View Full Version : Manabloc install

John Arnold
06-08-2009, 01:31 PM
Completely ignored the manufacturer's instructions to clamp the tubing within 6 inches so it doesn't curve away from the connection.

A.D. Miller
06-08-2009, 01:51 PM
Completely ignored the manufacturer's instructions to clamp the tubing within 6 inches so it doesn't curve away from the connection.

JA: You mean, plumber's read instructions?:confused:

A.D. Miller
06-08-2009, 01:52 PM
Sorry for the extra "'"

John Arnold
06-08-2009, 02:05 PM
Sorry for the extra "'"

The Apostrophe Troll will get you.

Joshua Hardesty
06-08-2009, 05:04 PM
JA: You mean, plumber's read instructions?:confused:

For every poor job one of my plumbing brethren does, there's an equally poor home inspection done that lets it slide. ;)

Rick Cantrell
06-08-2009, 05:27 PM
" For every poor job one of my plumbing brethren does, there's an equally poor home inspection done that lets it slide. "

I am not usually critical of post I disagree with, BUT, that is about the dumbest argument I've heard.

What do you and your "brothers" do, take an oath to defend one another no mater how stupid of something one of you do?

Or is it?
I know that's not the way it should have been done, but if I had known that you were going to look at it, I would'nt have done it that way.

When you say "...lets it slide."
Don't you really mean, "did'nt catch me".

Jerry Peck
06-08-2009, 05:32 PM
For every poor job one of my plumbing brethren does, there's an equally poor home inspection done that lets it slide. ;)

I fully agree Joshua, there are bozos in every phase, trade, and discipline in construction, and not even limited to construction - it applies to everything in which humans participate in.

It is just a fact of life, or death if done that wrong. :eek:

Joshua Hardesty
06-08-2009, 08:15 PM
" For every poor job one of my plumbing brethren does, there's an equally poor home inspection done that lets it slide. "

I am not usually critical of post I disagree with, BUT, that is about the dumbest argument I've heard.

What do you and your "brothers" do, take an oath to defend one another no mater how stupid of something one of you do?

Or is it?
I know that's not the way it should have been done, but if I had known that you were going to look at it, I would'nt have done it that way.

When you say "...lets it slide."
Don't you really mean, "did'nt catch me".

Not at all, I pride myself on not slacking and trying to bend the code.

Am I perfect? No. Do I sometimes forget something, forget a strap here, forget a nailguard there, sure. Do inspectors occasionally miss something? Yes. I'm not talking about that.

There are things done so obviously wrong, that both the plumber should've known better and the inspector should've caught. Heaters not elevated, no expansion tanks, I don't know, I'm sure you could think of hundreds of things you've seen.

I had a code inspector come into a townhome I just roughed in. Two story. Crawlspace was tiny -- actually only about a foot from dirt to joist. Major pain in the butt to rough in, you had to be careful you didn't build yourself a PVC cage under that one.

Inspector comes in, looks around on the first floor, then signs it off. Doesn't even peek underneath, or upstairs. I could've just stubbed the pipes down through the floor, he never would've known.

Now, it pisses me off when I get a call to fix a job a plumber's done remarkably wrong, and/or grossly overcharged for.

It equally pisses me off when I do honest work, and the people that are supposed to care about such things, don't. I'm okay because I did the job to code. If he does a poor job on my work, the only thing damaged is my opinion of him. But what about a horribly shoddy job, that he does an equally shoddy job of looking over?

I know you're not all code inspectors in here. But I think it's alright to bring up that story since you both have a minimum instruction set to work from.

Anyways, point is...

I don't defend every plumber working out there. I do light-heartedly defend myself when I'm included in a blanket statement. :D

Gunnar Alquist
06-08-2009, 08:51 PM
The Apostrophe Troll will get you.

Actually, quotation marks would be beyond the scope of the apostrophe troll. ;)

John Arnold
06-09-2009, 03:18 AM
Actually, quotation marks would be beyond the scope of the apostrophe troll. ;)

Apostrophe Troll, you're falling down on the job! It's not quotation marks, it's the apostrophe he used in the word "plumber's"!

A.D. Miller
06-09-2009, 03:22 AM
Anyways, point is...

I don't defend every plumber working out there. I do light-heartedly defend myself when I'm included in a blanket statement.

JH: Actually the point is, that if I wanted to talk about you in particular, I would just dive right in. Blanket statements do not include you. Now, if you want a direct hit, just say so. Stop wearing your plumber's license on your sleeve. It could fall off in a scuffle.:D

A.D. Miller
06-09-2009, 03:25 AM
I fully agree Joshua, there are bozos in every phase, trade, and discipline in construction, and not even limited to construction - it applies to everything in which humans participate in.

It is just a fact of life, or death if done that wrong. :eek:

JP: Problem with that is that JH thinks there are the same number of bad plumbers as HIs. Since the wrench monkeys must outnumber the toilet flushers by a factor of at least 50, I would say his math, and yours, is off by that same factor.:D

Jerry Peck
06-09-2009, 06:07 AM
JP: Problem with that is that JH thinks there are the same number of bad plumbers as HIs. Since the wrench monkeys must outnumber the toilet flushers by a factor of at least 50, I would say his math, and yours, is off by that same factor.:D


I see your problem there, you are talking thinking we are talking in "numbers", instead we are talking in "percentages".

There are just as many bad plumbers (percentage-wise) as there are bad home inspectors (percentage-wise).

There are more plumbers, so ... :) ... the factor between the numbers does not matter. :p

A.D. Miller
06-09-2009, 09:15 AM

I see your problem there, you are talking thinking we are talking in "numbers", instead we are talking in "percentages".

There are just as many bad plumbers (percentage-wise) as there are bad home inspectors (percentage-wise).

There are more plumbers, so ... :) ... the factor between the numbers does not matter. :p

JP: Actually what the man said was this:

"For every poor job one of my plumbing brethren does, there's an equally poor home inspection done that lets it slide. ;)"

That, mine fine-pointed friend, has nothing to do with percentages. It is simply wrong.:eek: