View Full Version : How Many Pictures In Your Reports?
Nick Ostrowski
03-22-2009, 03:33 PM
After numerous attempts and some trial and error, I've finally figured out how to embed pictures in my reports and compress them enough so that the total memory size of the report is not through the roof.
I still provide the entire picture file in a separate zip file for my client but I've managed to reduce my total number of pics taken per inspection to around 50 or less by not taking a picture of everything I call out. I use my digital voice recorder to make sure I get all the details that I don't document with a picture.
Now what I want to do is figure out how many pics I feel comfortable limiting myself to in the report. I can still include the entire picture file if I choose but I'd likely stop labeling every picture with defect verbiage as it feels like I'm doing every report twice.
What is the average number of pics some of you put in your reports? How many for a clean house? How many for a beater?
Jim Robinson
03-22-2009, 03:54 PM
My low end is around 12. I think the most I've put in was 24. It's usually about 15 or so.
It can get redundant at times, so I try to pick out the more important items for the report.
Erby Crofutt
03-22-2009, 04:09 PM
Well Nick,
That's why I switched from the old Palm-Tech to HomeGauge.
The old Palm-Tech had a report file and a photo album. I had to keep writing about the defect and captioning the photos in the photo album.
HomeGuage just lets me slide the picture in next to the comment and resizes the photo automatically no matter what resolution I took the picture at, which keeps the file size down whether I print to PDF and deliver or upload to HomeGauge.
Of course, I understand that Palm-Tech has since switched to a smiliar method.
Billy Stephens
03-22-2009, 04:41 PM
I still provide the entire picture file in a separate zip file for my client
What is the average number of pics some of you put in your reports?
Hi Nick,
15 seems to be an average number of pictures inserted in The report.
I take a lot of pictures ( no voice recorder) solely for my own use. I use the pictures as the report is written as a visual aid to remind me of the issues I want to cover.
In no way do I send the Entire picture file to anyone ( as it could come back to bite me) as someones opinion of a photo could be Exhibit A. ;)
John Arnold
03-22-2009, 06:32 PM
I never counted, but I think 15 would be a reasonable average. I usually take a minimum of about 75 and maximum of nearly 200, but most of those are just general photos to remind me of the property when I'm writing the report, and I do not give them all to the client.
And I'll use this thread as an excuse to post a photo from a recent inspection. Why, oh why, would someone have a large fluorescent fixture in the middle of a crawlspace?! I can't imagine!
Billy Stephens
03-22-2009, 06:42 PM
Why, oh why, would someone have a large fluorescent fixture in the middle of a crawlspace?!
I can't imagine!
It was Dark Under There? :D
*Your Honor
Nick Ostrowski
03-22-2009, 07:00 PM
I never counted, but I think 15 would be a reasonable average. I usually take a minimum of about 75 and maximum of nearly 200, but most of those are just general photos to remind me of the property when I'm writing the report, and I do not give them all to the client.
And I'll use this thread as an excuse to post a photo from a recent inspection. Why, oh why, would someone have a large fluorescent fixture in the middle of a crawlspace?! I can't imagine!
John Arnold
03-22-2009, 07:03 PM
The seller lived there since the late '60s. Need I say more? Groovy, man.
Ted Menelly
03-22-2009, 07:11 PM
The seller lived there since the late '60s. Need I say more? Groovy, man.
Come on x hippie you know it is far out
Matt Fellman
03-22-2009, 08:44 PM
I'd say 12-15 is a good average but there's a lot of variation. I've had reports with none (or, just the one on the front page) and it's not uncommon to have 40 or 50.
I never worry about having too many or too few. If there's little or nothing wrong there's no need to put pictures in. If there's lots wrong there's no reason to hold back.
David Nice
03-22-2009, 10:03 PM
I use as many pictures ! need to show defects in my reports and take many more to keep on file in the event of a future complaints or other issues. The number in a report coud be anywhere from none to 50, but an average might be 10-20.
I wouldn't hesitate to take a lot of pitures. Sometimes they help speed up the inspection by allowing me to identify some details from the images after leaving the site and they can be used later to confirm that something was properly identified at the time of the inspection.
I have heard plenty of horror stories from inspectors getting blamed for things that didn't even exist at the time of the inspection. Having a picture on file proving that sure could save the day, a ton of money and perhaps even your reputation.
Richard Thacker
03-22-2009, 10:13 PM
On an average home in good condition +/- 7 photos is not unusual, however I just performed a pre-settlement inspection on a new construction and I had 48 photos. Now some were for his benefit of documentation to the builder, but the detail work was an absolute mess. The furnace whistled loudly at the return. The vinyl siding was installed with a nail gun. The tan siding was very poorly caulked with white caulk. The bath rough in in the basement was unusable since a sump pit was installed in front of the toilet placement (don't ask me why). The steel beams were missing the bolts and connector plates above the columns or they were only finger tightened. There was a 17 degree temperature differential from the first floor and the second when the thermostat was set at 72 degrees. Several area of the siding was cracked. Holes were left in the siding from relocating the meter can. The dryer vented onto the front porch near the front entry door. I pulled the suplemental ground rod (rebar) out of the slab with my hands. Roof looked like it was installed by Ray Charles and the trim and caulking by Michael J Fox. And so on it went.
