
I would rather not do any phased type of jobs. I wouldn't mind doing work that basically takes one visit. Is there this kind out there regarding HUD? Do you fill out their forms? How do I get listed as being qualified for whatever?
Sorry about all the questions.:confused:
Scott Patterson
03-29-2009, 08:05 AM
Does HUD have a form or checklist that they want you to fill out? Can anyone post one?
Yes, but it depends on what type of inspection. What they have are on their site. Keep in mind that this type of inspection is primarly to insure that a new home is being built to HUD standards and that it will qualify for an FHA loan. HUD FHA Inspectors & 203(k) Consultants (
With manufactured homes, they will need a HUD inspection. But this is not the same type of inspection and unless you meet specific requirements like being an engineer, you can not do this type of inspection and issue the required form. Most of us use Hayman Engineering for this type of HUD inspection.
I live near DC so traveling to training is not a hastle. Should I be looking into expanding into this area of business?
This training is for the REAC inspections. This is a completely different animal. Do a Google search on REAC inspections and you will find plenty of information on them.
I've been reading the other threads on this subject and frankly I'm getting confused abour all the different things.
It's the federal government!
I would rather not do any phased type of jobs. I wouldn't mind doing work that basically takes one visit. Is there this kind out there regarding HUD? Do you fill out their forms? How do I get listed as being qualified for whatever?
Sorry about all the questions.:confused:
Go to the HUD site and complete the Roster Inspector form, and if you meet their requirements you will be listed in 4-6 weeks on the HUD site. This has nothing to do with the REAC inspections.
I might do 2-3 HUD inspections a year, and that is during a good year!
Something else to look into are 203K inspections. This is another HUD program and depending on the area you are in, they are semi-popular. In my area they are not popular and folks don't get 203K loans.
Rick Bunzel
03-29-2009, 04:03 PM
I am seeing an increase in requests for HUD Inspections. This is to be expected as lenders seek to minimize their exposure. The compliance inspections are easy and I generally take a few pictures to send to the lender.
John Dirks Jr
03-29-2009, 04:42 PM
I am seeing an increase in requests for HUD Inspections. This is to be expected as lenders seek to minimize their exposure. The compliance inspections are easy and I generally take a few pictures to send to the lender.
What is involved in the compliance inspections? How does it work?
I'm sure you can explain it to me better than the can......
Dana Bostick
03-30-2009, 10:29 AM
I've been a "Listed Fee Inspector" for a few years now. Not much action until recently.
Now, I've hooked up with at least three builders that use me all the time for finals. the compliance and the 92051 form they need takes about 20 minutes to do and I get $75 each. Often get several at a time in the same project. It' s like stealing! :rolleyes:
I have done over 25 Finals in the last three months. Easy work for the effort. Can't complain. Got the process pretty streamlined now. Pre-filled invoices for each builder, just plug in the FHA case number, name and date. the 92051 is a "fillable" PDF that I fill out and them open in PDF Annotator and sign on my TabletPC. The whole thing gets emailed out. Done.
JB Thompson
03-30-2009, 06:45 PM
I've been on it since August. I've done about a half dozen or more. I charge substantially more than $75 and I know others in the Dallas area charge substantially more than I do. One other guy in my area charges $50 more than I.
I provide photos and the 92051. I do look at the blueprints to make sure the GC built what he agreed to build and I check the grading visually. If I happen to see a safety issue, I will call that out.
Sometimes, they just want to verify a single item, such as a fence. One time I had to verify 4 items.
It is another source of revenue; however, mortgage companies are an odd lot. I have had many more inspections that were canceled at the last minute or (never) rescheduled. Strange.
david presley
04-12-2009, 09:36 PM
I have been on FHA Compliance and fee roster . I do a lot off mobile home inspection for retro fit foundation I have done over 300 of them . I have done about 150 FHA Final on new construction it is a simple process one page and what ever pictures they need . I have done more 203k inspections in the last 8 yrs. They have FHA reac inspections. I know on the new fha guidelines all new FHA Inspectors will have to pass a exam and prior FHA inspectors will have 6 months to pass test. this starts this year. What i got out of the e-mail they sent to me.
david presley
04-12-2009, 09:43 PM
I have been on Fha Compliance and fee roster . I do a lot off mobile home inspection for retro fit foundation I have done over 300 of them . I have done about 150 FHA Final on new construction it is a simple process one page and what ever pictures they need . I have done more 203k inspections in the last 8 yrs. They have reac inspections. I know on the new FHA guidelines all new FHA Inspectors will have to pass a exam and prior FHA inspectors will have 6 months to pass test. this starts this year. What i got out of the e-mail they sent to me.
