View Full Version : Looking to replace inspectvue with something else..
Marc M
05-26-2009, 07:56 AM
I am looking for a new "narritive" style program to replace my inspectvue also. I do like the layout of the inspectvue software. Anyone know of a program that is similar to them?? Oh yea, the company tech support has to be reliable also.
Ted Menelly
05-26-2009, 12:34 PM
Home (
Customer service. Cannot beat it.
Phil Houck
12-22-2011, 05:10 PM
I've tried some others but I have not found any that produce a report as nice as Inspectvue. And I believe a nice report gives you the edge to get referrals especially if your compitition is "check list Charley." We all like those referrals. If an inspector will take the time to set up the narritives, and learn to type, reports get done fairly fast.
Yes, sometimes it's a pain in the a#*. Sometimes I think I'll loose my religion when error messages keep popping up.... But I haven't found better.
Mike Inspector
12-22-2011, 08:52 PM
Check out 3D. It can migrate your info from Inspectvue.
With 3D you can use it on a desktop, laptop, pocket PC, Win 7 phone and any Android device running 2.1 or higher with a camera
Bob Elliott
12-22-2011, 10:39 PM
I suggest Home Inspector Pro.
Know for a fact many 3D and InspectVue users have jumped on board .
Here is from a new email flyer he just sent out.
I was just sent a beta for the Android version.
Inspection Software Holiday Sale!
Home Inspector Pro 3 Now Only $449
(Save $150)!
Using 3D or InspectVue? Switch to Home Inspector Pro and convert your narratives!
Runs on Mac & Windows (Android & iPhone coming soon)!
By the way there is no better tech support than Dom's as he never sleeps.
Dominic Maricic
12-22-2011, 10:53 PM
[QUOTE=Bob Elliott;185835
By the way there is no better tech support than Dom's as he never sleeps.[/QUOTE]
How could I sleep with you messaging me at 3am ;)
Thanks though ;) Like Bob said, Home Inspector Pro (HIP) will import InspectVue's library. Just ask Marc (the original poster of this thread) what he thinks.
Marc M
12-22-2011, 10:56 PM
Yea..., just ask me.:D
Bob Elliott
12-28-2011, 09:35 PM
I have a template that replaces every program out there, my reporting takes 15 minutes, 20 tops...
A template is not a software and you left that part out.
Excel checkbox lists do not count by the way.:)
Just kidding as your report is not bad though lacks detail or narratives for my personal taste .
Is this Ben ,as your name is nowhere to be found here or on your site?
Hate talking to a corp.
Marc M
12-28-2011, 09:39 PM
I have a template that replaces every program out there, my reporting takes 15 minutes, 20 tops... Sunday inspection was 140 pages and took 8 hours. Maybe I can hire you to do my reports.
Dan Harris
12-28-2011, 09:42 PM
nobody said anything about excell dork!
Hi Ben.. Welcome to I N
a little spunky tonight ehh. :D
Bob Elliott
12-28-2011, 09:45 PM
Hi Ben.. Welcome to I N
a little spunky tonight ehh. :D
We have no idea who this is as he may be in grammar school for all we know.
Is this Ben as I see no name listed?
Dork back at you buddy...:)
Bob Elliott
12-28-2011, 09:57 PM
Why Yes Indeed Bobby O!!!! Outta the hospital for good!!!!
Excellent,glad to see you bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Marc M
12-28-2011, 10:29 PM
I am not the best however have completed 259 commercial buildings this year and 214 in 2010.. I have several templates in word I basically copy and edit at every one, add and delete, copy, and paste, however the basics here are what keep me slammed with clients in the "Big Leagues" E-Mail or Call me any time if you have any questions as well, simply right click on a photo and "change photo" as you go along... This is in word, save as a pdf when your done and send away... See attached... I have many more templates, what type of building are you up against? I have apartments, strip centers, warehouses, high rises, restaurants, you flippin name it I've done it... From San Francisco to Miami I have templates!!!! However if you live in Arizona, California, or Colorado, I may not give you the info heheheheheh....
