View Full Version : InspectVue is a joke!
Marc M
06-18-2009, 12:20 PM
This company does not update thier reports as advertised, email you back or return phone calls!
I have used them since thier conception. And now the service is terrible. No, it's worse than that.
Ted Menelly
06-18-2009, 01:18 PM
This company does not update thier reports as advertised, email you back or return phone calls!
I have used them since thier conception. And now the service is terrible. No, it's worse than that.
You'll like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Arnold
06-18-2009, 02:28 PM
You'll like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't understand. It disturbs me when I don't understand.
Tim Hill
06-18-2009, 03:02 PM
John Arnold
06-18-2009, 03:04 PM
Thank you. I was about to start drinking to stop the pain.
Ron Bibler
06-18-2009, 04:48 PM
This company does not update thier reports as advertised, email you back or return phone calls!
I have used them since thier conception. And now the service is terrible. No, it's worse than that.
Marc... if you call them up just say you want to buy there program... they will call back asap.:D
Try it it works...
Ted Menelly
06-18-2009, 08:15 PM
I don't understand. It disturbs me when I don't understand.
I didn't mean to give you a headache John
I was going to come back on the Whisper thing but Tim already had.
When we had to change our formatted report I had to find new software because mine was atiquated and could not update it. I found Whisper thru others and had already looked at it on the net.
Great, easy to use, great and almost instantanious responce, any questions and they will log on to your computer if you want and just point out and explain things. Great looking report and it takes minutes (and extremely easy) to create a report to what you want it to look like or have automatically created templates for what you may want in it. It is as easy as doing a report going through each page and adding in pics or text anywhere you want and to create the looks you want. Next time you go to do a report just click on the report you created then click on clone and there you have it. Then add all your findings. When you are done with your report just click print as pdf and about a few seconds later it is done and email away. It is all that fast or even faster.
Anyone thinking about software, don't talk to me, talk to
No, I am not their salesman
They even have a WDI report in the software.
Tony Mount
06-18-2009, 08:16 PM
This is the best report site I have ever seen eInspections™ ( chect them out first. TM
Marc M
06-18-2009, 09:15 PM
It just stinks to have a program that you have invested so much time in creating libraries and such to have it end.
Is wisper a half narritive and half check list?
I did however like the einspections...I'm going to check out their demo now... thanks for the info.
Ron Bibler
06-18-2009, 09:57 PM
It just stinks to have a program that you have invested so much time in creating libraries and such to have it end.
Is wisper a half narritive and half check list?
I did however like the einspections...I'm going to check out their demo now... thanks for the info.
Marc there was another program that will a convert all your libraries of inspectvue in to it i think it was home guard or something like that.
Marc M
06-19-2009, 08:35 AM
Marc there was another program that will a convert all your libraries of inspectvue in to it i think it was home guard or something like that.
Hey Ron, I did check out that home guage. The only thing is; I like full narritive reports. I appreciate your input.
Nick J. Alati
06-19-2009, 09:45 AM
I also started with InspectVue 3.? back in 03. I have recommended it to several Home inspector that I would consider friends.
I feel your pain, the lack of customer support, 4.38 was and is the last update that will will ever see. The support team (or person) said that their efforts were on the release of 5.0. I've looked at 5.0, tried to use it, I'm looking into 3-D. I talked with the own of 3-D (Carol?) at a ASHI/CREIA conformance, he assured me that they (His Staff) can convert our Library's into 3-D format. I would like to see InspectVue make a come Back but for that to happen we would need to see the return of the previous owned.
I've paid my renewal fee for this year, I'll see what comes down the line, good luck.
A.D. Miller
06-19-2009, 12:36 PM
This is the best report site I have ever seen eInspections™ ( chect them out first. TM
TM: If you click on the "View Our Screen" icon on the home page of their site it takes you to
Sure hope their software designer is better than their site designer.
Ted Menelly
06-19-2009, 12:42 PM
It just stinks to have a program that you have invested so much time in creating libraries and such to have it end.
Is whisper a half narrative and half check list?
I did however like the einspections...I'm going to check out their demo now... thanks for the info.