Nolan Kienitz
04-15-2009, 06:44 AM
... I know on the new FHA guidelines all new FHA Inspectors will have to pass a exam and prior FHA inspectors will have 6 months to pass test. this starts this year. What i got out of the e-mail they sent to me. ...
Do you have an active link to the FHA/HUD website that clarifies your comment about current/prior FHA Fee Inspectors?
If you don't have a link can you post a portion of the e-mail you said you received from FHA concerning this?
Nolan Kienitz
04-20-2009, 01:32 PM
I've sent several messages to David Presley and have asked for some additional update from him concerning his statement about the FHA Fee Inspector requirements.
So ... without having heard back from him, I've been tracking down some current information from FHA about the "current FHA Fee Inspectors".
Bottom line is that when FHA gets around to "announcing" they have a test for FHA Fee Inspectors then the clock will start ticking for the six-month window for existing FHA Fee Inspectors to take/pass the exam to be able to stay on the roster.
FHA advises that notification will be via a Mortgagee Letter. I've searched all the Mortgagee Letters and cannot find one that indicates any such announcement. My live conversations with FHA personnel today have also come up dry. That does not mean by end of day that such a letter mayhaps will materialize, but if you (as an FHA Fee Inspector) are on the Mortgagee Letter distribution list ... you will see it.
Here is a paste from the follow-up e-mail I got today following my calls to FHA. This is common language that has been in their information for some time.
FAQ : How do I apply to be placed on the FHA Inspector Roster?
Solution Details : All inspectors seeking placement on the FHA Inspector Roster must meet the eligibility criteria listed below and apply for placement. To be eligible for placement on the FHA Inspector Roster an applicant must:
1. Have a minimum of three years experience in one or more construction related fields. The applicant must be equipped with familiarity, experience and understanding of all aspects of residential construction techniques and methods, particularly as related to new construction and/or repairs of a structural nature;
2. Possess an inspector's state or local license or certification, if licensing or certification is required by the State or local jurisdiction where the inspector will do business;
3. Read and fully understand FHA's inspection requirements, and any updates to those requirements, including:
a) HUD Handbook 4905.1 REV-1 (Requirements for Existing Housing, One to Four Family Units)
b) HUD Handbook 4910.1 (Minimum Property Standards for Housing
c) HUD Handbook 4145.1 REV-2 (Architectural Processing and Inspections for Home Mortgage Insurance)
d) HUD Handbooks 4150.1 REV-1 (Valuation Analysis for Home Mortgage Insurance)
e) HUD Handbook 4150.2 CHG-2 (Valuation Analysis for Home Mortgage Insurance for Single Family One- to Four- Unit Dwellings)
f) Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing issued by Mortgagee Letter 97-36
g) Applicable local, state, or Council of American Building Officials (CABO) code(s)
h) HUD requirements at 24 CFR 200.926 4. Pass HUD's examination for inspectors (after such an examination becomes available).
FHA will announce the availability of the FHA Inspector exam by Mortgagee Letter. When the exam becomes available, inspectors already listed on the FHA Inspector Roster will have a six month grace period to pass the exam in order to remain on the Roster and will be reminded of such in the forthcoming Mortgagee Letter. To be placed on the FHA Inspector Roster the applicant must submit the following information:
1. An original completed form HUD-92563, ''Application for Fee or Roster Personnel Designation';
2. Proof of a valid State or local license or certification if licensing or certification is required by the State or local jurisdiction where the inspector will do business;
3. A certification from the entity providing the test to evidence successful passing of the comprehensive FHA Inspector examination (upon its availability).
Unless FHA has issued the Mortgagee Letter about the exam in the time it took me to create this posting ... it has not yet been issued. :rolleyes:
Dana Bostick
04-20-2009, 03:57 PM
Considering that they are working on documentation issued in 1994 I'm not too worried about them issuing a new letter any time soon. :rolleyes:
I saw some mention about this proposed test some time back. Nothing has materialized so far. This gig seems to come and go based on the market and interest rates. it's hot right now but will die off as soon as conventional gets back on its feet.
