View Full Version : Has this turned into a DIY forum now
MaMa Mount
06-10-2009, 07:48 PM
More and more homeowners are coming on here and asking for advice. This could be a downside for this board. :(
What do you think? I have always thought it should be limtied to Homeinspectors.
Jerry Peck
06-10-2009, 07:55 PM
More and more homeowners are coming on here and asking for advice. This could be a downside for this board. :(
What do you think? I have always thought it should be limtied to Homeinspectors.
Agree to an extent, however, this is a public board, free and open to all, and the only way to change that would be to either charge for using it (which would lead to its failure) or have Brian hire an Administrator to deactivate those accounts and posts, which could lead to the preceding and its failure.
The DIY posts are a result of the popularity of the board and all the posts which are picked up by the search engines ... be careful what you wish for ... it could come true. :eek:
MaMa Mount
06-10-2009, 08:19 PM
The reason Sir that more and more of these DIY type questions are showing up is simply cause that some of the DIY sites are now charging for that information. On one electrical site i visited to ask a question it asked me how much I was willing to pay for a answer from a licensed Electrician. Persons come on here and find a free site to ask away.
I wonder what the legal ramifications would be to a Homeinspector giveing a homeowner advice and then they are killed in doing the repair or burn their house down.
Answering these DIY yourself type questions i believe is going to cause problems. Its easier to spot them out cause they only have 1 or 2 posts to their names when asking a question.
Cannot understand why the homeinspectors on here wouldn't simply mnind having to pay a few buck for a membership. A simple fee would weed out a bunch of these DIY questions.
I've noticed that many of these people appear just to cheap to have a professional in the trade to do the work. This could be the reason all we see is crap in homes nowadays.
Wait till some news media sees how manyinspectors come on here and ask questions that homeinspectors should probably know before doing an inspection. They will have a field day with it. I will admit i don't know it all either.
Ron Bibler
06-10-2009, 08:27 PM
OUCH ! ! !
Stephen Meyer
06-10-2009, 09:37 PM
did you not ask a question about supporting oneself as an inspector. That would fall under a Financial Website, and they do charge.
MaMa Mount
06-10-2009, 10:16 PM
Mr. Meyer with all due respect I find your questioning absurd.
Do I have to remind you that this is a home inspection site which would be the best place to ask about the income of a home inspector?
What you may not know is that a Financial website is going to have information pertaining to stocks, bonds, and investments which I suspect that you know nothing of. I urge you to call one in the morning and ask them of what monies a home inspector earnings may be.:rolleyes:
Stephen Meyer
06-11-2009, 06:15 AM
I generally do not get into postings that are insulting, or pointed or make assumptions about a persons background or knowledge, but with you I will have to make an exception. You are entitled to your opinion as to code and building techniques and items related to the topics, but your insult as to what you think I know has no bearing. It really shows your lack or character. I often find that responses to some of the helpful suggestions can be applied to what HI do. I do not have all my eggs in the HI business as many of the person here do, but have diversified and being at the age of 60 learned some tolerance of the younger individuals with attitudes such as you have exhibited. I will not entertain a response back to you, you can have the last word, for whatever it is worth.
Markus Keller
06-11-2009, 06:38 AM
I've criticized others on this board for providing too much information to DIY posters. I understand being helpful and don't believe it to be a problem overall. Unfortunately, in rehab/construction there are too many variables. A perfectly good answer to a problem can become a definitely wrong answer when a 'simple' or 'minor' variable is changed by the DIY who thinks that variable isn't a big deal. I tend to give clients various options, and let them decide which is best suited for their situation.
Often times, I've thought it would be a good thing if this board wasn't quite so wide open. However, closing it off would probably be a bad thing in the long term for the board and the HI community.
Dan Harris
06-11-2009, 07:19 AM
Wait till some news media sees how manyinspectors come on here and ask questions that homeinspectors should probably know before doing an inspection. They will have a field day with it. I will admit i don't know it all either.
I sure don't see this as a problem with this site.
I'm sure the pro lic groups, and news media are having one heck of a field day with another open to the public HI site. :D
Bruce Ramsey
06-11-2009, 08:49 AM
Wait till some news media sees how many inspectors come on here and ask questions that home inspectors should probably know before doing an inspection. They will have a field day with it. I will admit i don't know it all either.