Whisper can be what you want it to be. As I said you can create any template simply by naming it master and preload anything you want into it. It is a narrative but you caan add a multitude of check lists if you wish.
Down load it. Talk to Larry. He will walk you thru it in minutes. Like I said he will even log on to your computer and point around explaining the very easy process to do anything you wish.
I swear by it and had been looking for different and new software for years. I down loaded most and tried them all out. This was about the simplest learning curve of all and does not require you to drop down multiple boxes to do this and then have to go here and there to do that.
I am not trying to sell you anything. I am just telling you I tried them all and between the ease of the software and the instant help when you call, you just cannot go wrong.
Oh yeah.....Low cost and renewal fee?????Whats that???? There is no renewal fee.......Pay for reports...........Whats that??????? You do not pay for reports......1000.00 OMG.....try a fraction of that
Add pictures resize in a second. Change to a pdf in maybe a few seconds with one click.
Nick J. Alati
06-19-2009, 03:47 PM
This is a check list type of software, the output would look like a Check list, Marc already said that he looked at Home Gauge and did not want a Check List software.
Marc M
06-19-2009, 03:48 PM
I will check it out. It sounds interresting. You should become a rep for them, you're good.
Ted Menelly
06-19-2009, 04:00 PM
This is a check list type of software, the output would look like a Check list, Marc already said that he looked at Home Gauge and did not want a Check List software.
No it is not a check list type software in the slightest. It is a narrative type reporting software but like I said, if you want it to be a check list software then you can make it one. I am not sure where you got your info but it is false. If you see templates that are checklist type then it is because you can make it that way but it is a narrative software, period.
I do not back anyone ever because of possible controversy. This company I would back 100%. No qualms in that at all.
Use it if you want, don't use it if you don't want. I would not lead someone to something they did not want. I use it. Its a great product.
Now....For dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick J. Alati
06-20-2009, 12:59 PM
Sorry Ted, didn't mean to Piss you off. I went to the web site you recommended, looked at a few templates that they offered, looks like a inexpensive software and the one that I looked at was a Check list.
If there are others that fine, Have a better day!
Ted Menelly
06-20-2009, 01:23 PM
Sorry Ted, didn't mean to Piss you off. I went to the web site you recommended, looked at a few templates that they offered, looks like a inexpensive software and the one that I looked at was a Check list.
If there are others that fine, Have a better day!
Didn't piss me off. I don't get POd. May sound like it though.
Yes you are right it is an inexpensive software but like most that have smaller prices and no continual fees it is not a cheap software as some.
It also does not need word or any other program. It is a stand alone program.
Nolan Kienitz
06-20-2009, 03:30 PM
Non-Texas inspectors ... keep in mind that the required, default 7A-1 TREC Report Template has required elements as part of the fundamental template. We have "no choice" with certain elements of our report template. We also have "checkboxes" required with respect to condition of topic being addressed: Inspected, Not-Inspected, Not-Present and Deficient.
Beyond that both WhisperSolutions products: Whisper PI-3 and Whisper Reporter are extremely customizable to each inspector's needs, wants, wishes and desires.
The templates at their website show a "boiler-plate" that has tons of checkboxes ... should you be that type of inspector ... albeit you can modify even that template any which way you prefer.
If you are not bound by the TREC-mandated format you can develop whatever design you want ... checkboxes or narratives.
I started out with Whisper PI-3 many years ago and switched to their more current release called Whisper Reporter ... which is extremely flexible to whatever your needs may be. It is an amazing product and quite advanced over Whisper PI-3 ... which is still a GREAT product.
As TM noted ... he is not a sales rep for them. Nor am I. However I have done beta testing of the Whisper Reporter version since well before it was released and continue to do so.
I have developed many different templates such as those similar to ASTM for commercial inspections or phase inspections for residential construction.
It is not Whisper Solutions mode of operations to provide "prepared statements" for me or you to use. They have some "samples" for the sake of demonstration, but those statements are yours and your personality and way of inspection and reporting on same. Whisper Solutions provides you a tool where you simply create your report, save it, e-mail it, print it, FTP it or whatever you care to do. It generates a PDF document that you can add various security levels to.