I'm certainly not basing my future on it.:eek:
Terry Jones
06-24-2010, 10:58 AM
I have been on the roster for about a month was just called for an FHA compliance inspection. I usually get paid on site when completing my inspections. Who usually pays for the FHA compliance inspection and when do you get paid?
Dana Bostick
06-24-2010, 04:22 PM
Technically, the buyer pays but unless you are dealing with an individual, you will be paid through escrow in 30 to 45 days. Most of mine are for KB Home or Surety Financial and a few from Wells Fargo. I've done a crap load and once you get over the hump, it's steady money. Not a ton of it but better than nothing for the time spent which is not much, about 15-20 minutes and 10 minutes for the forms.
Good Luck
JB Thompson
06-24-2010, 07:23 PM
I have been on the roster for about a month was just called for an FHA compliance inspection. I usually get paid on site when completing my inspections. Who usually pays for the FHA compliance inspection and when do you get paid?
Yes, you're paid by the mortgage company (with the buyer's money). It's the only time I accept being paid at closing and it's never been a problem.
I've now done a bunch of them, but it's not steady for me. It ebbs and flows. The fee is very, very good.
Dana Bostick
06-25-2010, 07:50 AM
Does HUD have a form or checklist that they want you to fill out? Can anyone post one?
I live near DC so traveling to training is not a hastle. Should I be looking into expanding into this area of business?
I've been reading the other threads on this subject and frankly I'm getting confused abour all the different things.
I would rather not do any phased type of jobs. I wouldn't mind doing work that basically takes one visit. Is there this kind out there regarding HUD? Do you fill out their forms? How do I get listed as being qualified for whatever?
Sorry about all the questions.:confused:
As mentioned above, the DC training is for a different program. What is being discussed here is the "Listed Fee Inspector" gig. I've been listed for several years. The requirements are pretty simple to get listed.
It amounts to having "boots on the ground" for HUD to make sure the builders are actually doing what the plans they submitted said they were going to do.
The "one visit" deal is called a 92051 Compliance Inspection and is quite simple. Just make sure what is on the submitted/approved plans was actually put in and that everything is actually done and ready to move in. I basically check all the plumbing, HVAC , electrical, doors and windows, floor coverings, cabinets etc., take two pictures (front and rear) and mark it pass/fail. If pass, they get the 92051 form and an invoice. If fail, they get to make the corrections and call me out (and pay me) again. Takes about 15 minutes.
At first there was little or no call for this service but over the last two years it has added about $10k to the bottom line for my business. Well worth the small effort. Listed Fee Inspectors apparently are not easy for buyers and lenders to find. When they do find you, it's almost a lock in and guaranteed work. I've had KB Homes, Wells Fargo Mortgage & Suriety Financial as steady customers for a while now. Many of the projects I've been looking at were "new build" Condo projects. I've gotten the lenders to bundle the inspections so that I can make one trip and do 4-6 units at one time. They get a "bulk" rate for doing that but I still make $400-$600 for about two hours of work, including sending in the reports. I've streamlined the process and have the needed invoices and 92051 form set up as a "fillable" PDF form that is pre-filled with the lender/builder info and my signature. I just need to add the inspection address and buyer's names and check the appropriate boxes, add two pics and fire it out. They also know to not call me in early when the units are not ready. They double paid a few times trying to jump the gun and learned their lesson. Not ready, no pass. Start over.:rolleyes:
It is not enough to keep me busy but it's better than watching the weeds grow on those times when there is no "real" inspecting work to do.
Terry Jones
06-25-2010, 07:56 AM
Thanks for the responses! What kind of fees are typical for compliance inspections where there were a couple of problems that were supposed to have been fixed and the inspector goes out to verify they're done?
Dana Bostick
06-25-2010, 08:26 AM
Thanks for the responses! What kind of fees are typical for compliance inspections where there were a couple of problems that were supposed to have been fixed and the inspector goes out to verify they're done?
As I mentioned, within reason, it's a Pass/Fail deal and if it is something significant like missing or disconnected appliances, no floor coverings, no gas meter yet, HVAC does not run from the stat etc. its a Fail and they get to start over with a new fee. Keeps them honest.;)
06-25-2010, 09:49 AM
I have completed finals and repairs for mortgage companies, but have not worked with builders. Are these the builders final inspections as well? Or are they some type of phase or % complete reports?
Do these builders act as finance companies providing FHA loans to buyers?
Also I recieved a request to use the Fannie Mae form 1004d instead of the 92051 from a mortgage loan rep. I don't think fee inspectors are qualified to fill this form and called fannie and fha but no one has returned my calls. This was a VA loan in which I know fee inspectors are qualified to do compliance inspections on. But just not sure about the form. Any input is greatly appreciated
Dan Cullen
06-27-2010, 09:28 PM
I've been on the list for a year or so. Our company has done about 50 inspections or so for Pulte, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc. as a result.
They are easy (in and out in 15 minutes) the paperwork is minimal, and it's great filler work.
We don't advertise the service, they companies that need an FHA inspector just check the list and call.
We just got a request to do 20 of the Fannie Mae multi-family inspections from a company in Utah. A little more work on those and the pay per hour is a little less but it helps us keep our guys busy.
FHA is by far the biggest lender nowdays. There may be room to grow with these.
Tom Huling
09-13-2011, 03:40 PM
To all,
New to this site, looks like a great place to exchange information!!
It looks like it's been awhile since any post regaring the FHA roster
I was wondering if anyone has recently tried to get on the FHA inspector roster?
I submitted my documentation about a month ago, but was told I didn't meet the criteria to inspect new homes.
That said, I've been in the home building business for over 35 years, ten which was a framing contractor, doing all of the preliminary layout for the placement of the building on the lot, supervised the excavation for the vertical and horizontal control of the building, placement and forming of footings, then framing single famiily, duplexes and multi-family.
Then an additonal twenty doing design/build, with plenty of renovation work in between.
But according to FHA I don't know what a 2x4 is.
I've also been a 203k consutlant since 1995(didn't carry any weight)
According to Mortgagee letter 2004-29, there was supposed to be a test to take to get placed on the roster. When I inquired where the test was, no answer. So I would assume that the government in their wisdom just never got around to getting the test published.
So, back to the original question, has anyone recently got on the roster?
If so, any tips.
Also, any issues with doing them
Thanks in advance!!
Scott Patterson
09-15-2011, 07:37 AM
To all,
New to this site, looks like a great place to exchange information!!
It looks like it's been awhile since any post regaring the FHA roster
I was wondering if anyone has recently tried to get on the FHA inspector roster?
I submitted my documentation about a month ago, but was told I didn't meet the criteria to inspect new homes.
That said, I've been in the home building business for over 35 years, ten which was a framing contractor, doing all of the preliminary layout for the placement of the building on the lot, supervised the excavation for the vertical and horizontal control of the building, placement and forming of footings, then framing single famiily, duplexes and multi-family.
Then an additonal twenty doing design/build, with plenty of renovation work in between.
But according to FHA I don't know what a 2x4 is.
I've also been a 203k consutlant since 1995(didn't carry any weight)
According to Mortgagee letter 2004-29, there was supposed to be a test to take to get placed on the roster. When I inquired where the test was, no answer. So I would assume that the government in their wisdom just never got around to getting the test published.
So, back to the original question, has anyone recently got on the roster?
If so, any tips.
Also, any issues with doing them
Thanks in advance!!
It happens, you are dealing with HUD! Resubmit the application and make sure that you have everything filled in. They do not have an exam, that was put into the application in the event that they do get one. Talk was that they may use the NHIE as their exam, but that never happened.
Be sure you fill in 14a on the application. This has to do with prior HUD approval, this would be your 203k.
They might be looking for a professional license, like a builders license or a home inspector license, if you have one be sure it is on the application.
They are very simple inspections. You will not do that many of them, I have done 3 this year.
Good luck...!
Tom Huling
09-15-2011, 08:08 AM
Thanks Scott!!
Did all of that, Even wrote a letter to them, walking them thru the entire process, explaining in detail from layout to completion.
In dealing with the 203k since 1995 I undertand the exactness they want in filling out the required documentation
However, the person that contacted me hinted that the whole FHA Inspector program may go by the wayside in six months(you didn't hear that from me)
When I investigated a bit further, the thing is somewhat of a farce.
By that, you have people on the FHA inspector roster doing 203k consulting, two different entity's. This is more of an issue with the lenders not being knowledgable of the differance and letting it get by their underwriting.
Another issue is non licensed FHA inspector's doing the inspections in states where licensing is required.
Sorry for the Rant
Nolan Kienitz
09-16-2011, 09:24 AM
However, the person that contacted me hinted that the whole FHA Inspector program may go by the wayside in six months(you didn't hear that from me)
By that, you have people on the FHA inspector roster doing 203k consulting, two different entity's. This is more of an issue with the lenders not being knowledgable of the differance and letting it get by their underwriting.
Another issue is non licensed FHA inspector's doing the inspections in states where licensing is required.
Sorry for the Rant
What is even more troubling are the inspectors who may be either FHA Fee Inspectors or 203k Consultants (or both) and they don't even know what they can or cannot do and thus can't help keep the lenders educated.
I'm on both the FHA Fee Inspector list as well as the 203k Consultants list and I am continually amazed with the types of calls I get and then see many postings over the years from inspectors who are also pretty clueless about the guidelines.
Ted Menelly
09-16-2011, 01:10 PM
Thanks Scott!!
Did all of that, Even wrote a letter to them, walking them thru the entire process, explaining in detail from layout to completion.
In dealing with the 203k since 1995 I undertand the exactness they want in filling out the required documentation
However, the person that contacted me hinted that the whole FHA Inspector program may go by the wayside in six months(you didn't hear that from me)
When I investigated a bit further, the thing is somewhat of a farce.
By that, you have people on the FHA inspector roster doing 203k consulting, two different entity's. This is more of an issue with the lenders not being knowledgeable of the difference and letting it get by their underwriting.
Another issue is non licensed FHA inspector's doing the inspections in states where licensing is required.
Sorry for the Rant
I inspect hoards of homes where folks are getting an FHA loan and VA loans. Some are new homes and most are existing homes. I am on no FHA roster and never have been, On an extremely rare occasion I am asked if I am on the FHA list and I tell them know but have inspected homes with FHA loans for years and years and there is never a question.
Now I know there may be some kind of difference but not being on some roster and looking up the guidelines I guess I will never know. Maybe they are particular kinds of FHA loans. In any case I think FHA rosters and consultant lists are pretty bogus. A good home inspector doing a good home inspection is all that should be needed.
Why should the Government go to all the time and money waste to do such a thing other than in a non licensed state. I guess in a non licensed state the folks never had to actually sit in a classroom and any Tom, Dick or Harry can be a Home Inspector. You know they had to take a course in a classroom. You know they had to either take the test in the classroom or a proctored test and maybe even the proctored NHIE. You know they have to take x amount of hours of continuing Ed. Other than that just because someone is on a roster does not mean they are finding or reporting everything they should.
Scott Patterson
09-16-2011, 02:25 PM
I inspect hoards of homes where folks are getting an FHA loan and VA loans. Some are new homes and most are existing homes. I am on no FHA roster and never have been, On an extremely rare occasion I am asked if I am on the FHA list and I tell them know but have inspected homes with FHA loans for years and years and there is never a question.
Now I know there may be some kind of difference but not being on some roster and looking up the guidelines I guess I will never know. Maybe they are particular kinds of FHA loans. In any case I think FHA rosters and consultant lists are pretty bogus. A good home inspector doing a good home inspection is all that should be needed.
Why should the Government go to all the time and money waste to do such a thing other than in a non licensed state. I guess in a non licensed state the folks never had to actually sit in a classroom and any Tom, Dick or Harry can be a Home Inspector. You know they had to take a course in a classroom. You know they had to either take the test in the classroom or a proctored test and maybe even the proctored NHIE. You know they have to take x amount of hours of continuing Ed. Other than that just because someone is on a roster does not mean they are finding or reporting everything they should.
The inspectors listed on the HUD/FHA roster are pretty much for homes that are being built and will get an FHA loan. It is by no means a home inspection! The home inspections are done after the compliance inspections are done. You must have a HUD ID number to put on the 92051 document to make Uncle Sam happy!
Ted Menelly
09-16-2011, 02:58 PM
The inspectors listed on the HUD/FHA roster are pretty much for homes that are being built and will get an FHA loan. It is by no means a home inspection! The home inspections are done after the compliance inspections are done. You must have a HUD ID number to put on the 92051 document to make Uncle Sam happy!