Dude..., 6 posts in one night.... you may want to pace yourself...;)
Bob Elliott
12-28-2011, 10:30 PM
I am not the best however have completed 259 commercial buildings this year and 214 in 2010.. I have several templates in word I basically copy and edit at every one, add and delete, copy, and paste, however the basics here are what keep me slammed with clients in the "Big Leagues" E-Mail or Call me any time if you have any questions as well, simply right click on a photo and "change photo" as you go along... This is in word, save as a pdf when your done and send away... See attached... I have many more templates, what type of building are you up against? I have apartments, strip centers, warehouses, high rises, restaurants, you flippin name it I've done it... From San Francisco to Miami I have templates!!!! However if you live in Arizona, California, or Colorado, I may not give you the info heheheheheh....
Yeah lots of guys simply make a basic template with everything loaded as perfect then change anything if it is an issue.
Too many variables in Chicago even in Similar construction.
Tim Spargo
12-29-2011, 12:23 PM
If I'm to assume what I think you're talking about Ben, that's excellent news!!!
Raymond Wand
12-29-2011, 12:42 PM
Okay, fess up Target.. Which one of these three are you?
Arizona Commercial Real Estate Inspectors, Building Inspections - Meet Our Staff (
Lisa Endza
01-01-2012, 08:04 PM
I am looking for a new "narritive" style program to replace my inspectvue also.Home Inspector Pro ( combined with these inspection narratives. (
Ted Menelly
01-01-2012, 08:11 PM
Okay, fess up Target.. Which one of these three are you?
Arizona Commercial Real Estate Inspectors, Building Inspections - Meet Our Staff (
Target has been removed completely
Dominic Maricic
01-01-2012, 08:30 PM
Home Inspector Pro ( combined with these inspection narratives. (
Great combination ;)
Darrel Hood
01-02-2012, 06:12 AM
I have tried a bunch of the reporting packages. I am still most satisfied with my Word document. I think the preference is largely due to the requirement to use the Texas TREC report format.
Ted Menelly
01-02-2012, 07:56 AM
I have tried a bunch of the reporting packages. I am still most satisfied with my Word document. I think the preference is largely due to the requirement to use the Texas TREC report format.
You would like Whisper. Extremely easy to use or seconds to create a report template. The age and or type of foundation could already be set up in a templet to insure you are covering your basics. They have the newest Texas requirements. It also takes 2 seconds to change what size all pictures are or drop them in at the same size and drag the corner to bliw up the pic.
As far as narratives. I type every report based on the particular home. No generic placemenr here
Todd Belverstone
01-02-2012, 09:54 AM
[QUOTE=Bob Elliott;185835]
I was just sent a beta for the Android version.
Inspection Software Holiday Sale!
Home Inspector Pro 3 Now Only $449
(Save $150)!
Is there somewhere to get a trial of the Android version? I just picked up a tablet and was out shopping for new software for it. I thought I'd stop by here first and see what was hot.
Oh, and Happy New Year to all!
Dominic Maricic
01-02-2012, 10:51 AM
[QUOTE=Bob Elliott;185835]
I was just sent a beta for the Android version.
Inspection Software Holiday Sale!
Home Inspector Pro 3 Now Only $449
(Save $150)!
Is there somewhere to get a trial of the Android version? I just picked up a tablet and was out shopping for new software for it. I thought I'd stop by here first and see what was hot.
Oh, and Happy New Year to all!
Todd, right now only Bob and a few others have a copy of it. We'll have a much larger release in a few days.
Todd Belverstone
01-02-2012, 11:28 AM
[QUOTE=Todd Belverstone;186457]
Todd, right now only Bob and a few others have a copy of it. We'll have a much larger release in a few days.
Sweet! I'll be looking for it.
mike huntzinger
01-02-2012, 12:33 PM
I have found ReportHost - The original and still the best home inspection software on the Internet ( a very good system,, can try out for free the first 10 reports, and they doo the upgrade, no upfront cost, , and works on tablits or iphone
Jack Feldmann
01-02-2012, 01:20 PM
While Report Host may be a good program (I have no idea), the cost seems pretty high.
Lee Taylor
07-24-2012, 08:24 AM
I have tried several programs including 3D and Inspectvue. I went with HomeGauge and satisfied with the versatility. Caveat, every program you use is going to have something you don't care for. The full version is more flexible than the trial, but you can get a good idea of how it works. Their support is very responsive, the only thing I have to keep in mind is they are on the East coast and I am in the PST time zone so if I want an immediate answer, I have to call early.
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