Home inspectors for the most part are single person businesses. There are several national associations and local associations for HI's to gather and discuss stuff. But typically they only meet once a month. If I have questions in between the meetings, who do I ask? I can build relationships with other HI in my area, but there is no guarantee they will know the answer or can respond in a timely manner. This forum and others like it provide me a broader base of information and knowledge to help me provide the best service to my clients. It does not take lunch breaks, turn off the phone after 10PM, and does not have to complete against me for the same jobs.
To maintain my state license, I have to complete 12 hours Con. Ed. each year. 4 of those hours are mandatory training the state presents, usually about how they want the report to be written. Imagine the depth and breadth of training you get if you read every reply to every topic. Not only do you get the answer, you usually get a spirited discussion about why it is the correct answer as well as how minute differences would make it the wrong answer. I consider an hour a day keeping up with the forum continuing education that is usually more directly applicable to my daily job than most of the classes I must sit through.
As to how much I should know? I can always have a deeper understanding of every topic discussed. Home buyers expect Home inspectors to be as knowledgeable in every field of construction as an expert is in a single area of construction. Those single field experts are always learning more about their single field of study, so there is always more for me to learn in multiple fields of study.
Discussions about what and how to inspect have changed the way I inspect and report. What I considered adequate inspection methods may not be enough when compared against the broader scope of the implied national standard. I now test the tilt in function of windows, not just the ability to open and close. If I not keeping abreast here, how am I able to lead in my local area?
Tony Mount
06-11-2009, 02:06 PM
Stephen I could not agree with you more. I believe that MaMa is a joke! A made up person just to ask dumb questions to make Oklahoma inspectors look stupid. I have had that job for over 8 years and I think there is only room for one Okieass on this board. I think people that can not use their real names should not be allowed to ask questions on this board. MaMa has NO RIGHT to talk down a DIY person on this board when she is the biggest fraud on the board. I thought about making up a person named PaPa Peck, but just haven't had the time. PEACE OUT
Scott Patterson
06-11-2009, 02:09 PM
Stephen I could not agree with you more. I believe that MaMa is a joke! A made up person just to ask dumb questions to make Oklahoma inspectors look stupid.
Ya think!
A.D. Miller
06-11-2009, 02:19 PM
More and more homeowners are coming on here and asking for advice. This could be a downside for this board. :(
What do you think? I have always thought it should be limtied to Homeinspectors.
MMM: I think that the Hann should make this a professional forum and not open to the unwashed, er uh, the unlicensed, that is to say the non-professional inspectors.:D
A.D. Miller
06-11-2009, 02:24 PM
A made up person just to ask dumb questions to make Oklahoma inspectors look stupid.
Mustang: We need to make one up?:D
Ron Bibler
06-11-2009, 03:49 PM
Ya think!
O.K. Is the joke on me:eek: ? ? ? P-lease some one help me A.S.A.P.
Is Moma Mount REAL OR NOT ? If real sorry please forgive me for asking...
A.D. Miller
06-11-2009, 04:13 PM
O.K. Is the joke on me:eek: ? ? ? P-lease some one help me A.S.A.P.
Is Moma Mount REAL OR NOT ? If real sorry please forgive me for asking...
RB: You'll have to smoke some more of that crack to figure it out. I have heard all of the stories. MMM is a figment of your imagination. MMM is TM in disguise. MMM is a transsexual. MMM is . . . you fill in the blank. Take another puff first.:D
Markus Keller
06-11-2009, 04:49 PM
It's nice to see I'm not the only one who has had suspicions about MMM being for real. I thought for a while that she/he may be a 'educated' DIY or some type of RE person. Past and recent questions have seemed odd for an HI.
Scott Patterson
06-11-2009, 06:19 PM
O.K. Is the joke on me:eek: ? ? ? P-lease some one help me A.S.A.P.
Is Moma Mount REAL OR NOT ? If real sorry please forgive me for asking...
I think she is Tony's alter ego..
Ron Bibler
06-11-2009, 06:38 PM
I think she is Tony's alter ego..
I feel kind of sick :confused: my head hurts :confused:
Best I think
Rick Cantrell
06-11-2009, 07:40 PM
"I think she is Tony's alter ego.."
That's what I've allways thought also.
Jerry Peck
06-11-2009, 07:47 PM
Stephen I could not agree with you more. I believe that MaMa is a joke! A made up person just to ask dumb questions to make Oklahoma inspectors look stupid. I have had that job for over 8 years and I think there is only room for one Okieass on this board. I think people that can not use their real names should not be allowed to ask questions on this board. MaMa has NO RIGHT to talk down a DIY person on this board when she is the biggest fraud on the board. I thought about making up a person named PaPa Peck, but just haven't had the time. PEACE OUT
Did you really mean to write what you wrote?
