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View Full Version : Brian Hannigan

Brian Hannigan
03-28-2007, 04:18 AM
Welcome to the NEW InspectionNews. I'm sure you will enjoy.

I will post more here later.

william siegel
04-01-2007, 06:39 AM
WOW, what a shocker this morning to wake up and see a new site. Brian, it looks very interesting. Your dedication to this board is amazing and we all appreciate it.

FYI - It shows I last visted the board on 12-31-1969 (I was 15 then)

Brian Hannigan
04-01-2007, 07:37 AM
FYI - It shows I last visited the board on 12-31-1969 (I was 15 then)

Congratulation, you qualify for the "I've been gone but now I'm back" award. ;)

All imported users show the 1969 date for some reason. It will correct itself next time you get on the board.

Thank you for the compliment.

Tim Moreira
04-01-2007, 07:39 AM
Pretty Cool Brian but as Bill said, 1969? :D I was but a dream to mommy:)

Looks good so far.

neal lewis
04-01-2007, 09:29 AM
I don't have a photo of myself from 1969, but here's one from last week.

Joe Nernberg
04-01-2007, 10:42 AM

Nice job. Happy April 1. My wife warned me about doing anything I would consider funny that would put me on the couch tonight. A great April Fool prank might make it worth the while though. Any thoughts?

Jack Feldmann
04-01-2007, 05:07 PM
Just starting to figure out where everything is. Let see, in 1969 I was 21, and that should say a bunch about what was happening in my life then. Some good, a bunch not so good.

Bob White
04-01-2007, 05:19 PM
Just testing, to see if my pic loaded ... I don't think it did.

Bob White
04-01-2007, 05:21 PM
one more test, to upload a photo......

Brian Hannigan
04-01-2007, 05:22 PM
Hi Bob,

Was this a pic to add in your profile?

If you need me to resize your pic so it will load just attach it to an email and sent it to me at brian@hanntech.com

I'll take care of it for you.

Edit: Looks like you beat me to it.

Brian Hannigan
04-01-2007, 05:27 PM
While uploading your avatar please keep in mind:

Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller).

If anyone needs me to crop and/or resize a photo for them just attach it to an e-mail and send to brian@hanntech.com

Jim Luttrall
04-01-2007, 05:27 PM
Just finding out how to use this new forum.
Brian, thanks for all the hard work, but I am not finding
this very intuitive, but I will keep working at it.
I have to feed the addiction.
No jokes about teaching an old dog new tricks please!

Gunnar Alquist
04-02-2007, 09:49 AM
What's this "new member" stuff? I am going to miss my frog icon. :D The new site looks nice, but I can see a learning curve here.

Jack Ahern
04-02-2007, 10:16 AM
Been a while since I was called a newbie. 1969? Oh well. I'm back and looking forward to this Board and all that it entails. Red Sox are starting thier/our quest for the World Series games in Oct.
Jack Ahern Needham on the Charles and Bridgton,Maine

Thomas Gaba
04-02-2007, 05:03 PM
Thanks Brian for for have the forsight to initiate a great forum for home inspecotrs to learn for our/their peers.

The new site is a great addition to the already popular forum.

Thanks again

Thomas A. Gaba
Buyers Home Inspection Service, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio

Jeff Gainey
04-02-2007, 05:27 PM
New Site is awesome Brian. I know it was a lot of work to pull it off. Look forward to learning it all over again.
Just when you learn the answers--- they change the questions...Jeff G

Phillip Smith
04-03-2007, 03:37 PM
New site looks good. I will have to find out how it works.

Brian Hannigan
04-03-2007, 03:42 PM
New site looks good. I will have to find out how it works.

Hi Phillip (and everyone), thank you very much for the compliments.

Phillip, the first step in learning the board is to go to the first post in the HELP section. In there I will continue to add tips that will help you use the board.


M Kelekci
04-03-2007, 06:12 PM
Hello Brian

I have been a quiet reader of the bulletin board. Let me rephrase "OLD BULLETIN BOARD". Learned a lot so far.

Planning on being a proactive member on the new site though.


Houston TX

Jerry McCarthy
04-27-2011, 07:37 AM

It took me 15 years + to learn how to maneuver in your BB and now you change it? You know dam well old dogs can't learn new tricks !

Jerry :rolleyes:

09-18-2015, 05:02 AM

It took me 15 years + to learn how to maneuver in your BB and now you change it? You know dam well old dogs can't learn new tricks !

Jerry :rolleyes:
Ha ha ha. old dogs can't learn new tricks !
I highly bought your skills and wit are hampered by new techniques Mr. McCarthy.