J Bowman
02-17-2009, 03:24 AM
The City of San Antonio, Texas adopted the 2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code, as amended, on January 15, 2009 with an implementation date of April 1, 2009. The following amendments apply:
Sec. 10-1403. Amendments
Sec. 10-1403.1 General exceptions (all types of use and occupancy classifications).
No conductor smaller than 12 AWG copper or 8 AWG aluminum shall be used for individual branch circuits and feeder wiring.
Ground rods, when used, shall be a minimum of 518-inch by eight-foot copper weld construction.
No knob and tube or armored cable (type AC) wiring shall be permitted.
Manufactured wiring systems, as outlined in Article 604 of the NEC shall be limited in the following manner:
Listed by approved testing laboratory and approved for the purpose for which it is being used.
May be installed above accessible ceilings and below access flooring systems; however, cable and fixtures may be installed on exposed ceilings only where cable and fixtures are not subject to physical damage and by an installation height of no less than twelve (12) feet above finish floor.
Outer covering to be metal-clad.
To be used for branch circuit lighting and raised flooring system power outlets only.
Where cable and associated electrical boxes are used beneath a metal access floor system, the access flooring system shall be mounded in accordance with the manufacturer instructions. Each access floor penetration by an electrical cable, electrical box or where in contact with a box shall be bonded to the nearest electrical cable or box as per NEC Article 250.
No more than one hundred and twenty five (125) feet total to be installed in one sequence of connections from permanent wiring.
Conductors to be copper, insulation to be rated at ninety (90) degrees centigrade minimum and color coding as adopted by city code to be strictly adhered to.
Conductors to be sized in accordance with the city code.
An equipment-mounding conductor shall be used throughout each cable assembly and shall be the same size as the current carrying conductor.
Only one (1) opening on each fixture or tap box to be permitted to be shipped from factory without cover plate. Cover plates to be of same quality and made as receptacles, or equal blank covers shall be used on all unused openings.
Manufactured wiring systems shall not be directly connected to panelboards.
Electrified fences, regardless of voltage, shall not be permitted to be installed or utilized.
Support for disconnecting devices for equipment covered under Articles 424 or 440 of the NEC that requires periodic replacement shall be independent and in sight of such equipment and not have the power circuit pass through the unit or equipment ahead of the disconnect.
A 125-volt, 15 or 20 ampere rated receptacle outlet shall be installed at a readily accessible location for the servicing of heating, air-conditioning, or refrigeration equipment. The receptacle shall be a GFCI outlet and be located on the same level and within 25ft of such equipment. It shall be independently mounted from the unit and not on the same circuit as the equipment.
Where conductors are connected, all connections must be made according to manufacturer and industry written procedures.
One hundred eighty (180) volt-amperes per outlet shall be used to calculate the electrical load of one hundred twenty (120) volt receptacle circuits, that is, ten (10) outlets on a twenty ampere branch circuit and eight (8) outlets on a 15 ampere branch circuit. Branch circuits may supply a combination of receptacle and lighting outlets. When combined, receptacle and lighting outlets shall be rated at not less than one hundred eighty (180) volt-amperes each. Branch circuits serving only lighting outlets shall be allowed to serve any number of outlets provided that the total load does not exceed the rating of the branch circuit.
Fasteners shall be permitted to pass through the interior of a device box only when located within one-fourth (114) inch of the back of the box.
Branch circuit, feeder and service conductors other than the mounded (neutral) conductor and equipment mounding conductors shall be marked by one distinct color per phase throughout the system as listed in this section. The mounded (neutral) conductor and insulated equipment mounding conductors shall be marked with a color as required by the NEC. This rule additionally modifies Article 3 10.12 of the NEC.
The phase color coding of this section shall be applied to new wiring and modifications in existing occupancies. Other phase colors may continue to be applied in occupancies that already have an established color code system that is not in conflict with the current adopted edition of the NEC.
There shall be no obligation to make corrections to the phase color coding arrangement in an existing occupancy when such existing wiring is not in the immediate scope of work being performed.
Conductors with three (3) continuous white stripes shall not be used for mounded or ungrounded conductors.
Article 200.7 of the NEC shall only apply to NM cables in residential occupancies.
Conductors used for switch leg must be the same color as the branch circuit conductors. Conductors used as travelers must be of a color not associated with any of the color coding systems found in this code or of those colors designated in the NEC for mounding and mounded conductors.
Conductor sizes 10 AWG and smaller shall be continuously colored with the same color throughout the length of the conductor, except that the cable assemblies used in one and two family dwellings or in multifamily dwellings not containing mixed uses of three stories or less shall be permitted to be distinguishable as required or allowed by the NEC.