"A made up person just to ask dumb questions to make Oklahoma inspectors look stupid."
"I have had that job for over 8 years and I think there is only room for one Okieass on this board."
I'm not even sure there is room for one, but MaMa Mount seems to have more on the ball than you do.
I've often thought she was you trying to 'not play dumb', not that I thought you were "playing" dumb, and now I see you were not "playing" dumb at all.
Tony Mount
06-11-2009, 08:00 PM
My ego is bigger than life, but not big enough for two lives.You will not find another Mount with a home inspection license in Oklahoma, so what does that tell ya?
Rick Cantrell
06-12-2009, 04:13 AM
" Norman, come here Norman. Norman, where are you Norman?":eek:
Stuart Brooks
06-12-2009, 07:37 AM
Perhaps a better way to help is to recommend hiring a contractor and suggesting how one might locate a contractor that has a higher probability of providing adequate and reliable service. Too many people hear what they want, not what is said. Too many others say what they want without hearing it.
Dana Bostick
06-12-2009, 08:36 AM
Nice flame war guys & gals! Don't see that often here. Amusing.:rolleyes:
With the economy in the crapper, many unfortunately, are turning to DIY repairs. I spend a fair amount of time each day answering their questions on plumbing forum. (I am a licensed plumbing contractor) It keeps my "chops" up. Interesting questions and occasionally amusing.
Some are so lame or inexperienced as to be dangerous to themselves and others. It is amazing the length that the inexperienced will go to save a few dollars and avoid paying a pro.
I've had requests to, effectively, design a complete plumbing system, complete with isometrics! All this via e-mail and without seeing the conditions.
Many times the lack of details is astounding! "Why is my hot water heater not working?" That's it, no more info! answer; "I don't know, did you pay your utility bill?"
This exercise actually is helpful in my HI business. It forces me to think of ways to craft answers to questions in terms in the most basic terms. Often the best answer is another question. Gets them to think it out themselves. Fun exercise!
Jim Green
06-12-2009, 09:26 AM
Maybe a DIY section is the answer? After all the next call for an inspector might be from a DIY, after all don't we all do projects around the house:confused:
Rick Hurst
06-12-2009, 09:33 AM
Maybe a more do it correctly section would be more appropriate. Its the DIY repairs that keep the ink flowing on my reports. I've always called it job security.
Jerry Peck
06-12-2009, 09:39 AM
I spend a fair amount of time each day answering their questions on plumbing forum.
For a number of years, and a number of years back at that, I also answered questions on
Then they went through some growing pains, people left and new people came, they could not get their vacation days/off days/on days straight, they would not send me the question then a week later ask why I had not responded to the question, etc., it just got to be a mess, so I said enough is enough and this has been too much of enough.
Sounds like it is working for you, guess they have straightened out their problems (they've had about 8+/- years to straighten them out).
Matt Fellman
06-12-2009, 08:26 PM
Before I got into this profession and this board I spent a lot of time at - There are a couple of really good experts in each area of expertise.
branden wilson
06-14-2009, 06:44 AM
i'm not an inspector, i'm one of the last remaining tru craftsmen. i install natural, permanent roofing; slate, clay, wood, thach and minerals such as copper, lead, zinc, brass and gold. the hunter that is making people like me extinct is IGNORANCE and nothing else. that is why i check in here from time to time to make sure you're not spreading lies about my trade. almost all modern home inspectors have learned fundamentals that only apply to the cheap, temporary, weak structures we've been building in the US for the last several decades. it's those type of people that have no business whatsoever on a real quality home. if you're not wise then the most wise thing you can do is know your place but most people today when they find themselves in an unknown place they try to BS their way out. it's not just here but i patroll the entire internet putting out ignorant lie fires, if you will, with the truth. so i'm definately not here to get any DIY advise. infact, as a wise craftsman i know this is the last place to get real advise in that area anyway.
A.D. Miller
06-14-2009, 06:52 AM
i'm not an inspector, i'm one of the last remaining tru craftsmen. i install natural, permanent roofing; slate, clay, wood, thach and minerals such as copper, lead, zinc, brass and gold. the hunter that is making people like me extinct is IGNORANCE and nothing else. that is why i check in here from time to time to make sure you're not spreading lies about my trade. almost all modern home inspectors have learned fundamentals that only apply to the cheap, temporary, weak structures we've been building in the US for the last several decades. it's those type of people that have no business whatsoever on a real quality home. if you're not wise then the most wise thing you can do is know your place but most people today when they find themselves in an unknown place they try to BS their way out. it's not just here but i patroll the entire internet putting out ignorant lie fires, if you will, with the truth. so i'm definately not here to get any DIY advise. infact, as a wise craftsman i know this is the last place to get real advise in that area anyway.
BW: Take a break from you patrolling long enough to download and install a free spellchecker at ieSpell - Download ( Once you've installed it and have figured out how to use it, come back to us with your Mugwump Wisdom Wag.
Jerry Peck
06-14-2009, 07:25 AM
i'm not an inspector, i'm one of the last remaining tru craftsmen. i install natural, permanent roofing; slate, clay, wood, thach and minerals such as copper, lead, zinc, brass and gold. the hunter that is making people like me extinct is IGNORANCE and nothing else. that is why i check in here from time to time to make sure you're not spreading lies about my trade. almost all modern home inspectors have learned fundamentals that only apply to the cheap, temporary, weak structures we've been building in the US for the last several decades. it's those type of people that have no business whatsoever on a real quality home. if you're not wise then the most wise thing you can do is know your place but most people today when they find themselves in an unknown place they try to BS their way out. it's not just here but i patroll the entire internet putting out ignorant lie fires, if you will, with the truth. so i'm definately not here to get any DIY advise. infact, as a wise craftsman i know this is the last place to get real advise in that area anyway.
Spell checker is not going to put out that ignorant lie and fire he posted. :D
Talk about BS, being full of himself, and needing education on many subjects, including, but not limited to, the use of the internet and public forums like this (he said he patrols the entire internet) ... he simply sounds like a jerk who self-professes to be "one of the last remaining tru craftsmen" and "a wise craftsman".
If his work any anything like his posting, he definitely is not either of the self-professed things he professes to be.
A.D. Miller
06-14-2009, 08:18 AM
Talk about BS, being full of himself, and needing education on many subjects ... he simply sounds like a jerk who self-professes to be "one of the last remaining tru craftsmen" and "a wise craftsman".
JP: He's probably just this moment rubbing two sticks together so that he can smoke some more crack . . .:D
Markus Keller
06-14-2009, 08:55 AM
Damn, I thought I had an ego. I'd like to blame BW's BS on the hot florida sun but it doesn't seem to have affected JP like that.
Isn't it always the same though, those who profess to be great usually are far from it.
Interesting how MMM has not re-posted to her own thread.
Mitchell Toelle
06-14-2009, 09:00 AM
I truely believe we should respond to the DIY'ers on this board with the same avdice/ recommendations we put in our reports everyday. Tell them what we see (or read/ hear), why we think it is wrong, and what to do. What to do is usually "hire a licensed Contractor" in whatever field is required, for repairs, corrections or upgrading. End of story! If we begin going into detail about how to fix something we are treading on dangerous ground.... even within this forum.
I do like the idea of a special section for DIY questions. Smart thinking.
MaMa Mount
06-14-2009, 10:45 AM
I am still here just lurking mostly. Am not related or associated with the other Mr. Mount on this board although many of you may think so. Why do you all seem to pick on him? He appears to have been on this board longer than many of you and is a licensed Inspector. You have to give him some credit for being in business that long.
I ask questions at times of things to get opinions or verifications on. Is that wrong. Seems you all can do it but I'm considered a fool in doing so.:(
Jim Zborowski
06-14-2009, 11:04 AM
Hmmmmmmmm.........I thought MaMaMount was a cartoon character.:)
Markus Keller
06-14-2009, 11:05 AM
Dear MMM, even though others think you and Mr. Mount may be related or one and the same, I don't. Since a lot of my work involves fraud, deception and manipulation I am normally suspicious by nature. I tend to parse bits of probable truth from information provided.
Personally, I have to agree that Tony gets blasted a bit much here but then again often times he sets himself up for it. I have gotten my ass kicked here quite a few times. It's a tough board to be on.
Your questions tend to be odd in nature. More like from someone who watches the ditch get dug, not someone who is actually digging the ditch. If you are for real then maybe it would be helpful if you responded to some of the slams. As they say, the truth shall set you free.