I overstepped my bounds as a HI and informed my young client that he will never have a grip on the builders jewels any tighter than he has them now. So I suggested he twist them a little.
Not that I am bias, but I hate this builders.:cool:
Denny L West
03-23-2009, 05:39 AM
I take alot of photos but not all are in a report . some times I can get up to 250 photos of a home . I only install the ones I need to point out defects . some times I may have 30 total for a report . then again depends on the home and how much defects are found . the remaining photos are put on a C/D along with an extra copy of the report . that I give to the client. again depends on what you want to offer your clients. I have some inspectors tell me keep your reports light agents dont like a lot of photos . My explanation is I dont work for the Agent I work for the client and so far no complaints . Its really up to you . My reports have my own touch to them and that makes them one of a kind .
Roger Hankey
03-23-2009, 06:47 AM
Before you struggle with how many photos to include, I think would be useful to decide what PURPOSE those photos serve. I take LOTS of photos, but often include only a few, or none in the report (which is typically delivered onsite). The primary purpose of my photos is to document the conditions I found and protect ME in the case of a dispute. A secondary purpose is to aid the client in case someone says the condition is not adverse and not a concern.
I do include numerous drawings in my report, typically from Illustrated Home by Carson-Dunlop (Dearborn) showing typical corrections for various conditions.
Occasionally, I will send out a revised report with photos. These cases are where something is unusual and difficult to understand.
I believe that if the client is present for the inspection, they will see the condition, and that if they proceed with the purchase, the condition is likely to be present when they move in, so there is little need for them to have the photo. I am quite fussy about cropping and resizing photos, so it takes me extra time to get them into the report. That is why I typically don't include them in the onsite delivered report.
The key thing with photos is to be sure you review them all before issuing the report. The camera sees things that we can overlook. Reviewing the photos before issuing the report is a very useful protection against oversights.
Best wishes.
Clint White
03-23-2009, 06:56 AM
A picture is worth a thousand words...or thousands of dollars.....
IMO...the more documentation you have of the property and its condition the better. I try to include a photo for every noteworthy defect. And yes I label them to. I no longer provide on site reports, but I now allow 24-48 hours for delivery. It gives me time to refine and perfect and in some cases, see things in the photos I missed at the inspection.
I also include a photo summary of the interior and exterior at the end of each section. Why? Because it is much easier to explain why something might have been missed if it was covered up during the inspection....
Jack Feldmann
03-23-2009, 10:20 AM
I probab;y average 25 photos in a normal house. Where they are over 75 years old, the number may increase to double that.
My report software allows me to include up to 8 photos per item called out. The house I did on Saturday had 101 photos. Some I take just for locations of things like gas meter, water shut off and such. But mostly it's of defects only.
It is very important to pay attention to what is in the photo. There may be something in the background that can come back and bite you. However, that is not a reason to NOT have photos, it's a reason to be a more diligent inspector.
Scott Patterson
03-23-2009, 02:01 PM
I only insert a photo of a item that I can not describe, folks just won't belive me, I want to make a point and if I need to support my finding.
I don't include any glamor shots of the front, rear or sides of the home. I don't take pictures of an electrical panel just to prove I took the cover off, etc, etc.
I would say that my average report will have 4-6 pictures in it. I might take 30 to 50 pictures, but they do not end up in the report.
When I do a specialized inspection, like an EIFS inspection; I might have 30-50 pictures in the report.
Denny L West
03-23-2009, 03:35 PM
I know here in Ohio photos are what people want . I cant do a report with out telling some one with a photo what a gfc looks like , or what is the pressure relife valve looks like even when I walk them through they want photos to show them when they have the report . cause some items people like to repair them selves and the photos come in handy. also they can use the photos to compare to when repairs are made . I just cant get much out a no photo report . I include photos of the home front and rear cause I install it on the front cover of the report for identification. and besides some real estate agents dont know a whole lot and it helps them to see what I am talking about . it seems they have to have proof . alot of times I find things that they dont see and they just want the proof . I even had a agent go back to a home just to verify what I found . around here we have no trust. some people seem to think if you dont have 15 or 20 years experience doing something. then you arent qualified . That why agents sell homes I just Inspect them .
Robert Olson
03-23-2009, 05:13 PM
Got to agree with Clint, more is better. If you copy to a disc and reference them by number, people will actually see what you are describing. In some cases that I have had to consult on, juries are more times than not selected because they don't know jack about construction or the effects of bad construction - they generally see the end of an accident or the result from using the wrong fasteners on trusses or what have you. Besides when you can't crawl all around under a structure, sticking your arm in a hole with a camera, using shows you whats in there. In Texas an inspector doesn't have to crawl under a deck unless there's 18" of clearance but if you lay down next to the deck and simply snap pictures you can see a whole multitude of mistakes that could be dangerous. Use the camera.
