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View Full Version : Need help calling this one.

Joshua Hardesty
06-01-2007, 06:54 PM
I just can't quite figure out what's wrong here. :rolleyes:

Robert Schenck
06-01-2007, 08:28 PM
Josh, ..... Three things stick out in my mind.
One - The exhaust flue is bent too far downward at the elbow shown. It (any exhaust flue) should never bend down like that. The entire length of the exhaust flue should run in an upward direction.

Two - The elbow appears to be joined with it on the outside of the first joint(s). The connection (elbow) should have been made with the elbow placed on the INSIDE of the first pipe, .... likewise down the line. That way exhaust fumes will not (shouldn't) leak from the piping.

Three - Were there any sheet metal screws used to secure the connection(s) ?

Roberts Home Inspection Service

Mike Huppi
06-01-2007, 10:22 PM
Also it looks like the PEX plumbing line is on the flue pipe.

What program did you use to do the arrows in that picture that he posted. That was great for demonstration.

Robert Schenck
06-04-2007, 03:19 AM
Mike, .... The software that I used is called SNAGIT8. I happen to find it online and love it. It's great for those demonstrations as you mentioned, and it helps draw attention to the area(s) that need to be seen.

I've provided the link where TechSmith offers you a Free trial to try out the software (I believe it's a 30 day free trial period). I've uploaded a few pics that I've touched up and put in my reports. It's cool stuff !!

Download SnagIt Trial (http://www.techsmith.com/download/snagittrial.asp)

Bruce Breedlove
06-04-2007, 12:21 PM

That's pretty slick. How much does the s/w cost?

Robert Schenck
06-05-2007, 01:59 PM
Bruce, .... It varies depending on what country you live in. In the states - it's $40. They (TechSmith) give you a free 30 day trial period. If you like to spruce up your report pictures, this is great software to use. I get lots of compliments from the clients on my report pics.