MaMa Mount
06-14-2009, 11:26 AM
Markus, Have I ever ask the same from you.
Jerry Peck
06-14-2009, 12:43 PM
I truely believe we should respond to the DIY'ers on this board with the same avdice/ recommendations we put in our reports everyday. Tell them what we see (or read/ hear), why we think it is wrong, and what to do. What to do is usually "hire a licensed Contractor" in whatever field is required, for repairs, corrections or upgrading. End of story!
The difference, and a BIG difference at that, is during inspections we are actually SEEING (or hearing, feeling, whatever it is) that we are talking about, while with DIY question we are being asked to provide an opinion based on what THEY SAW (heard, felt, etc.) ... BIG DIFFERENCE there.
Sometimes we do answer DIY questions - simpler ones where there is less error, and at other times we do not answer the questions because the question may be to vague, maybe they posted a question and supposed fix which is what off base, or maybe the question just indicates a plain old lack of knowledge which tells use that they should not be messing with whatever it is they are getting ready to mess with.
This is not rocket science stuff, but enough people still think they can light off mini-rockets in their hands (fire cracker, M-80s, etc.) that it shows us those decisions to maim oneself should be self-decided on and not helped along by us ... remember McDonald's got sue by a woman who ordered "HOT COFFEE" and then spilled that same "HOT COFFEE" on herself, and SHE WON, so now they have to use cups which state "HOT COFFEE" on them as a warning - you think you would NOT be sued if you gave advice they asked for and then got injured? You would be sued quicker than you can say "I'll have a McGriddle and a HOT COFFEE, please." - YIKES! :eek:
I'm sorry, when I ordered "HOT COFFEE" I did not mean "HOT COFFEE", I meant "WARM coffee", so I am going to sue you because the coffee was "HOT" just like I ordered. Jeez.
I'm not sure who was the dumber one(s) - her or the jury who ruled in her favor. I think the next time they go to or "HOT COFFEE" they should be given "COLD COFFEE" and a flame-proof fire-resistant match to heat it up with. :rolleyes:
branden wilson
06-14-2009, 02:19 PM
wow, i've posted pics of some of my work before but it doesn't seem like that's gonna help. Content Not Found | Facebook ( you guys are some slaterhaters! i don't care about spellcheck, i'm not writin a book! course you're mad cause i'm right. prove me wrong, my installs are flawless and guaranteed for life. i use proven materials and proven techniques. i have sold and installed every type of roofing there is, i'm not a knowitall but i've proven myself in the roofing trade. no other claims than that. i no longer sell or install modern forms of temporary, toxic, petrochemical products. most modern roofs are a lie. the biggest of all, the most highly marketed being "metal". let me tell you something, metal roofs are already being replaced all over south florida that are less than fifteen years old. concrete tile lasts less than twenty years on average and all forms of asphalt less than ten. most of these products tout "50 yr" warranties or more. and all of them tell lies upon lies to sell their crap. meanwhile "re-roofing" makes up three quarters of an over 12 billion dollar a year market and "re-roofing" is one of the largest contributors of solid waste in our country.
this is why we can't perpetuate the lies. yes, it's profitable but it's the wrong thing to do. i'm not the bad guy, i've chosen a career that pays far less than it did before i cared just to try and do my part. i know the polls say that most americans listen more to slick talking celebrities or in your case slick typing, good spelling inspectors than ordinary, flawed, real people but i don't like to assume that about everyone up front. seems like a lot of you are that way so i'll just bug off cause i like real talk about real stuff.
A.D. Miller
06-14-2009, 03:38 PM
wow, i've posted pics of some of my work before but it doesn't seem like that's gonna help. Content Not Found | Facebook ( you guys are some slaterhaters! i don't care about spellcheck, i'm not writin a book! course you're mad cause i'm right. prove me wrong, my installs are flawless and guaranteed for life. i use proven materials and proven techniques. i have sold and installed every type of roofing there is, i'm not a knowitall but i've proven myself in the roofing trade. no other claims than that. i no longer sell or install modern forms of temporary, toxic, petrochemical products. most modern roofs are a lie. the biggest of all, the most highly marketed being "metal". let me tell you something, metal roofs are already being replaced all over south florida that are less than fifteen years old. concrete tile lasts less than twenty years on average and all forms of asphalt less than ten. most of these products tout "50 yr" warranties or more. and all of them tell lies upon lies to sell their crap. meanwhile "re-roofing" makes up three quarters of an over 12 billion dollar a year market and "re-roofing" is one of the largest contributors of solid waste in our country.
this is why we can't perpetuate the lies. yes, it's profitable but it's the wrong thing to do. i'm not the bad guy, i've chosen a career that pays far less than it did before i cared just to try and do my part. i know the polls say that most americans listen more to slick talking celebrities or in your case slick typing, good spelling inspectors than ordinary, flawed, real people but i don't like to assume that about everyone up front. seems like a lot of you are that way so i'll just bug off cause i like real talk about real stuff.
BW: While I don't disagree with you conceptually, your bedside manner could use some polishing here and there.
Jerry Peck
06-14-2009, 05:41 PM
concrete tile lasts less than twenty years on average
i'll just bug off cause i like real talk about real stuff.
concretetileslastalmostindefinitely,itistheunderla ymentwhichdoesnotlastthatlong.useatopqualityunderl aymentandthetileroofinstallationwilllastaveryveryl ongtime.wealsolikerealtalkaboutrealstuffwithrealpe ople.
Especially when it is written where one can read it. Your talk sounds like you cannot talk the talk and walk the walk, as they say.
Tony Mount
06-14-2009, 07:53 PM
Branden, You can be my new best friend on this board. I like everything you said on your posts. I like confident's in a person and could care less about spelling or grammar. I am going to have to replace my laminated asphalt roof in the next year and would like to hear what you have to say about what I need in the heart land. I will e-mail you when the time is near. As for this board I got your back, so post as often as you like. Tony Mount
Markus Keller
06-15-2009, 01:07 PM
Did I miss it from some other time or did MMM's Location change during this thread? Seems to me it changed after she kept getting associated with TM from Okie.
MMM, your last response is the typical evasive response that arouses my suspicions.:)
Mike Schulz
07-09-2009, 05:34 PM
I think Bruce nailed it, Branden just comes off harsh but his work does look good.
Joe Asta
07-09-2009, 06:25 PM
So what's the deal? Am I off this forum because I'm not an HI?
Billy Stephens
07-09-2009, 07:07 PM
So what's the deal?
Am I off this forum because I'm not an HI?
Nope. :)
Trent Tarter
07-09-2009, 11:25 PM
I always thought MMM was Tony's wife, sorry Tony I should have known better. She does ask some pretty strange questions.
Rick Hurst
07-10-2009, 05:33 AM
I always thought MMM was Tony's wife, sorry Tony I should have known better. She does ask some pretty strange questions.
And could scare some small children!:D
Jerry Peck
07-10-2009, 06:25 AM
And could scare some small children!:D
Kinda matches yours! :D
Actually, MMM asked BETTER questions than Tony. :rolleyes:
James Skinner
07-19-2009, 07:41 AM
Just wanted to say, Hear, Hear to B.Ramsey's post. I just sat through my continuing ed classes and paid that outrageous fee for what? So the course provider could make a living and increase my overhead. As far a as this forum is concerned it's a much better source of continuing ed, by reading these posts. It's sometimes entertaining but always enlighting.
To the craftsman, lighten up. Construction is always a trade off based upon the limits of the owners budget. Not everybody can afford the best material and if that is all you install and you are steadily employed your doing good.
For MMM; if somebody wishes to ask a question and someone offers advice then so be it. Live and let live.
Ted Menelly
07-19-2009, 08:44 PM
Just wanted to say, Hear, Hear to B.Ramsey's post. I just sat through my continuing ed classes and paid that outrageous fee for what? So the course provider could make a living and increase my overhead. As far a as this forum is concerned it's a much better source of continuing ed, by reading these posts. It's sometimes entertaining but always enlighting.
To the craftsman, lighten up. Construction is always a trade off based upon the limits of the owners budget. Not everybody can afford the best material and if that is all you install and you are steadily employed your doing good.
For MMM; if somebody wishes to ask a question and someone offers advice then so be it. Live and let live.
MMM is Tony Mount
I have no idea what the deal is with all that.
Stanley Thigpen
08-21-2010, 03:19 PM
I am a DIYer, but find the discussions in this forum quite interesting and informative. Recognizing that this is intended to be specifically for professional home inspectors, I have refrained from posting "how to" questions.
Matt Fellman
08-22-2010, 12:53 AM
I've often thought a DIY section would be a nice addition to the site. Inspectors could answer questions if they like and, if not, they don't have to. It would also keep the questions out of the other areas which seems to be an annoyance to some.
