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View Full Version : Now this would be fun!

Rick Hurst
02-17-2009, 04:54 PM
Check out this video.:D


Roller Suit in Swiss Alps - CollegeHumor video (http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1772849)

Ron Bibler
02-17-2009, 05:22 PM
Now when I'm out for a put on my bike I need to keep an eye out for some wack job with wheels all over him:eek: The first time i see some dude past me like that it's going to freak my head out:eek:



Ted Menelly
02-17-2009, 05:39 PM
Awesome. Absolutely, totaly awesome. This guy needs flashing very bright lights on him. Goota have some serrious big ones. All he needed was to have someone passing one of those oncoming vehicles. Not to mention the open guardrails. One oops and over the cliff.

Jerry Peck
02-17-2009, 06:54 PM
"The best thing about this video is how safe it is."


That's dumber than the luge ( YouTube - Luge Crash videos. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG99ULoWXHU) ), and about the same as the street luge ( YouTube - Street Luge-Biker Sherlock (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNJrjoyZI5E) ).

Ted Menelly
02-17-2009, 08:11 PM

I take it you were never into risking your life for the absolute thrill. I may not do it now but I still have it in me.

There is nothing like being on the absolute edge. The adrenaline pumping to the point of busting our old brains cells. As a younger man doing these things to the extreme I will never regret. Regrets no. Do I wish I did not break my body up so much in younger years, yes. The feeling that went along with, but before breaking all those bones, irreplaceable.

Matt Fellman
02-17-2009, 09:05 PM
Isn't that just some of that 'Krawlgear' Jack Feldmann's been talking about? :)

Jerry Peck
02-17-2009, 09:32 PM

I take it you were never into risking your life for the absolute thrill. I may not do it now but I still have it in me.

Oh, I did those stupid things alright, and I survived the fight to survive those years (some of my friends did not), but, nonetheless, with a few years on you, you realize that many of the things you did as an immortal youth were, well, pushing the bounds of testing mortality.

Do I get a rush out of others doing those stupid things? Sure. Then common sense kicks in and says "Man, those guys are really stupid.", and, yeah, they ARE.

Been there, done that, DO NOT NEED TO DO IT AGAIN.

Even been pulled behind a car at 60 mph on a skate board? Wearing no protective clothing, just cut-offs and a tee shirt? Then hitting a pebble and wiping out, diving for the grass, not making it and hitting the curb with your chest, or knees, or shoulders, or ... ? Took a while to learn that (teenagers may be immortal, but that does not mean they are very smart, more like lucky :eek: ), at some point in the ride, YOU WILL wipe out, ALWAYS happens ... ALWAYS ... which is why I know you can hit the curb in so many ways. In fact, we eventually learned to do it on roads which did not have curbs ... yeah, hitting curbs did not teach us *not to do it*, only *to do it where there were no curbs* - no, how brilliant is that?

Or surfing in hurricanes? Yeah, been there, done that too.

Or racing at night with no moonlight and NO HEADLIGHTS? Yeah, been there, done that too. You either KNOW THE ROAD or, well, or you do not.

Way too many things to list.

I've said it before, I applied for and took the Darwin Award Candidate test MANY TIMES, each time I failed it. :cool: