View Full Version : TEXAS

Ted Menelly
07-09-2009, 10:44 AM
Just a little info on TEXAS. I posted the complete email below because it was sent as an email and I did not want to be stealing it. I do not sponsor or have anything to do with this advertising. This is the main reason I moved here. Warning: all other national home inspectors keep out :D

Texas is the place to be. That is not just my opinion. Dallas / Fort Worth - Austin - Houston make up Texaplex the fastest growing area of our Country. Did you know that half of all new jobs created in the US were in Texas?

Take the time to watch the YouTube Video and visit their site at www.texaplex.com (mhtml:{BD2BC3F8-FD89-4501-9EA2-78782864A32B}mid://00000243/!x-usc:http://preaecards.com/ve/ZZ9600796789L60a83q644/stype=click/OID=30979105145627/VT=0)

Let me know what you think of the video. If you know of someone wanting to move to Texas please give them my name. We have relocation packages that will help them every step of the way!

Now spread the word: "TEXAS...the Perfect Storm of Opportunity and Growth" (David Winans)

YouTube - Texas Real Estate Texaplex (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC16-4fh-Qc)

Gloria Vargo
Relocation Specialist

Gloria Vargo
GloriaVargo@gmail.com (mhtml:{BD2BC3F8-FD89-4501-9EA2-78782864A32B}mid://00000243/!x-usc:mailto:GloriaVargo@gmail.com)
Prudential Texas Properties

150 N Nolen Dr., Southlake Tx 76092
T: 817-442-5345
F: 817-488-0463
C: 214-789-1076
W: http://www.GloriaVargo.com (mhtml:{BD2BC3F8-FD89-4501-9EA2-78782864A32B}mid://00000243/!x-usc:http://www.gloriavargo.com/)

Jim Luttrall
07-09-2009, 03:30 PM
Ted, I watched the clip and can agree with most of the facts except the "good weather" comment. It is 102 degrees and humid right now with no relief in sight. Hurts just to think about it!

Rick Hurst
07-09-2009, 05:12 PM
My hometown of Rockwall is named this month in Family Circle magazine as one of the top 10 cities in the US to raise a family. Actually it is listed first in the story.

Ka-ching on property values. Could explain the great several months I've had lately.


A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 12:42 PM
The news just keeps on coming in:

Texas gaining small businesses even in recession | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas Business News (http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/DN-smallbiz_09bus.ART.State.Edition1.3cf5b34.html)

A.D. Miller
07-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Ted, I watched the clip and can agree with most of the facts except the "good weather" comment. It is 102 degrees and humid right now with no relief in sight. Hurts just to think about it!

JL: Are you, like TM, not a native Texan? By the way it is officially 105° here now. And, it will likely stay this way until around mid-September.

Look at the upside. You will never have to shovel snow here. Dream about it, yes. Shovel it, not a chance.:D

Ted Menelly
07-10-2009, 03:22 PM
JL: Are you, like TM, not a native Texan? By the way it is officially 105° here now. And, it will likely stay this way until around mid-September.

Look at the upside. You will never have to shovel snow here. Dream about it, yes. Shovel it, not a chance.:D

I do not find it over bearing hot.

Well, I did live in Flahda for 14 years. At 90 in Florida the equivelant here is about a hundred were there is far less humidity.

Now, saying that, I have salt stains all over my shirt from crawlin around in that 140 degree attic today.

100...102...bring it on. I was at lake Ray Roberts a couple of weekends ago boating and swimming and fishing. It was over 100 that day and the first few feet of water was like bath water. The only time you got relief was when someone jumped in next to you and the splash brought some water from below up. We were swimming around looking for the cool spots. The fish don't even like it that hot.

Jim Luttrall
07-10-2009, 04:09 PM
JL: Are you, like TM, not a native Texan? By the way it is officially 105° here now. And, it will likely stay this way until around mid-September.

Look at the upside. You will never have to shovel snow here. Dream about it, yes. Shovel it, not a chance.:D

Ok, Aaron, them's fightin' words. I am a native Texan, born at Baylor right here in Big D, with lineage back 4 generations, prior to the war between the states!
But anyone who says it ain't HOT in Texas in the summertime is either heat addled or a Yankee; OK Ted and Aaron, pick one.

Aaron, if A/C is outlawed in Texas, I predict a mass exodus similar to your last pilgrimage north except on a more permanent basis.:D

A.D. Miller
07-11-2009, 04:59 AM
Ok, Aaron, them's fightin' words. I am a native Texan, born at Baylor right here in Big D, with lineage back 4 generations, prior to the war between the states!
But anyone who says it ain't HOT in Texas in the summertime is either heat addled or a Yankee; OK Ted and Aaron, pick one.

Aaron, if A/C is outlawed in Texas, I predict a mass exodus similar to your last pilgrimage north except on a more permanent basis.:D

JL: OK, OK, pipe down. It was just a question! I grew up here without A/C, but would likely be the first in line to leave were it outlawed.:D

Rick Hurst
07-11-2009, 08:53 PM
Its was so hot today that the squirrels were soaking their nuts.:D

John Kogel
07-12-2009, 05:38 PM
Its was so hot today that the squirells were soaking their nuts.:DThat squirrel's pretty small. Sure he's from Texas? :)

Jim Luttrall
07-12-2009, 05:46 PM
That squirrel's pretty small. Sure he's from Texas? :)
That's not a squirrel.
That is just a small rat with good PR and a better wardrobe.:D ;)

gary gramling
07-13-2009, 12:48 PM
Down here, in the low desert of Southern California (El Centro), we consider it to be a moderate summer day if the temperature never gets above 110. We had 120, in one of our suburbs, on the 4th of July. As you can imagine, we don't really turn on the AC until it passes 101. So, I'm having trouble having sympathy for you Texans and your squirrels.

A.D. Miller
07-13-2009, 01:20 PM
Down here, in the low desert of Southern California (El Centro), we consider it to be a moderate summer day if the temperature never gets above 110. We had 120, in one of our suburbs, on the 4th of July. As you can imagine, we don't really turn on the AC until it passes 101. So, I'm having trouble having sympathy for you Texans and your squirrels.

GG: Currently it is 107° in El Centro, CA with a mere 13% humidity. In Dallas it is 104° with 27% humidity (which is very low humidity for us this time of year).:D

Bring your nuts out here and see if they won't roast just a little faster than they do in El Centro.:eek:

Ted Menelly
07-13-2009, 01:27 PM
GG: Currently it is 107° in El Centro, CA with a mere 13% humidity. In Dallas it is 104° with 27% humidity (which is very low humidity for us this time of year).

Bring your nuts out here and see if they won't roast just a little faster than they do in El Centro.

76137 for the next 7 days. I guess we are getting a cold spell. If you are doing anything outdoors soon do it next weekend. Cloudy and cooler.

http://deskwx.weatherbug.com/images/Forecast/icons/cond007.gif (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)
Hi: 105°
Lo: 80°

Hourly (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/hourly-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042&start_hour=0)
More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)

http://deskwx.weatherbug.com/images/Forecast/icons/cond007.gif (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)
Hi: 105°
Lo: 80°

Hourly (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/hourly-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042&start_hour=7)
More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)

Hi: 101°
Lo: 79°

More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)


Hi: 100°
Lo: 76°

Mostly Sunny
More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)


Hi: 98°
Lo: 74°

Mostly Sunny
More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)


Hi: 95°
Lo: 75°

Partly Cloudy
More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)


Hi: 95°

Mostly Sunny
[URL="http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042"]More (http://weather.weatherbug.com/TX/Fort Worth-weather/local-forecast/detailed-forecast.html?zcode=Z6042)

gary gramling
07-13-2009, 01:30 PM
Don't know that they will roast any faster; but, they would probably be more moist.
I have a cousin living in Plano; and, I get to visit. Plus, in a far away lifetime, I "enjoyed" my summertime Army Basic Training at Ft. Polk, LA. So, I do know a little about the humidity there.
Pure and simple...hot is hot whether it is a "dry" heat or moist. But, I thought that you Texans could "man up" better than that.

A.D. Miller
07-13-2009, 01:36 PM
If you are doing anything outdoors soon do it next weekend. Cloudy and cooler.

TM: Yeah, a Texas summer cold front: 98°, intermittent rain, and 99% humidity. Yee-f'ing-haah! I'm melting!


A.D. Miller
07-13-2009, 01:38 PM
I "enjoyed" my summertime Army Basic Training at Ft. Polk, LA. So, I do know a little about the humidity there.

GG: Say no more. But, that was only for 6 or 8 weeks . . .:D

A.D. Miller
07-13-2009, 01:46 PM
GG: And remember that 104 with 27% humidity feels like 107. 107 with 13% humidity feels like 107.

gary gramling
07-13-2009, 01:52 PM
Either way, it is hot!

Eight weeks, thank you very much! Then, winter (-17) in S. Korea.


A.D. Miller
07-14-2009, 03:06 AM
Either way, it is hot!

Eight weeks, thank you very much! Then, winter (-17) in S. Korea.


GG: I (gladly) got winter both times. Basic in Fort Lewis, WA and 3 years on the border between Germany and Czechoslovakia.

gary gramling
07-14-2009, 06:57 AM
Ft Lewis was not a bad place; but, if you were there for basic, you didn't get to enjoy it.

A.D. Miller
07-14-2009, 10:56 AM
Ft Lewis was not a bad place; but, if you were there for basic, you didn't get to enjoy it.

GG: Got to crawl through ths snow and slush for weeks, but it was scenic whenever they let me stand up.