View Full Version : Soup Kitchen

Rick Hurst
03-31-2009, 10:12 AM
First Lady Michelle Obama (http://ssomail.charter.net/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Ftopics.latimes.com %252Fpolitics%252Fpeople%252Fmichelle-obama) showed up Thursday as a surprise and welcome volunteer at Miriam's Kitchen, a soup kitchen for homeless poor people not far from the White House.

Can’t afford to buy food - not when you have to pay for the new cell phone with camera...looks like the Blackberry Pearl!

Maybe we can start a charity which donates unused minutes to the homeless and poor...or maybe even earmark some "stimulus" dollars for cell phones for the homeless who don't already have a Blackberry!

Michael Thomas
03-31-2009, 10:56 AM
If you are unemployed/homeless a cell phone is one of the last things you want to give up, without a working phone number it's almost impossible get a job, and if you are out on the street a phone is a vital link in case of assault or medical emergency.


Sure, a certain number of people in that line are likely parasites of various sorts.

But in my area at least many of the "clients" at "soup kitchens" are employed, but in jobs that don't allow them to fee a family even when they are receiving food stamps


I've been poor in America, and IMO it's one of the hardest jobs there is if you are trying not to be - try to job hunt - or keep a job - if you have to show up three mornings in a row at the dental clinic with a toothache before they are able to see you.

In this economy you can go down fast, and keep going - I know competent, honest people in lines of work as different as IT and construction who have been out of work for months without even begin able to get a single interview for jobs with dozens or even hundreds of applicants - hell, I've got a friend with a PhD living rent free above my garage at the moment, and it's not because he's not looking for work.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
03-31-2009, 01:11 PM
We (local charity group) collect old working cell phones and distribute them to the homeless, poor with homes, and elderly - with no service contract - they still work to reach 911. :) The newer ones work to track the exact location of the caller. Camera features around for a while - lots of them have it.

The cell stores provide clean cards and get a write off - win/win.

These days not uncommon to use a cell instead of a land-line even if you have a homeplace. With the right plan (incoming free) can be cost effective, if you get a donated, gently used, or refurbished phone even better.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
03-31-2009, 01:15 PM
P.S. we also supply the battered women's shelters with them.

BTW, looks like a nokia camera mode screen to me - 3 yrs old+.

David Wood
03-31-2009, 01:52 PM
They were interviewing a homeless women on the news the other night and asked her if she could have one thing to help get her out of her situation, what would it be.

Her answer: A telephone.

Ted Menelly
03-31-2009, 04:52 PM
Ok, forget the phone. I am looking at the Secret Service guy behind her. The thoughts going thru his mind.

Is it gonna blow up.

Does it shoot projectiles

Is it a bomb

Probably about five others in there all conversing ready to pounce