Bruce Ramsey
03-23-2009, 06:07 PM
I usually take 80-100 photos. About 15-20 show up in the report. Clients do not get all the photos. I took 161 photos at today's 3500 sq ft, 22 yr old house.
I take photos of every defect. I take photos for documentation purposes. I use photos as my only source of note taking.
My photos are as close up to the defect as possible. Usually there is nothing in the frame other than the specific defect. That limits the possibility of something I might have missed acidentally showing up in a photo.
The state licenseing boards most recent training emphasised writing technique and said a photo of a defect did not qualify to meet reporting writing requirements. The defect had to be written about in the report. Photos are allowed but don't count.
I include circles and arrows to further highlight the defect. Very John Madden.
Clint White
03-23-2009, 08:44 PM
One more thing,
Let us not forget who it is we "take pictures" for. Our clients. And for the most part our clients are average , regular, everyday folks who know little to nothing about construction methods, other than what they have seen on "Ask This Old House" :)
It is my job to convey to my client what I find in a manner that is understandable to them and those involved in the real estate transaction. I pride myself on being able to accomplish this through the use of photography, pretty red arrows, and balloon style call outs with "common language" descriptions of the deficiancies I find.
I think sometimes we (including myself) are guilty of spending more time covering our ASSets with legal speak and code talk than we do educating our clients. We are in essence teachers, our reports are the chalk board, and the home we inspect is just a 3 hour field trip with no potty breaks.
Ok, I'm done with my "soap box"....does anyone else want to use it? If not please don't leave it laying in the middle of the room because it presents a trip or safety hazard that if not removed may ....blah....blah....blah.....:)
Denny L West
03-24-2009, 05:11 AM
Thanks Clint You took the words right out of my mouth well said & understood . Photos Guys with arrows and circles and a meaning with every one . My clients like my reports because There is no doubts when I say couldnt access due to obstructions or unsafe passage ,( when theres 4 in water and a electric cable mixed to gether .) Or raw sewage right at the crawlspace enterance . There have been several times that all i could get of the crawl space was through a vents out side stuck my hand in with camera and began shooting do a 180 at all the vents and wella lots of photos and a condtion report. Or a time when I got one arm in the access and did a 360 with the camera . got the photos I needed went back did a zoom in several areas and got the main photo I needed . why did i go through all the trouble . The client paid me 300 to give them the best condition report possible and I work for the client .they were happy got neogoiate a deal . and they bought the home .:) :)
Michael Thomas
03-24-2009, 06:46 AM
I've never counted, but my guess would be somewhere around 75 or 80 photographs are taken on average, with around 30 of those being full resolution photos I take as a matter of routine, for example I always take a picture of electrical boxes in situ, a picture with the panel door open and the dead front on, and the picture of the panel interior (or more than one, if necessary to depict the entire interior). I also take similar pictures of all HVAC equipment and water heaters, as well as 360 degree views views of attics and crawl spaces, and pictures depicting the entire exterior from grade to ridge.
These pictures generally don't make it into the report, they are usually for my reference only. I often find them useful to view when writing the report, I sometimes note additional details that I did not observe the time of inspection, and in my opinion this technique ends up decreasing rather than increasing my liability: my goal is to observe and report report accurately enough so that I don't end up in court in the first place (hasn't happened yet), and if I do, and someone finds something I missed present a photo, so be it - I'm in court anyway.
Of the remaining photos somewhere between 10 and 20 will likely make it into the report, if I took a picture intending to place it in the report there was a reason - usually to document a detail requiring correction, or to illustrate some point it is more easily made visually and verbally or in written form. The picture however - as someone else notes above - is never a substitute for written description.
The remaining photos are taken to help me remember what I observed, for example a section of electrical panel with multiple defects that I don't want to bother to document individually into the voice recorder at the time of inspection.
I use an extensively customized version of Homeguage set up in such a way that I can optionally place an item in both the report body and the report summary (which serves as a sort of punchlist for the client), photos appear in the body only, and are cross-referenced by section and item number so that someone reading the summary can easily flip back and forth to the pictures, diagrams and other supplemental material in the report body - in effect I'm producing two reports, one which typically runs 3 to 5 pages, and one which may run 35 or 40 pages including all the supporting detail.
George Potter
03-24-2009, 06:55 AM
I take a lot of photos, too, (150?) but only a handful get in to the report. At the end of the inspection, I sit down with the client and put on a slide show of the whole set, explaining that this one is an issue, that one is only cosmetic, here's something you need to be aware of and that one looks bad, but it's ok, etc., etc.
Later that day, they can access all the photos on my website for further review. After a couple of months, I take them off. This way, I have some control of the content. Put them on a CD and they are there forever for Monday morning quarterback lawyers to see how much money they can squeeze out of them.
As an aside, someone up the thread said he "hates builders". Over time, my disdain for real estate agents keeps growing. In the lower quintile of the respect stratum, it used to be RE Agents, insurance salesmen, snake oil con artists, mass murders, politicians, pedophiles, pond scum, and at the bottom, lawyers. Agents seem hell bent on competing with the lawyers for this position. This unexpected collateral damage is the result of lies I hear from them, on "You're my guy", and "Your on my referral list", and such. Any suggestions on getting my mind right about this stuff?
Nick Ostrowski
03-24-2009, 07:53 AM
"You're my guy", and "Your on my referral list", and such.
How about "I'm putting my team together and would like to use your company".
Eric Barker
03-29-2009, 06:24 PM
If I averaged it out I'd say 3-4. The most would be 20. I figure that the more I'm looking through a viewfinder the less I'm looking at the house. Call me old fashion.
Ted Menelly
03-29-2009, 06:42 PM
Re: How Many Pictures In Your Reports?
Yesterday afternoons inspection and then the report last night and this afternoon.......Hundreds of pics.
Almost the whole report was pictures. Only enough words to supply the jist of the pics. It is what was asked for. Of course covering my butt with enough words.
Rick Hurst
03-29-2009, 07:08 PM
I had the pleasure of sitting through a HI on a home my son was selling and he needed someone their to open the house up and sit there till the inspection was done. Seller is out of state and they wanted someone at the home while any inspections was being done.
My son and his wife just had a new baby born (my 2nd. grandson within 3 months) so I told him I sit in on the house for him.
The other HI did not know I was an inspector or did the buyers. Not my place to get involved so I mentioned nothing.
What was interesting was this inspector took out the camera card and placed it in one of those electronic picture frames and as he was explaining the condition of the house, it used a small remote to show the picture frames and explain the picture. He told his clients he does this instead of placing pictures on the report and if they ever needed the pictures, he could burn them into a disc for them.
Thought it was a different approach.
PS, he didn't mention the water stain on the ceiling over the fireplace or 2 fogged windows in the breakfast room.;) But I kept my mouth shut.:D
Richard Rushing
03-29-2009, 07:41 PM
I just finished a 6300 sq ft home in Colleyville. 3x 200 amp ele panels, 6 a/c units, 6 heating units, a gym, pool. spa, sauna, 3000 bottle wine cellar (air conditoned), media roof the size of most apartments, composition and copper roof (turret), electronic gating, 6 car garages, sprinkler system, etc...
Thsi bugger was an all day affair. I took 145 photos. Only 29 made it to the report.
Rick Hurst
03-29-2009, 09:01 PM
It wasn't this house by chance was it? Priced at only 3mil.
Rick Hurst
03-29-2009, 09:04 PM
Or this one by chance?
Denny L West
03-30-2009, 03:21 AM
Rick May be not telling the man what you did for a lving Iwould have at least pointed out the things he missed and made him feel a little uneasy .
Rick Hurst
03-30-2009, 07:15 AM
He was sent a email by my son prior to the HI issuing the report. I'm sure he'll mention those items on the report.;)
Richard Rushing
03-30-2009, 05:01 PM
No Rick, but verrrrry similar.
Joseph Melbourne
04-24-2009, 12:43 PM
I just started usig a computer generated inspection report. Reaction from a real estate agent was that my 31 page report (included pictures) was too long a report. She wanted me to reduce to 5 or 6 pgs "like every one else's". Of course I did not reduce quantity of pages. SOOO, my question: how long or # of pages are other reports ? Am I punching to many boxes on these computer generated reports ?? Maybe I should eliminate a lot of the items that are OKAY OR ACCEPTABLE ? Thanks for input
Denny L West
04-24-2009, 12:56 PM
JOSEPH : how does your clients feel . The Idea of the report is to inform your client. of the true condition Of the home or property. My reports are usually 25 to 30 pages depending on what Is found . the norm 28 including the repair or defects pages . My clients love my reports . cause they know by looking at the report that I have coverd everything . Ialso give my clients a C/D with the report and all the photos taken during the inspection . Dont leave anything out when you take somthing out of the report that doesnt have a defect the question would be ( is the plumbing ok what about the bath room shower . Joe your reports are what makes you as an inspector. next time and agent says condense the report . ask him or her whos running your company and who is paying for the report. Here is my E mail add send me youre email address and I will send you a sample copy of my report maybe this will help . as I said my clients love my reports complete and in detail . God Bless Have a great Journey. Denny L West
Ted Menelly
04-24-2009, 01:07 PM
I just started usig a computer generated inspection report. Reaction from a real estate agent was that my 31 page report (included pictures) was too long a report. She wanted me to reduce to 5 or 6 pgs "like every one else's". Of course I did not reduce quantity of pages. SOOO, my question: how long or # of pages are other reports ? Am I punching to many boxes on these computer generated reports ?? Maybe I should eliminate a lot of the items that are OKAY OR ACCEPTABLE ? Thanks for input
Well, one picture per item of concern should not have increased your report by 10s of pages. Imbedding pictures is one thing Sending a photo album is quite another.
