View Full Version : Money at Work

A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 04:15 AM
I just returned from a 2500-mile road trip and can tell you from first-hand experience that Obamabucks are being spent on the highways in a grand fashion in all of the 7 states I drove through. Like it or not; agree with it or not, progress is being made regarding the rebuilding of the infrastructure.

This is a sign that I saw often:

John Arnold
07-09-2009, 04:21 AM
Aaron - You are so naive. Don't you know that "Putting America to Work" is just another name for Socialists Enslaving Americans?

Hey, I just wanted to say it before someone else did.

J Moore
07-09-2009, 06:06 AM
How much of that money went into making and putting up
the signs?
Guess it still put someone to work

A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 07:11 AM
Aaron - You are so naive. Don't you know that "Putting America to Work" is just another name for Socialists Enslaving Americans?

Hey, I just wanted to say it before someone else did.

JA: Naive is not a word that has ever been used to describe me by anyone who has met me. That is because it is an absurd notion.:rolleyes:

And, if you believe yourself to be living in a country with a democratic government, or even a federal republic, then you may want to do a little more reading and looking around . . .:D

John Arnold
07-09-2009, 07:34 AM
JA: Naive is not a word that has ever been used to describe me by anyone who has met me. That is because it is an absurd notion.:rolleyes:

And, if you believe yourself to be living in a country with a democratic government, or even a federal republic, then you may want to do a little more reading and looking around . . .:D

A.D.: Can't tell if you are taking my post seriously. I could not have been more sarcastic. Hmmm..., maybe you are naive after all.

A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 07:39 AM
A.D.: Can't tell if you are taking my post seriously. I could not have been more sarcastic. Hmmm..., maybe you are naive after all.

JA: Maybe no one has explained the significance of smilies to you. Ask around.:D

Ron Bibler
07-09-2009, 07:41 AM
Aaron Q. How much did they pay you ? Your like that dude in the Iraq war... What was is name. the dude that keep saying on TV and the radio they were wining:eek:

Was it Iraq Bob or something...

Keep up the good work your propaganda check is in the mail.



A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 07:46 AM
Aaron Q. How much did they pay you ? Your like that dude in the Iraq war... What was is name. the dude that keep saying on TV and the radio they were wining:eek:

Was it Iraq Bob or something...

Keep up the good work your propaganda check is in the mail.



RB: You should be proud of me. I drove over 2500 miles; passed hundreds of morons on motorcycles, and did not succumb even once to the nearly overwhelming urge to bump them into the ditch.:D
Keep those checks coming.;)

John Arnold
07-09-2009, 08:22 AM
JA: Maybe no one has explained the significance of smilies to you. Ask around.:D

I hate smilies. I do my best to ignore them.

A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 08:27 AM
I hate smilies. I do my best to ignore them.

JA: Typical Philly BS.:D :D :D :D :eek:

Jerry Peck
07-09-2009, 08:38 AM
Aaron Q. How much did they pay you ? Your like that dude in the Iraq war... What was is name. the dude that keep saying on TV and the radio they were wining:eek:

Was it Iraq Bob or something...

His name was 'W'. :rolleyes:

As in "Mission Accomplished". :eek:

Too bad there is not a 'puking' emoticon here, that would have been perfect for the above. :cool:

Michael Larson
07-09-2009, 08:58 AM
Bagdad Bob

YouTube - Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s27Oq5ot0ZI)

Randy Navarro
07-09-2009, 09:13 AM
I just returned from a 2500-mile road trip and can tell you from first-hand experience that Obamabucks are being spent on the highways in a grand fashion in all of the 7 states I drove through. Like it or not; agree with it or not, progress is being made regarding the rebuilding of the infrastructure.

This is a sign that I saw often:

Why did it take this act to rebuild the roads? Isn't that one of the primary functions of the government and should have been occurring all along? (Assuming they were interstates.)

John Arnold
07-09-2009, 09:22 AM
JA: Typical Philly BS.:D :D :D :D :eek:

As Tony Mount once said, the smiley face doesn't stop the pain.

John Arnold
07-09-2009, 09:25 AM
...Too bad there is not a 'puking' emoticon here, that would have been perfect for the above. :cool:

Now that would be an emoticon I might use, especially for GWB, Uncle Dick, Rummy, etc.

Ted Menelly
07-09-2009, 11:00 AM
I just returned from a 2500-mile road trip and can tell you from first-hand experience that Obamabucks are being spent on the highways in a grand fashion in all of the 7 states I drove through. Like it or not; agree with it or not, progress is being made regarding the rebuilding of the infrastructure.

This is a sign that I saw often:

Anyways, back to your original post...........

I guess you have not driven anywhere for a while. Every highway I drive on is always getting work done to it whether it be minor fix up or major overhall. Personally I have not seen anything out of the norm.

Do you ever drive on 30 ??????? or 20 ??????? or 35 ??????? Always some darn thing being fixed.

Not to mention. They have only actually given out a small portion of that 700,000,000,000,000..............OOOps I think I put a few extra zeros in there. oops, waite, I know why I put those zeros in there. That is probably what it will cost us in the end.

OOOOOps :D :) :D :)

Michael Larson
07-09-2009, 12:20 PM
In the you can't make this stuff department:

$18M Being Spent to Redesign Recovery.gov Web Site (http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenote/2009/07/18m-being-spent-to-redesign-recoverygov-web-site.html)

The new Web site promises to give taxpayers more information about where their money is going than the current version of the site.
“Recovery.gov 2.0 will use innovative and interactive technologies to help taxpayers see where their dollars are being spent,” James A. Williams, commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, says in a press release announcing the contract awarded to Maryland-based Smartronix Inc. “Armed with easy access to this information, taxpayers can make government more accountable for its decisions.”