Conductor sizes 8 AWG and larger shall be permitted to be distinguishable as required or permitted by the NEC. Such conductors, where not continuously colored throughout their length, shall be permanently marked at all junction boxes and all termination points. Where phasing tape is used, such marking shall be a minimum of two (2) inches in length.
In Article 312.8 of the NEC, the phrase "unless adequate space for this purpose is provided" shall be omitted. Cabinets and cutout boxes associated with panel-boards, load-centers and switchgear shall contain only conductors that terminate in the enclosure. Pass-through conductors are allowed only in panel-boards, load-centers or switchgear manufactured and listed for feed-through power supplies.
Device boxes with less than fourteen (14) cubic inches volume or less than two and three-fourths (2 %) inches deep shall not be used for the installation of branch circuit wiring devices. Conductor fill for allowable device boxes shall be calculated in accordance with section 3 14.16 of the NEC.
Shallow octagon boxes, generally known as "pancake" boxes, shall contain no more than three 12 AWG conductors (one "hot", one neutral, one mounding conductor when used with a canopy that provides the necessary cubic inch volume required). Additional 12 AWG conductors shall require octagon boxes one and one-half (1 %) inches deep as a minimum.
The mound-fault circuit-interrupter required for hydromassage bathtubs in Article 680.71 of the NEC shall be located a minimum of six (6) feet from the inside walls of the bathtub. These devices shall not be located under such bathtubs.
The maximum size of the tubing in Article 362.20(B) of the NEC shall be one (1) inch.
All feeder and branch circuit wiring methods shall include an equipment mounding conductor sized in accordance with Table 250-122 of the NEC.
Type MC cable as listed in Article 330 of the NEC shall be permitted for feeder conductors and branch circuit conductors only when installed in accordance with Article 330 and other applicable code articles and provisions in this code. When used as branch circuit conductors, MC cable shall be installed under the following provisions:
MC cable of interlocking type as listed in Article 330 of the NEC is permitted. Other styles are not permitted.
Individuals installing MC cable under the provisions set forth in this code, shall have attended an approved training course on the proper installation of the cable. Acknowledgment of such training shall include a pocket card to be carried by the individual when installing MC cable.
The exterior armor of MC cable shall be color-coded blue on its entire length by the manufacturer to distinguish it from other flexible metallic conduit systems.
The finish cutting of the metal outer jacket shall be performed onlv with an approved rotary-type cutting tool.
Connectors used with MC cable shall be approved for the purpose and shall have an anti-short bushing installed on the cable.
MC cable shall have the proper phase color of conductors throughout the entire length of the cable, including switch legs.
Non-metallic sheathed cables, as listed in Article 334 of the NEC, shall not be used in any multifamily dwellings or other structures exceeding three (3) floors above made. Multifamily dwellings located within buildings with mixed uses are not permitted to be wired with non-metallic sheathed cables.
Sec. 10-1403.2 Dwelling occupancy exceptions (residential-type use and occupancy classifications).
One hundred twenty (120) volt branch circuits serving the interior of a residence shall be fed from a panelboard or loadcenter located at a readily accessible location within the interior of the residence.
The main disconnect switch(es) for all residential meter loops shall be installed on the exterior of the building at the meter location unless approved by the city and the utility.
Cables, where exposed when run, shall be protected from mechanical injury. Where outside when run, approved cable is considered to be protected when run at the junction of the eave and wall, when above eight (8) feet.
Adequate illuminations shall be provided in all areas where electric connected equipment that requires maintenance or service is located. A switch shall be located at the entrance or access point to control the lighting in this area. Light outlets shall be arranged to prevent accidental contact by persons working on the equipment. All open lamps shall be warded where installed less than seven (7) feet above the walkway.
The two (2) or more twenty (20) ampere small appliance branch circuits covered by Article 2 10.52(B) and Article 2 10.1 1 (C)(l) of the NEC shall serve all receptacle outlets covered by Articles 2 10.52(A) and (C).
Exception: Refrigeration equipment shall not be connected to these branch circuits.
Sec. 10-1403.3 Commercial exceptions (all nonresidential use and occupancy classifications):
All wiring on commercial installations shall be installed in approved raceways or metal sheathed cables not specifically restricted in this code.
Service conductors, when run to service equipment located inside a building and ahead of the service overcurrent device, shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit or bus duct. Service conduits that penetrate the roof shall be so arranged that any water leaking around the conduit will not enter the service equipment.
All underground service lateral conductors not protected by overcurrent protection at their source shall be installed in either rigid conduit, IMC, or Schedule 40 PVC encased in an envelope of three (3) inches of concrete all around. Exposed PVC will not be allowed.