If it is OK and acceptable, other than maybe a quick note, why are they in there. What you have to mention by standards. What you have to mention by items of true concern. A few helpful notes and you are done. People only want to know what they are getting into as far as the outlay of funds in the near future or immediate future.
It is nice to eleborate on nitems but keep it brief and staight to the point. When dealing with pictures, add only what is necessary and as far as the rest of the mostly useless pics that you took for your notes.....Do they really need them at all??????
I have been working independently all my life and what I have found with the mass majority of client for new build, remodel or inspection is...Keep it simple stupid. The only impressing ypou have to do for your client s is to do a good job of inspecting. If you have a bunch of maintenance tips and all kinds of pretty pictures, send them in an email to your clients seperate from the report that is minimul, simple, added what needed to be added and to the point.
An over blown, overgrown, lengthly to the point of fruitless is not what your clients are looking for. They pick your report up, flip thru and scan the concerns that jump out in their face in some way as in maybe red letters for actual concerns with a picture attached and the rest of the "I have to comment on this crap" just in regular black, no picture add ons.
Your reports may be like this thread I am posting right now (done for an example)....WAY TO LONG....NEEDED TO BE FEWER MORE DIRECT WORDS AND NEEDED TO BE DIRECT AND TO THE POINT WITHOUT ALL THE ELABORATION.
If you take most of the useless crap out of most reports, most reports would be much less than 20 pages and that is with a good amount of pics.
Billy Stephens
04-24-2009, 01:23 PM
I just started usig a computer generated inspection report. Reaction from a real estate agent was that my 31 page report (included pictures) was too long a report. She wanted me to reduce to 5 or 6 pgs "like every one else's". Of course I did not reduce quantity of pages. SOOO, my question: how long or # of pages are other reports ? Am I punching to many boxes on these computer generated reports ?? Maybe I should eliminate a lot of the items that are OKAY OR ACCEPTABLE ? Thanks for input
Maybe her concern was the size of the file.
If you send full size meg pictures ( not re sized ) the file size can be too large for email and or the amount of space that is available in their mail box. ;)
Ted Menelly
04-24-2009, 01:23 PM
The master bath shower is looking really good and I did not find any concerns with it at this time. The master bath toilet is in good working order and flushes with a vengence useing only 1.6 gallons to do so and I particularly like the flush handle. It has such a nice smooth curve to it. The left master bath, sink, fixture, drain, trap cabinet, doors, drawers, swanky marble top with neat marble back splash really turns me on and I think you will enjoy it. The right master bath sink, on the other hand, really does not match the rest of the bath an is really rather boring and plain but does appear to funtion just wonderfully. Now, how about that jacuzzi tub, wow man, that thing is gonna make you tingle all over. Now you do know that eevn thow I inspected what I could see there are many items that I cannot see such as the plumbing behind those walls and under the concrete slab and lets mention the overhead pex running thru the attic that I cannot see at all because it is insulated properly but how abnout them joints that I cannot see. Npow lets discuss those joints for a minute or 2. etc etc etc etc etc etc Oh yeah lets throw three shots of each fixture in different lighting layouts. and blah blah blah
I think you might find it quite obvious what I was getting at. Mention every switch, fixture, screw holding all in place and every cabinet and drawer in every cabinet and every light etc etc etc
Absolutely not necessary.
Straight, to the point, few pics as possible to depict all concerns and you are done. Oh yeah, leave out the 2 paragraphs of disclaimers before every item mentioned. A disclaimer in the front or rear of the report should about cover all that bull. Maintenance items....give them a print out seperate from the report. They do not belong mixed into the report where folks are just trying to go thru it for the concerns.
Again. way to long and wordy. Keep it simple stupid. I do not mention every toilet sink, fixture etc etc etc and I never get asdked what about the fixture in the master bedroom ceiloing.....???? Is that working?????? Never happens unless I write something about it as a concern or need for a repair.
Denny L West
04-24-2009, 01:36 PM
Ted I dont mention every little item only what is defective and needs to be repaird or replaced . Thats why I put the majority in the defects and repair section . here in Ohio where Im from My clients love the reports and the way I put them together . Iguess its all up to the inspector and how he wants to build and do his reports . I like mine and thats what its all about . Joe Find out what will work for from your clients point of view if the agents want a short or smaller report send them the items of concern only . that should make them happy. or a seperate summary letter of the issues found .Remember You work for your Clients they can give you the best feed back . God Bless have a good day everybody .
Billy Stephens
04-24-2009, 01:47 PM
Joe Find out what will work for from your clients point of view if the agents want a short or
smaller report send them the items of concern only . .
Just the Summary.
Denny L West
04-24-2009, 03:44 PM
Yes there are few agents that dont want the complete report just the items that need repaired .sounds odd but it is requested from time to time the client how ever gets the complete package . most of my reports are sent Via then the client gets an email clicks on enters a pass code and has the report ready to down load . this saves alot of paper . everything I do is backed up on a cd and kept in File .I have a c/d of every home inspection I have done. including all photos taken . and I do believe that the client pays for the photos then they also desrve all thats taken. Good day Guys and gals have a wonderful weekend . got go spend quality time with the love of my life .
Bob Elliott
04-28-2009, 07:58 PM
On an average home I take up to 200 pictures and on an average Condo I take 100.
I use around 50% of what I take in the report.
I see no reason to conserve anything.
The bottom of my report has the summary and that is what refers to the more detailed stuff above it.
The left side of my report has the index so everything is easy to navigate through.
I use Home Inspector Pro and can download 200 pictures in less than one minute so the more detail to back up my observations the better.
Also included is Maintenance and tip section along with multiple pics of things like the fireplace so I can explain proper operation.
I am the opposite of the old timer checklist guys and that's why I get hired.
There are many first time buyers in my area that are starved for info and computer savy.
Nathan Thornberry
03-26-2012, 02:00 PM
I won't say a certain number of pictures is the "correct" amount, because it varies so much- but if you care about making money and that matters to you, out of the top 50 or so single location home inspection companies I deal with, the reports average between 10 and 20 pictures and rarely go over 30.
I totally get why some inspectors want to do 50 or 100 pictures, since many of us come from structural or mechanical backgrounds we sort of get into the mindset that we're delivering a "better" product because it has more support the same way a home is built better with a deeper foundation or with more insulation, but taking it in the context of a real estate transaction and what is involved in a typical home inspection response, I would say pictures are best used for items that require a better clarification as to the location or issues they're having. Taking a picture of a level on a floor that is settling does a great job of showing the problem in a way that people need to see it in order to understand- but taking a picture of a double tapped breaker is completely unnecessary because the location is known and the issue is simple. If it's something you feel impresses the client, fine, but it may be overkill.
Try it both ways and see which one works best!
P. Nathan Thornberry (
Residential Warranty Services ( (
Bob Elliott
03-26-2012, 02:10 PM
All clients really need is a 90 day home warranty,personal information being sold to an alarm company and appliances checked,right Nathan? :)
Reports should have little information as possible and few pictures because everyone not in this business knows exactly what a double tap looks like.
Just out of curiosity are Inspectors showing you clients reports?
Nathan Thornberry
03-26-2012, 02:20 PM
We receive around 300 inspection reports a week as part of the 90-Day Warranty claim process.
Oh, and to correct you, we no longer "sell" any information to an alarm company. We're handling the entire program now. It's been improved quite a bit but don't take it from me- I'll get you a reference home inspector.
Bob Elliott
03-26-2012, 02:38 PM
We receive around 300 inspection reports a week as part of the 90-Day Warranty claim process.
Oh, and to correct you, we no longer "sell" any information to an alarm company. We're handling the entire program now. It's been improved quite a bit but don't take it from me- I'll get you a reference home inspector.
That is OK Nathan however since you are not an Inspector nor know which style is better other than assuming the majority "means the best" the comment on 20-30 pictures being better is not based on anything substantial.
That is my only point at this time.
Nathan Thornberry
03-26-2012, 02:47 PM
Oh- it's a credibility thing. Okay, well as marketing director and as a manager at a little inspection company here in Indiana, I oversaw 15 full-time home inspectors, programmed the filemaker-based inspection report, typed up reports, handled complaints, and increased our sales to nearly 7,000 Inspections per year. All of which had a minimum of 6 pictures, maximum 30 (all we had room for in the software), averaged around 12-14 and they came in on a Sony Mavica 3.5" when we started doing it because we were one of the first and modern digital media didn't exist.
But that was very narrow experience compared to working with thousands of inspectors nationwide, but if you discount it that much I understand.
Bob Elliott
03-26-2012, 03:12 PM
How many Inspections or reports have done so far yourself though?
Your picture looks very young.
Sorry if I am grilling you however am in total disagreement with your opinion feel this is a subject for inspectors rather than vendors.
We might as well ask Agents also IMO...They love short reports by the way.:)
Nathan Thornberry
03-26-2012, 04:00 PM
Conservatively I would estimate I've prepared around 2500 reports. I think the bigger thing I have to offer to the thread is that the only difference between 20 pictures and 200 pictures is profitability- we've seen no difference in the overall customer satisfaction or number of claims, the only difference has been that the 20 picture inspector seems to do a whole lot more Inspections. I'm still not saying it's necessarily the "correct" way- I know a lot of inspectors that load their reports with pictures and they do a fine job and their clients seem happy about it.
And no offense taken, you can grill me any time you want! Your opinions are great, they're certainly educated, I wouldn't respond if I thought little of you.
I'm older than I look by the way, thanks for that. I actually thought about coloring my hair the other day because my 9 year old commented on all the grays.
Nick Ostrowski
03-26-2012, 04:00 PM
This thread was nearly 3 years old before being unearthed today. Since I started it, I can update it with my own picture taking protocol and what I include in the report. The minimum number of pics I include in the report is 12 and the maximum is 30. I try to limit them to defects that are of items the buyer cannot see or would not be able to easily access (ie - the roof, crawlspace, etc) and items that are of a high dollar figure to repair or replace. I don't include general pics of the roof or rooms in the house but take many like this just for documentation purposes. The PDF converter I use is great and keeps a report with 30 pics at 1 MB with no degradation in the picture quality.
