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View Full Version : Blocked From Active Rain?

Bruce Breedlove
05-27-2007, 10:19 PM
It looks like I have been blocked from posting on Acid Rain -- errr, Active Rain. Whenever I try to post a comment I get an error message telling me I must type a comment before posting. I'm not sure why I am getting this error message as I have typed my comment in the box and properly typed in the variable word below. I have also tried to post comments from a computer at my library and was unable to do so under the name I used to post my first -- and only -- comment on the site.

The only thing I can figure is that I have been blocked for pointing out that the Emporer has no clothes. On the Acid Rain site the Realtors spend their time bashing home inspectors and many of the home inspectors lick the boots of the Realtors. (It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode with Billy Mumy where a kid (Mumy) had incredible powers. Everyone in town would comment about how good it was that he had done this or that destructive deed lest they get changed into something terrible for offending the kid.)

My offense on Acid Rain was to utter the contrarian opinion that in my job as a home inspector I do not go out of my way not to kill a deal. Oh, well. I didn't fit in there anyway.

Jerry Peck
05-28-2007, 06:43 AM
Ummm, Bruce, it's not called "Acid Rain". :D

They should have called it 'The Rain Maker', but that was already taken.

John Arnold
05-28-2007, 07:06 AM
J.P., dude, Bruce knows it's not Acid Rain.

Bruce wrote: "It looks like I have been blocked from posting on Acid Rain -- errr, Active Rain."

Deleted Account
05-28-2007, 08:41 AM
Acid Rain :)

Jerry Peck
05-28-2007, 09:46 AM
J.P., dude, Bruce knows it's not Acid Rain.

Bruce wrote: "It looks like I have been blocked from posting on Acid Rain -- errr, Active Rain."

Hey man, The Dude's (Bruce) up and all is right, but, when he posted 'acidic comments' :) regarding real estate agents bad mouthing home inspectors, the 'establishment' (for Joe B. :rolleyes: ) steps up and says 'No more acidic comments directed toward us', the "Active" part became "Acid".

Far out man - the 'establishment' is on the run after The Dude.

Way to go man!

John Arnold
05-28-2007, 09:58 AM

Deleted Account
05-28-2007, 10:05 AM
Hey man, The Dude's (Bruce) up and all is right, but, when he posted 'acidic comments' :) regarding real estate agents bad mouthing home inspectors, the 'establishment' (for Joe B. :rolleyes: ) steps up and says 'No more acidic comments directed toward us', the "Active" part became "Acid".

Far out man - the 'establishment' is on the run after The Dude.

Way to go man!

Jerry, you been out picking purple mushrooms... Again! :)

Bruce Breedlove
05-28-2007, 05:33 PM
I'll have what Jerry's drinking.

Charles Sessums
05-28-2007, 06:40 PM
It's the brownies not his drink

Bruce Breedlove
05-28-2007, 08:06 PM
He seemed to be upset about the word "acid". Hmmmmmm. You know, dude, I wonder . . .


Charles Sessums
05-28-2007, 08:49 PM
Microdot, space invaders you may be on to something. I hear Jerry was a Hendrix fan!

Charles Sessums
05-28-2007, 08:50 PM
Hey, It must be the shroon tea!