Article 600.23(B) of the NEC shall be enforced.
Sec. 10-1403. Amendments
Sec. 10-1403.1 General exceptions (all types of use and occupancy classifications).
No conductor smaller than 12 AWG copper or 8 AWG aluminum shall be used for individual branch circuits and feeder wiring.
Ground rods, when used, shall be a minimum of 518-inch by eight-foot copper weld construction.
No knob and tube or armored cable (type AC) wiring shall be permitted.
Manufactured wiring systems, as outlined in Article 604 of the NEC shall be limited in the following manner:
Listed by approved testing laboratory and approved for the purpose for which it is being used.
May be installed above accessible ceilings and below access flooring systems; however, cable and fixtures may be installed on exposed ceilings only where cable and fixtures are not subject to physical damage and by an installation height of no less than twelve (12) feet above finish floor.
Outer covering to be metal-clad.
To be used for branch circuit lighting and raised flooring system power outlets only.
Where cable and associated electrical boxes are used beneath a metal access floor system, the access flooring system shall be mounded in accordance with the manufacturer instructions. Each access floor penetration by an electrical cable, electrical box or where in contact with a box shall be bonded to the nearest electrical cable or box as per NEC Article 250.
No more than one hundred and twenty five (125) feet total to be installed in one sequence of connections from permanent wiring.
Conductors to be copper, insulation to be rated at ninety (90) degrees centigrade minimum and color coding as adopted by city code to be strictly adhered to.
Conductors to be sized in accordance with the city code.
An equipment-mounding conductor shall be used throughout each cable assembly and shall be the same size as the current carrying conductor.
Only one (1) opening on each fixture or tap box to be permitted to be shipped from factory without cover plate. Cover plates to be of same quality and made as receptacles, or equal blank covers shall be used on all unused openings.
Manufactured wiring systems shall not be directly connected to panelboards.
Electrified fences, regardless of voltage, shall not be permitted to be installed or utilized.
Support for disconnecting devices for equipment covered under Articles 424 or 440 of the NEC that requires periodic replacement shall be independent and in sight of such equipment and not have the power circuit pass through the unit or equipment ahead of the disconnect.
A 125-volt, 15 or 20 ampere rated receptacle outlet shall be installed at a readily accessible location for the servicing of heating, air-conditioning, or refrigeration equipment. The receptacle shall be a GFCI outlet and be located on the same level and within 25ft of such equipment. It shall be independently mounted from the unit and not on the same circuit as the equipment.
Where conductors are connected, all connections must be made according to manufacturer and industry written procedures.
One hundred eighty (180) volt-amperes per outlet shall be used to calculate the electrical load of one hundred twenty (120) volt receptacle circuits, that is, ten (10) outlets on a twenty ampere branch circuit and eight (8) outlets on a 15 ampere branch circuit. Branch circuits may supply a combination of receptacle and lighting outlets. When combined, receptacle and lighting outlets shall be rated at not less than one hundred eighty (180) volt-amperes each. Branch circuits serving only lighting outlets shall be allowed to serve any number of outlets provided that the total load does not exceed the rating of the branch circuit.
Fasteners shall be permitted to pass through the interior of a device box only when located within one-fourth (114) inch of the back of the box.
Branch circuit, feeder and service conductors other than the mounded (neutral) conductor and equipment mounding conductors shall be marked by one distinct color per phase throughout the system as listed in this section. The mounded (neutral) conductor and insulated equipment mounding conductors shall be marked with a color as required by the NEC. This rule additionally modifies Article 3 10.12 of the NEC.
The phase color coding of this section shall be applied to new wiring and modifications in existing occupancies. Other phase colors may continue to be applied in occupancies that already have an established color code system that is not in conflict with the current adopted edition of the NEC.
There shall be no obligation to make corrections to the phase color coding arrangement in an existing occupancy when such existing wiring is not in the immediate scope of work being performed.
Conductors with three (3) continuous white stripes shall not be used for mounded or ungrounded conductors.
Article 200.7 of the NEC shall only apply to NM cables in residential occupancies.
Conductors used for switch leg must be the same color as the branch circuit conductors. Conductors used as travelers must be of a color not associated with any of the color coding systems found in this code or of those colors designated in the NEC for mounding and mounded conductors.
Conductor sizes 10 AWG and smaller shall be continuously colored with the same color throughout the length of the conductor, except that the cable assemblies used in one and two family dwellings or in multifamily dwellings not containing mixed uses of three stories or less shall be permitted to be distinguishable as required or allowed by the NEC.