Personally, the DIY questions are pretty infrequent as a whole and don't bother me but I suppose it's really not what the site is intended for.
Nick Ostrowski
08-22-2010, 05:15 AM
I don't mind some of the questions but other times, the questions being asked should be directed towards the person's home inspector (assuming they got an inspection on the house when they bought it).
John Watson
01-03-2011, 08:01 PM
Hey, Inspection News
I did not know this site was open to the public. I'm a member of other forums that aren't public, such as insurance, and know that the general public eaves dropping on our conversations would be a disaster. I will not post anymore trade subject matter on here unless one on one private. I can't imagine how police, lawyers, doctors and building inspectors would have their forums open to the public like some online fish bowl and talk openly about sensitive material, and expect the litigious public to understand. If I'm missing something about this DIY thread, my apologies.
Ted Menelly
01-03-2011, 08:48 PM
Hey, Inspection News
I did not know this site was open to the public. I'm a member of other forums that aren't public, such as insurance, and know that the general public eaves dropping on our conversations would be a disaster. I will not post anymore trade subject matter on here unless one on one private. I can't imagine how police, lawyers, doctors and building inspectors would have their forums open to the public like some online fish bowl and talk openly about sensitive material, and expect the litigious public to understand. If I'm missing something about this DIY thread, my apologies.
Not a problem at all. Litigious ...litigious ..., I wonder where that word came from. I do not know why you would worry about anything said on here coming back to bite you. It is not like we are talking about the clients we hacked up for non payment or anything like that. I think it is quite understood from everyone on here that items discussed can have a tremendous amount of variables if one were to actually be standing in front of a concern being talked about. If one is talking about the amount of work they do or don't do well, numbers are exaggerated by most, one direction or another.
This is exactly as you say...a fish bowl. Everyone on the outside watching us swim around.
I have never gone to work a day in my life worrying about the legal ramifications that could come from it. Once one starts dong that it is all over. To many things are altered to accommodate the litigious world we live in and a home inspection no longer remains a home inspection. when I was in construction the legal end of the business was not thought of every day I walked out the door either.
Not once in all my life has anyone ever came back at me for something legitimate and I have never been to court over my work, words or thoughts. That gives me 39 years of working not counting the younger teen years that time was put in.
Life is to short to worry everyday of your life.
John Watson
01-03-2011, 09:31 PM
I too am a contractor and not my first rodeo, but, I would not stand in front of my client and talk about my connection to where I get my saltillo tile and divulge my markup to his face. Nor would I tell him that the electrical panel I installed, though new, has been in storgae somewhere for a couple of years, and expect him to understand. Nor would I like for my client or audience thereof hear me bicker with another tradesman (hint) onsite so everyone outside can get a certain impression of a profession I work hard to present as professional.
Life is short...protect your livelihood.
Ted Menelly
01-03-2011, 09:53 PM
I too am a contractor and not my first rodeo, but, I would not stand in front of my client and talk about my connection to where I get my saltillo tile and divulge my markup to his face. Nor would I tell him that the electrical panel I installed, though new, has been in storgae somewhere for a couple of years, and expect him to understand. Nor would I like for my client or audience thereof hear me bicker with another tradesman (hint) onsite so everyone outside can get a certain impression of a profession I work hard to present as professional.
Life is short...protect your livelihood.
Imagine that. The clients might find out we are human. Just like them. And discuss subjects that sometimes become a bit lively due to differences of opinions.
That is an awful thing to happen. That is being professional. Standing up for your beliefs and discussing it in a professional and ethical manner. Goodness, don't let your hair down.
We are all professionals here and we all have our particular opinions......just like yours.
Besides, if you are talking about my most recent exchange with a friendly Realtor fellow........I would want my clients to read that exchange. After all. I explain all of that to them anyway. All clients of Home Inspectors should read that exchange.....before they don't go out and find their own inspector. Yes, that includes me in all that as well as far as referrals to me.
Not bickering..... discussion and debate. Just like this.
John Watson
01-03-2011, 10:07 PM
Point taken. I'm not some diehard with a scowl on my face, but after finding DIYs are free to read here, I will definitely scrutinize before I post something. I'll keep reading ya'lls posts though.
Jerry Peck
01-03-2011, 10:20 PM
but after finding DIYs are free to read here,
DIYers are free to read most boards which are open forums.
Best start protecting your backside EVERYWHERE with that thinking.
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