They utilize a great image file tool that helps keep images managable and at great quality. Mind you how you set your camera's resolution is also very key in just how bloated any file will get no matter the image file tool utilized. You can also vary and adjust the compression settings for the tool.
As TM has noted it is easy to have a template built and you can also have all your "standard comments" save under a feature called "RapidRemarks". It is up to you how to implement their use into your report. I use a number of features to get datapoints inserted for a particular property.
I'll close my observation with respect to the WhisperSolutions products. Any application for report generation is dependant upon it working for your needs. Many of them are very good. None of them have "all" the features that any one of would like ... if they did we would be doing software development.
As for the WhisperSolutions product ... review it just as you would any product. You can test drive it like most any other product.
The fee is a one-time charge. No recurring maintenance fees, no 'per report' charges, etc., etc.. Price ranges from $295 to $595 ... depending upon which version ... PI-3 or Reporter. The value for the investment is simply your business decision.
TM is very happy with the PI-3 version and he went through a lot of agina when he was searching and trying to decide. The PI-3 version works well for his needs.
For my needs and the way I work with many other reports ... not all related to "home inspections" ... I find that the Reporter version works well for me and actually exceeds what I currently need, but know that I can break new ground with other templates under Reporter.
Here is a link to a 'sample narrative' template (for you folks outside of Texas). Note ... I said "sample". You can modify, adjust or create from scratch whatever template you want or works for you. (
Below is another link to a sample report from my website. It is based on the new Texas 7A-1 template that is mandated by TREC. I have a combination of the required checkboxes and bullet comments and some narrative along with images. My reports vary with required data points depending upon the inspection.
Property in my sample report is a single-story 6000 s.f. on a full pier & beam with a pool. Bank foreclosed property and was tagged at about $1M. I think my client paid about $800K. Former owner was a 'ponzi scheme' stock dude who disappeared from within our U.S. shoreline. SEC is still looking for him.
Jerry Peck
06-20-2009, 06:02 PM
Former owner was a 'ponzi scheme' stock dude who disappeared from within our U.S. shoreline. SEC is still looking for him.
Is that the guy from Austin who just turned himself in yesterday?
Nolan Kienitz
06-20-2009, 06:28 PM
Is that the guy from Austin who just turned himself in yesterday?
Nope. Guy is still missing. Has been gone almost a year now. His Lamborghini and all other property was snatched by the feds in a heartbeat. The hard-top lid for the car was still in the garage.
Ted Menelly
06-20-2009, 09:03 PM
Nope. Guy is still missing. Has been gone almost a year now. His Lamborghini and all other property was snatched by the feds in a heartbeat. The hard-top lid for the car was still in the garage.
He has been investigated over the past few years and then was still grabbing money from people. I know a couple folks (indirectly) that between them got taken for about 50,000
I actually checked the guy out and advised them to get their money back before it was gone. I am trying to think of his name. I just typed his name into a search a 1 1/2 ago maybe 2 years ago and he came right up. The SEC was involved then along with other agencies. If I am not mistaken even before the investigation a year or so before that he had to pay back about a million and a half or so. I think his last name begins with a t. I might be wrong. He was getting money from folks for investment into Indonesion oil refineries. Literally it took 2 minutes in a search to check him out but he was still conning folks out of their money.
Marc M
06-20-2009, 10:09 PM
This is the best report site I have ever seen eInspections™ ( chect them out first. TM
Hey Tony,
Does this program have the ability to place your comments or remarks under sub sections, or only at the bottom of the page?
Trent Tarter
06-20-2009, 11:47 PM
Mark I use HomeGauge. I am very happy with their software and it's helped grow my business. They have great technical support just a phone call away and they also have an online forum. The guys at HomeGauge really listen their customers and make regular upgrades and improvements based on customer feedback. They have many different report formats and report styles to choose from. There are some features of the software that I do not like and don't use, however I am overall very happy with the software. One feature they have is on online inspection agreement that allows your client to accept the agreement online. You can also get set up to take credit cards and force payment before clients can receive reports.