I wonder why, in all their wisdom and other folks money, they don't just ask the client for a copy of a home inspection from a third party inspector (me) and not just want a quick check list. The home inspection is far deeper and you would think, more complete in its findings. Wouldn't that protect a loan better than a quicky FHA inspection. Also, as I said, I do home inspections on brand new homes where folks are getting FHA loans. I guess they must never hear about that because I am never informed by the client that one was already done and the builders never mention it.
Nolan Kienitz
09-16-2011, 04:09 PM
I wonder why, in all their wisdom and other folks money, they don't just ask the client for a copy of a home inspection from a third party inspector (me) and not just want a quick check list. The home inspection is far deeper and you would think, more complete in its findings. Wouldn't that protect a loan better than a quicky FHA inspection. Also, as I said, I do home inspections on brand new homes where folks are getting FHA loans. I guess they must never hear about that because I am never informed by the client that one was already done and the builders never mention it.
To clarify Scott's comment about a HUD ID ...
To fill out the 92051 form you have to be an FHA Fee inspector with associated ID.
That is NOT the same as a HUD ID which is the 203k Consultant.
Two different animals. Two different lists, two different sets of requirements, two different applications all within FHA/HUD.
That is what even a lot of inspectors don't understand ... much less lenders, zoids and buyers.
Ted Menelly
09-16-2011, 05:23 PM
To clarify Scott's comment about a HUD ID ...
To fill out the 92051 form you have to be an FHA Fee inspector with associated ID.
That is NOT the same as a HUD ID which is the 203k Consultant.
Two different animals. Two different lists, two different sets of requirements, two different applications all within FHA/HUD.
That is what even a lot of inspectors don't understand ... much less lenders, zoids and buyers.
I am sure all of you know that these loans are backed by us and not the government. There is no such thing as a grant from the gov, or loan from the gov or a government backed loan or a gov tax credit or gov tax allowance. They have to start calling these programs, citizen programs. Not gov program. Then maybe folks will understand where the money really comes from. By saying "the government owes me", it is easier to steal.
Tom Huling
09-17-2011, 05:11 AM
to all,
Getting back to my post on 9/13.
Has anyone actually been able to get on the HUD/FHA Inspector roster within the last year or so?
If so, what additional information did you have to submit to be placed on the roster
I have submitted the information they requested on the application form.
How did anyone verify at least three years of experience in multiple disciplines to be able to inspect new construction?
FHA told me being a certified or licensed Inspector does not count.
According to Mortgagee letter 2004-29 there was supposed to be a test to pass for placement on the roster, to my knowledge that test never materialized.
Fred Comb
09-17-2011, 10:07 AM
How did anyone verify at least three years of experience in multiple disciplines to be able to inspect new construction?
1. Describe in writing your "construction" experience.
2. Provide evidence / documentation which verifies your "construction" experience.
FHA told me being a certified or licensed Inspector does not count.
FHA recognizes the difference between "inspection" and "construction" experience. People who have both also recognize the difference. FHA places a higher value on "construction" experience.
Tom Huling
09-17-2011, 11:22 AM
Did all that!!
Supplied referances, asked them if they wanted to see my tax retiurns listing my occupation
I guess over 30 years experience design/build(hands on) doesn't cut it anymore.
I'll just stick with the 203k's.
Frustrated Home Buyer
11-22-2011, 07:44 PM
So I've had a pretty crazy experience with a HUD inspector:
A HUD inspector was referred to us by our lender to do a HUDwrite-up for our FHA 203K loan. The “inspector” showed up the property, tooksome photos and was supposed to send the HUD report to our lender, but insteadhe abruptly ended his contract with us without an explanation and told us toask our lender to assign a new HUD inspector and that we should send him a checkfor $250 for his services.
He never answered why he was quitting the job, but insteadwe received an email from him demanding that we give him $1000 or he will placea lien on the house!
We did not respond to this outrageous demand, because he haddone no work to place a mechanic’s lien on the house nor was he asked/hired todo so. More importantly, we did not own the house; we were in escrow at thatpoint.
As we soon found out, you don’t need to show any proof ofwork to place a lien on someone’s house (at least in CA). This delayed ourescrow process tremendously and we even came close to losing our escrow;however we were finally able to purchase the house, by placing a bond aroundthe lien.
Since then, this crazy man has been trying to bully us intogiving him money. He has been on an email campaign to destroy our reputation bysending malicious emails to our work places. He has also created defamatorywebsites for us.