Ted Menelly
03-26-2012, 04:02 PM
Now I am curious about the inspector doing about 9 inspections every week for every 52 weeks of the year at 15 inspectors all doing at least that and totaling 7000 inspections a year.
Saturday afternoons inspection, 40 pictures and all needed.
By the way, I do not have a complaint department to handle complaint. I almost , well 99.999 percent of the time, get any complaints. Those I get on a very very rare occassion is for something foolish. I almost absolutely never get calls from my clients to clarify anything (realtors for that matter). I write a personal style report and befriend every client as if they were a member of the family.
I inspect everyone of those friends homes as if it were my brothers or mothers new home.
Nathan Thornberry
03-26-2012, 04:12 PM
Nick- you're the man! That is perfect and sounds like it's made your life easy. I'm happy for you.
Ted- inbox me and I'll not only give you the math but some tips on how we got there!
Ted Menelly
03-26-2012, 04:19 PM
This thread was nearly 3 years old before being unearthed today. Since I started it, I can update it with my own picture taking protocol and what I include in the report. The minimum number of pics I include in the report is 12 and the maximum is 30. I try to limit them to defects that are of items the buyer cannot see or would not be able to easily access (ie - the roof, crawlspace, etc) and items that are of a high dollar figure to repair or replace. I don't include general pics of the roof or rooms in the house but take many like this just for documentation purposes. The PDF converter I use is great and keeps a report with 30 pics at 1 MB with no degradation in the picture quality.
Why do you make the decision for your clients what they may consider high dollar repairs. Why do you not throw a pivture in of the crak you just wrote about.
I take pics in genral of the roof and throw the obverviews in just so the folks can actually see the roof and what is or is not going on up there. . Leaking faucet, pic, broken door knob, pic, anti tipping device missing or even there pic. I also explain in writing what the darn thing is instead of just writing thats it is missing and a sample pic of it if it is not there.
Bob Elliott
03-26-2012, 04:39 PM
Conservatively I would estimate I've prepared around 2500 reports. I think the bigger thing I have to offer to the thread is that the only difference between 20 pictures and 200 pictures is profitability- we've seen no difference in the overall customer satisfaction or number of claims, the only difference has been that the 20 picture inspector seems to do a whole lot more Inspections. I'm still not saying it's necessarily the "correct" way- I know a lot of inspectors that load their reports with pictures and they do a fine job and their clients seem happy about it.
And no offense taken, you can grill me any time you want! Your opinions are great, they're certainly educated, I wouldn't respond if I thought little of you.
I'm older than I look by the way, thanks for that. I actually thought about coloring my hair the other day because my 9 year old commented on all the grays.
OK ,you get extra credit for not wimping out on me
This subject has been explored over and over still have not checked the date of the original as my email notification drags me back.
Let me make this simple.
People should do what is best for their business model and local meaning a multi-inspector firm may be more streamlined thus less picture and more canned lingo in order to have a consistent product(report) output.It also follows that in some areas (not Chicago) thank goodness the Agents are providing a majority of referrals....follow me so far?
Any business "including" Home Inspectors that markets to clients wants to stand out in some way or/and have a specialty to give a client reason to call or they would simply go with who ever is cheapest....correct?
My business model is predicated on personal service,detail,and easy to understand reports that provide good visual representation in order for my clients to not just depend on Lawyers and Agents to decide what is an issue but actually empowers them to do this on their own.
Most of my clients are first time home-buyers that depend on me to be the independent voice looking out for them and not depending on a commission to help them.
Roughly 50% of my calls are people who got my name as the guy to call from a past client.
This means I work very hard for my money and go to bed at night feeling as if I did some good in the world.
It is that simple.
Nick Ostrowski
03-26-2012, 05:13 PM
Why do you make the decision for your clients what they may consider high dollar repairs. Why do you not throw a pivture in of the crak you just wrote about.
I take pics in genral of the roof and throw the obverviews in just so the folks can actually see the roof and what is or is not going on up there. . Leaking faucet, pic, broken door knob, pic, anti tipping device missing or even there pic. I also explain in writing what the darn thing is instead of just writing thats it is missing and a sample pic of it if it is not there.
Got another thorn in your paw Ted?
Thom Walker
03-26-2012, 09:16 PM
I don't have an average. Well, technically I do, but I don't have a "typical number" of pix. Some buildings require a lot; some don't. I find that my Clients like pictures and find them helpful. What I don't do is have any pictures on file that were not in the report. I've heard more than one attorney say that in a suit they stand a far greater chance of harming, than helping the Inspector.
Bob Elliott
03-26-2012, 09:28 PM
I don't have an average. Well, technically I do, but I don't have a "typical number" of pix. Some buildings require a lot; some don't. I find that my Clients like pictures and find them helpful. What I don't do is have any pictures on file that were not in the report. I've heard more than one attorney say that in a suit they stand a far greater chance of harming, than helping the Inspector.