Tony Mount
06-21-2009, 08:41 PM
Marc, I know you can place comments on any picture, along with arrows, circles, or other things you want to draw on the pic.
Marc M
06-21-2009, 09:22 PM
I got the demo and was playing with it, I havent had an opportunity to spend a lot of time becuae I too busy with doing reports with inspectvue when it's not crashing.
Gary Mann
06-22-2009, 10:38 AM
Marc look into Home Inspector Pro. I have been using it now for about eight months and love it. Its easy to use, free updates, customer service is great. Seven days a week. also now if you are using inspectvue you get 150.00 off and also there is a program to convert the inspectors library over. So you don't loose your library. The is the link. Check them out. (
Madison' Home Inspections
Marc M
06-23-2009, 10:40 PM
hey Gary,I did demo this one but didnt care for it. Thanks anyhow for the input.
Jeff Knight
06-24-2009, 04:53 AM
hey Gary,I did demo this one but didnt care for it. Thanks anyhow for the input.
What type of software are you looking for ? Are you looking for software that runs on a handheld device so you can use it as you are doing your inspection and not have to reenter the data later ?
Peter Hawley
01-26-2011, 12:12 PM
I have had nothing but empty promises from Inspectvue over the past year. No updates, no answering calls, no return calls. but they still had the nerve to send me an email to pay for their ongoing "support"!!
Any ideas for a new program?
Rick Bunzel
01-26-2011, 01:24 PM
Go to the left hand bar and click on reports. Since report software is something you use on every job don't be afraid to spend a little more on it.
With the real estate debacle a lot of these smaller software companies saw their cashflow die. They get a meager amount for annual support but real money is new clients. Even the bigger companies like 3D and HomeGauge have been hurt but have enough installed base to tough it out.
Lopez Home Inspections; San Juan Island Home Inspections By Pacific Crest Inspections (
Orcas Village and East Sound Home Inspections; Orcas Island Home Inspections By Pacific Crest Inspections (
Peter Hawley
01-26-2011, 04:50 PM
I have been on the phone extensively with this company (at least when I can get them to answer the phone)
They actually told me to go get a program from somewhere else!!!!
They (Tom, Mario and Rod) said they had no intention of EVER finishing Version 5 and the only recourse was to use version 4, but had no way to revert the library back for use in version 4.
I asked to speak with the owner, Ed Torrez, many times but wouldn't you know it, he was either in a meeting, busy or out of the office EVERY time I I was shocked. I even offered to personally drive to his office and meet him, but I was always told that "he won't be here" if I did that! He never returned my 10 requests for a call back...amazing how they treat you once they have your money, they were very responsive when they wanted my money that's for sure.
It is amazing how he can take a great program and flush it down the toilet like he has done with this company. My advice is to avoid buying anything from them.
Nolan Kienitz
01-26-2011, 05:38 PM
I have had nothing but empty promises from Inspectvue over the past year. No updates, no answering calls, no return calls. but they still had the nerve to send me an email to pay for their ongoing "support"!!
Any ideas for a new program?
As noted ... do some searches in this Report Thread and you will see all sorts of inspection applications used by many folks. Personal preferences and what you are comfortable with.
I use Whisper Reporter from Whisper Solutions. Their application is very customizable and you can develop the template you want for your state or type of inspections you do.
I'm required to use a Texas mandated template for the majority of my inspections, but I've developed templates for the many other types of inspections I do that are not specifically regulated by Texas TREC.
Whisper Solutions provides many templates with the application and you can copy/modify them as you find necessary.
In most cases you can also import your already saved comments that you have been developing, adding to for as long as you have been inspecting. If there is a special code needed to facilitate the import of those comments the owners will often prepare an import routine for your current application to port them over ... usually at no cost.
You can download the full-blown application and test-drive for ~ 30-days.
URL is below direct to the Whisper Reporter page;
WhisperReporter (
Jack Feldmann
01-26-2011, 05:56 PM
I can only hope that Lorne will come up with something new so I can replace Insectvue.
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