View Full Version : Heatilator Clearances to Carpeting

Rick Hurst
04-08-2009, 05:57 AM
Someone know what clearnaces if any is needed on a Heatilator gas appliance to the floor carpeting?


Jerry Peck
04-08-2009, 06:08 AM

This ( http://www.heatilator.com/downloads/installManuals/4042_575.pdf ) may or may not be the same one you saw, but it is a Heatilator installation instructions which *may* work as a guide.

Page 18, Figure 5.2 Clearances to Combustibles, top let drawing:
"Combustible flooring may be installed next to the front of the appliance."

Rick Hurst
04-08-2009, 06:35 AM
Thanks Jerry.

The manufacture label / tag had been removed from this particular Heatilator so I could not determine the model.

Got that written up, but wasn't 100% on the carpeting clearance.


Jerry Peck
04-08-2009, 06:40 AM
The manufacture label / tag had been removed from this particular Heatilator so I could not determine the model.

Got that written up, but wasn't 100% on the carpeting clearance.


Without that label stating what make and model it is, the answer to the carpeting is "Needs to have the required non-combustible hearth in front of the fireplace, unless not required by the manufacturer for this model fireplace."

That puts you on record as saying the 'non-combustible hearth in front of is required ... unless you can prove otherwise'. ;)

Then let them "prove otherwise". :cool:

Bob Harper
04-08-2009, 04:57 PM
Rick, without a rating plate, you have a case for recommending that fireplace be replaced. What if it was torn out of another house for some defect, thrown in a dumpster then re-installed here. I've seen this more than once. Why was the rating plate removed? I'd put the burden on the seller to disclose when and where it was purchased from and installed by. Otherwise, without that info. you cannot ascertain the clearances for sure, BTU rating, etc. The mfr. would NOT honor any warranty.
Those rating stickers don't come off easy. There had to be a good reason and it wouldn't be something approved or positive.

FYI, MOST (but not all) gas direct vent fireplaces do not require floor protection. The ones to worry most about are the newer clean faced units with high BTU inputs and no convective chamber. Often, they do require at least noncombustible floor protection. That's why we live and breathe by those listed instructions because they do vary from model to model even within the same mfr.