Hi Thom,I find the opposite to be true as I take a picture of things put back where they were at the end of my inspection or do a video walkthrough.
A few times this practice has saved me from going to court as it proved I did not damage something .
The other end is it helps me to remember the layout if I wish.
I get calls from past clients that may have a question about some future improvement and it defiantly helps to have extras on file.
Picture only hurts you if you actually missed something.Don't miss something.:)
Always make sure to photograph the thermostat to show where it was and where I left it.
This is a great habit as film is free.:)
Stephen G
03-27-2012, 04:49 AM
I use Horizon reporting. It allows you a max of 100 pics to be placed into the report. I have maxed out twice. I also keep some select photos for my own benefit. I take pics of the high end expensive stuff ei: granite counter tops; new tub surrounds and hardwood/ceramic floors. when they call back saying its damaged and I missed it, I look into my file and say, sorry pics say otherwise.
The pics are my insurance policy against the buyer with remorse and looking to get some doh rey from me. :)
Bob Elliott
03-27-2012, 08:44 AM
I use Horizon reporting. It allows you a max of 100 pics to be placed into the report. I have maxed out twice. I also keep some select photos for my own benefit. I take pics of the high end expensive stuff ei: granite counter tops; new tub surrounds and hardwood/ceramic floors. when they call back saying its damaged and I missed it, I look into my file and say, sorry pics say otherwise.
The pics are my insurance policy against the buyer with remorse and looking to get some doh rey from me. :)
Used Horizon through 2007 but never knew the picture limit.
Must be due to them wanting to save server space and have room for all those illustrations they pop in.
That certainly would make larger unit building inspection difficult IMO.
Stopped using them when they jacked up prices and I found HIP.
In fairness you may need less pictures with the auto illustration additions that load up however.
Like the fact my original reports still are on their server.
Stephen G
03-27-2012, 03:56 PM
Illustrations are nice and I use them, however, if I have a pic of the defect its most certainly in the report. Remembering that I pointed it out during the insp will bring the client back when he see's far;)
Horizon only gauarantees its server storage for seven years. After that all bets are off...they may still have them. I am getting a Terabox for my own storage of reports.
Used Horizon through 2007 but never knew the picture limit.
Must be due to them wanting to save server space and have room for all those illustrations they pop in.
That certainly would make larger unit building inspection difficult IMO.
Stopped using them when they jacked up prices and I found HIP.
In fairness you may need less pictures with the auto illustration additions that load up however.
Like the fact my original reports still are on their server.
Bob Elliott
03-27-2012, 04:08 PM
I use aux hard drive and Carbonite.
is a big name so not worried about them going out of business with my files plus they have a great Android app that lets me see all my files from the phone.
Only $49 @year.
Stephen G
03-27-2012, 04:40 PM
'Carbonite ! isnt that what they got Han Solo frozen in....:p
I am not current on most (App) technology, so...I will look up Carbonite. what are you paying $47 a year for???
and finally Android is another Star Wars ref isnt it...just askin:D
I use aux hard drive and Carbonite.
is a big name so not worried about them going out of business with my files plus they have a great Android app that lets me see all my files from the phone.
Only $49 @year.
Bob Elliott
03-27-2012, 05:09 PM
Can you tell us what Terabox is as I had a tough time looking it up other than finding out it is cloud storage in Spain.
Gotta link?
Stephen G
03-27-2012, 05:19 PM
Terra box. Man I hope I heard my son correctly. Its an aux storage device and holds lots....Terra amounts. Sorry, I figured it exists as name brand. Will get back to you :o
Bob Elliott
03-27-2012, 05:38 PM
Terra box. Man I hope I heard my son correctly. Its an aux storage device and holds lots....Terra amounts. Sorry, I figured it exists as name brand. Will get back to you :o
OK you simply mean a aux hard drive which I also use but if you have a fire it will be destroyed along with your computer so having online backup is a good choice.
Your son was referring to Terabytes.Terabyte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
Basically 1,000 GB = 1 TB
Most good computers have about 350-500 GB storage on the Hard drive.
Stephen G
03-27-2012, 05:47 PM
Ok, chuckles all around. He was saying byte. You older insps must need some large storage. Thankfully my reports are good for at least 7 years.;)
Going to think on my fire plan for my stuff now that you bring it up..tks. My computer wouldn't make your list of "good" computers.
Bob Elliott
03-27-2012, 06:13 PM
Ok, chuckles all around. He was saying byte. You older insps must need some large storage. Thankfully my reports are good for at least 7 years.;)
Going to think on my fire plan for my stuff now that you bring it up..tks. My computer wouldn't make your list of "good" computers.
You older Inspectors? (I'M 29)...again.
Get the Carbonite if losing the computer files would be a hardship like in important PDF's and other information you store to back up what you report on.
Many use the computer for bookkeeping also so it is a very important appliance in many homes today.
Carbonite will let you restore everything should all get lost.
The phone app is a bonus.
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