We now know, after looking up this man’s civil case recordsthat this is how this man makes a living, by placing fraudulent liens andbullying people into paying him money for services he has not done. He has evenadmitted that he “he has done this before” and knows what he is doing.
We also found out, that even though he is on the HUDinspector roster, that he does not and has not had an active license 2000.
Soooo, my question is:
1) How do we report this scam artist and to whatagencies?
2) Can someone without an active license become aHUD inspector?
3) Where can I write a review(s) for thisfraudulent company so others won’t go through what we had to go through in thefuture?
Nolan Kienitz
11-22-2011, 08:42 PM
So I've had a pretty crazy experience with a HUD inspector:
A HUD inspector was referred to us by our lender to do a HUDwrite-up for our FHA 203K loan. The “inspector” showed up the property, tooksome photos and was supposed to send the HUD report to our lender, but insteadhe abruptly ended his contract with us without an explanation and told us toask our lender to assign a new HUD inspector and that we should send him a checkfor $250 for his services.
He never answered why he was quitting the job, but insteadwe received an email from him demanding that we give him $1000 or he will placea lien on the house!
We did not respond to this outrageous demand, because he haddone no work to place a mechanic’s lien on the house nor was he asked/hired todo so. More importantly, we did not own the house; we were in escrow at thatpoint.
As we soon found out, you don’t need to show any proof ofwork to place a lien on someone’s house (at least in CA). This delayed ourescrow process tremendously and we even came close to losing our escrow;however we were finally able to purchase the house, by placing a bond aroundthe lien.
Since then, this crazy man has been trying to bully us intogiving him money. He has been on an email campaign to destroy our reputation bysending malicious emails to our work places. He has also created defamatorywebsites for us.
We now know, after looking up this man’s civil case recordsthat this is how this man makes a living, by placing fraudulent liens andbullying people into paying him money for services he has not done. He has evenadmitted that he “he has done this before” and knows what he is doing.
We also found out, that even though he is on the HUDinspector roster, that he does not and has not had an active license 2000.
Soooo, my question is:
1) How do we report this scam artist and to whatagencies?
2) Can someone without an active license become aHUD inspector?
3) Where can I write a review(s) for thisfraudulent company so others won’t go through what we had to go through in thefuture?
State of California does not require inspectors to be "licensed". They have not (yet) instituted any such requirement for home inspectors.
Did you look up the person you were working with from the HUD 203k Consultants' List?
If his name is actually on that list make sure there is a label on his line description that notes if he has been terminated from the list or not as a HUD 203k Consultant.
Here is the URL for the 203k Consultant search:
As for filing a complaint (assuming he is "active" on the 203k Consultant's list) your complaint would be directed to HUD and the HUD regional office that covers California.
Frustrated Home Buyer
11-22-2011, 09:24 PM
State of California does not require inspectors to be "licensed". They have not (yet) instituted any such requirement for home inspectors.
Did you look up the person you were working with from the HUD 203k Consultants' List?
If his name is actually on that list make sure there is a label on his line description that notes if he has been terminated from the list or not as a HUD 203k Consultant.
Here is the URL for the 203k Consultant search:
As for filing a complaint (assuming he is "active" on the 203k Consultant's list) your complaint would be directed to HUD and the HUD regional office that covers California.
Thank you. I just looked him up and his name is there. Under termination date it just says "n/a".
I did contact HUD, they told me they have made a note of it, however, I would need to contact FHA for file a complaint. I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone from FHA.
Tom Huling
11-23-2011, 06:49 AM
Sorry to hear about the frustrating experience on your 203k.
The 203k is hard enough to do with out having to put up with nonsense like this.
I've been doing 203k's since 1995 and I have dreaded calling HUD to have questions answered or a problem solved.
The last time I called HUD, the call went to a central phone center, which was fielding calls thru out the country.
When they told you they would make a note on that, that note was lost before you called ended. Sorry!!
If it were possible to make contact with the HUD center in Sacramento, I would try getting the name of the Director of that center and send them a registered letter describing your situation.
I am also suspect of the lender who recommended the consultant, If the consultant has a history of doing this, why is the lender continually recommending him for projects? One of the pitfalls of the history of the 203k has been collusion between lender/contractor/consultant.
Another option is to contact the U.S. Attorney's office and file a complaint with them, you are dealing with federal funds.
Please do not misconstrue this as legal advice.
Good Luck!!
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