A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 01:20 PM
Why did it take this act to rebuild the roads? Isn't that one of the primary functions of the government and should have been occurring all along? (Assuming they were interstates.)

RN: Simple. GWB only spent money where his friends would benefit. He had no friends in the highway and bridge building business.

Tony Infelise
07-09-2009, 02:21 PM
I just returned from a 2500-mile road trip and can tell you from first-hand experience that Obamabucks are being spent on the highways in a grand fashion in all of the 7 states I drove through. Like it or not; agree with it or not, progress is being made regarding the rebuilding of the infrastructure.


Heck you don't get around much. That's the only way we know it's summer in Chicago, when they pull out the orange signs.

Ron Bibler
07-09-2009, 03:53 PM
OK Aaron thats your new name. :D

Aaron AKA ( Bagdad Bob ).

Quoat : RB: You should be proud of me. I drove over 2500 miles; passed hundreds of morons on motorcycles, and did not succumb even once to the nearly overwhelming urge to bump them into the ditch.:D
Keep those checks coming.;) :

Bagdad Bob. bikers have ways to deal with your kind on the road.



A.D. Miller
07-09-2009, 04:09 PM
As usual, when I try to post something positive on this forum, out of the woodwork comes the typical smart-ass blather. :D

Billy Stephens
07-09-2009, 04:40 PM
Obamabucks are being spent on the highways in a grand fashion

I'm Buying More Stocks of Roadway Orange Cones & Lane Barrels. :D

Michael Larson
07-09-2009, 05:17 PM
As usual, when I try to post something positive on this forum, out of the woodwork comes the typical smart-ass blather. KMA.:DI'd say it is you that posted the "blather" as it does not reflect reality.

Only 7% of the $787 Billion "Stimulus" has made its way into the system and only a small portion of that has gone to infrastructure projects.

I wonder how much went to produce and install those pretty signs?

Ron Bibler
07-09-2009, 05:21 PM
Bagdad Bob[/B];91357] Obamabucks are being spent on the highways in a grand fashion

Its not Obamabucks. Its US tax Dollars.



A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 06:16 AM
I wonder how much went to produce and install those pretty signs?


And how much of that figure, whatever it may be, went to the sign manufacturer and his employees, their suppliers, the suppliers' suppliers, all of the service professions that support all of the above, etc., etc, ad infinitum?

Money that circulates stimulates.:D

A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 06:20 AM
Its not Obamabucks. Its US tax Dollars.



RB: So then, I suppose that you would rather have those funds once again diverted to Halliburton to build fall-down buildings for the folks who are killing our servicemen in foreign countries? Or would you rather send it directly to Exxon and Shell?:D

Ted Menelly
07-10-2009, 06:43 AM
RB: So then, I suppose that you would rather have those funds once again diverted to Halliburton to build fall-down buildings for the folks who are killing our servicemen in foreign countries? Or would you rather send it directly to Exxon and Shell?:D

I would rather have everyone send me their money and I will look after it well and put it to very good use.

Ron Bibler
07-10-2009, 06:48 AM
Say a Bagdad Bob These are 3 Great American Co. Halliburton, Exxon and Shell.



A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 07:03 AM
Say a Bagdad Bob These are 3 Great American Co. Halliburton, Exxon and Shell.



RB: Being a marginally-literate biker from the Left Coast, I would not seriously expect you to know that Royal Dutch Shell is a foreign-owned corporation.:eek:

Billy Stephens
07-10-2009, 07:49 AM
Royal Dutch Shell is a foreign-owned corporation.:eek:

With Over 14,000 Job Creating Locations Through Out These United States. ;)
*real tax paying jobs ( that circulate monies *even in small town U.S.A. )

A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 07:56 AM

With Over 14,000 Job Creating Locations Through Out These United States. ;)
*real tax paying jobs ( that circulate monies *even in small town U.S.A. )

BS: So then, following your line of "reasoning", we should all applaud the 9/11 terrorists, GWB, and all other things rotten in Denmark. Look at how many jobs they created.

"Sick puppy" does not quite go far enough to describe what you may be.:eek:

Ron Bibler
07-10-2009, 08:00 AM
Say Bagdad Bob these very fine Co. Halliburton, Exxon and Shell. Provide gas for your car :eek: and you keep buying it from them :eek: .

So I suppose that you Bagdad Bob would rather have those funds once again diverted to killing our servicemen.

Your in a world of your own Bagdad Bob.



A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 08:09 AM
Say Bagdad Bob these very fine Co. Halliburton, Exxon and Shell. Provide gas for your car :eek: and you keep buying it from them :eek: .

So I suppose that you Bagdad Bob would rather have those funds once again diverted to killing our servicemen.

Your in a world of your own Bagdad Bob.



RB: Sick duck describes you best.

Michael Larson
07-10-2009, 08:16 AM

And how much of that figure, whatever it may be, went to the sign manufacturer and his employees, their suppliers, the suppliers' suppliers, all of the service professions that support all of the above, etc., etc, ad infinitum?

Money that circulates stimulates.:DWell "Bob" Please send a $100,000 and I will make sure it "circulates".

Think of the money saved by cutting out the middle man.:D

Billy Stephens
07-10-2009, 09:05 AM
BS: So then, following your line of "reasoning", we should all applaud the 9/11 terrorists, GWB, and all other things rotten in Denmark. Look at how many jobs they created.

"Sick puppy" does not quite go far enough to describe what you may be.:eek:
Let It Go & Move On. ;)

* it appears someone has Peed in your Cheerios, have a better day. :)

A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 09:10 AM
BS: Agreed. I've moved.