Conductor sizes 8 AWG and larger shall be permitted to be distinguishable as required or permitted by the NEC. Such conductors, where not continuously colored throughout their length, shall be permanently marked at all junction boxes and all termination points. Where phasing tape is used, such marking shall be a minimum of two (2) inches in length.
In Article 312.8 of the NEC, the phrase "unless adequate space for this purpose is provided" shall be omitted. Cabinets and cutout boxes associated with panel-boards, load-centers and switchgear shall contain only conductors that terminate in the enclosure. Pass-through conductors are allowed only in panel-boards, load-centers or switchgear manufactured and listed for feed-through power supplies.
Device boxes with less than fourteen (14) cubic inches volume or less than two and three-fourths (2 %) inches deep shall not be used for the installation of branch circuit wiring devices. Conductor fill for allowable device boxes shall be calculated in accordance with section 3 14.16 of the NEC.
Shallow octagon boxes, generally known as "pancake" boxes, shall contain no more than three 12 AWG conductors (one "hot", one neutral, one mounding conductor when used with a canopy that provides the necessary cubic inch volume required). Additional 12 AWG conductors shall require octagon boxes one and one-half (1 %) inches deep as a minimum.
The mound-fault circuit-interrupter required for hydromassage bathtubs in Article 680.71 of the NEC shall be located a minimum of six (6) feet from the inside walls of the bathtub. These devices shall not be located under such bathtubs.
The maximum size of the tubing in Article 362.20(B) of the NEC shall be one (1) inch.
All feeder and branch circuit wiring methods shall include an equipment mounding conductor sized in accordance with Table 250-122 of the NEC.
Type MC cable as listed in Article 330 of the NEC shall be permitted for feeder conductors and branch circuit conductors only when installed in accordance with Article 330 and other applicable code articles and provisions in this code. When used as branch circuit conductors, MC cable shall be installed under the following provisions:
MC cable of interlocking type as listed in Article 330 of the NEC is permitted. Other styles are not permitted.
Individuals installing MC cable under the provisions set forth in this code, shall have attended an approved training course on the proper installation of the cable. Acknowledgment of such training shall include a pocket card to be carried by the individual when installing MC cable.
The exterior armor of MC cable shall be color-coded blue on its entire length by the manufacturer to distinguish it from other flexible metallic conduit systems.
The finish cutting of the metal outer jacket shall be performed onlv with an approved rotary-type cutting tool.
Connectors used with MC cable shall be approved for the purpose and shall have an anti-short bushing installed on the cable.
MC cable shall have the proper phase color of conductors throughout the entire length of the cable, including switch legs.
Non-metallic sheathed cables, as listed in Article 334 of the NEC, shall not be used in any multifamily dwellings or other structures exceeding three (3) floors above made. Multifamily dwellings located within buildings with mixed uses are not permitted to be wired with non-metallic sheathed cables.
Sec. 10-1403.2 Dwelling occupancy exceptions (residential-type use and occupancy classifications).
One hundred twenty (120) volt branch circuits serving the interior of a residence shall be fed from a panelboard or loadcenter located at a readily accessible location within the interior of the residence.
The main disconnect switch(es) for all residential meter loops shall be installed on the exterior of the building at the meter location unless approved by the city and the utility.
Cables, where exposed when run, shall be protected from mechanical injury. Where outside when run, approved cable is considered to be protected when run at the junction of the eave and wall, when above eight (8) feet.
Adequate illuminations shall be provided in all areas where electric connected equipment that requires maintenance or service is located. A switch shall be located at the entrance or access point to control the lighting in this area. Light outlets shall be arranged to prevent accidental contact by persons working on the equipment. All open lamps shall be warded where installed less than seven (7) feet above the walkway.
The two (2) or more twenty (20) ampere small appliance branch circuits covered by Article 2 10.52(B) and Article 2 10.1 1 (C)(l) of the NEC shall serve all receptacle outlets covered by Articles 2 10.52(A) and (C).
Exception: Refrigeration equipment shall not be connected to these branch circuits.
Sec. 10-1403.3 Commercial exceptions (all nonresidential use and occupancy classifications):
All wiring on commercial installations shall be installed in approved raceways or metal sheathed cables not specifically restricted in this code.
Service conductors, when run to service equipment located inside a building and ahead of the service overcurrent device, shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit or bus duct. Service conduits that penetrate the roof shall be so arranged that any water leaking around the conduit will not enter the service equipment.
All underground service lateral conductors not protected by overcurrent protection at their source shall be installed in either rigid conduit, IMC, or Schedule 40 PVC encased in an envelope of three (3) inches of concrete all around. Exposed PVC will not be allowed.
Article 600.23(B) of the NEC shall be enforced.