View Full Version : Garage ventilation or lack thereof.

Edgar Abrego
08-01-2009, 12:44 PM
I did an inspection yesterday in Riverside, CA. The garage did not have any ventilation that I could find. It was entirely vacant and completely clean. So I took a short walk to look at the neighbors garages from the outside and they did not appear to have any ventilation as well. This was a newer home. Has anybody else encountered this? If so how would you right that up if the other homes in the neighborhood appear to be the same?


A.D. Miller
08-01-2009, 12:53 PM
I did an inspection yesterday in Riverside, CA. The garage did not have any ventilation that I could find. It was entirely vacant and completely clean. So I took a short walk to look at the neighbors garages from the outside and they did not appear to have any ventilation as well. This was a newer home. Has anybody else encountered this? If so how would you right that up if the other homes in the neighborhood appear to be the same?


EA: Do you mean the garage or the garage attic?

Edgar Abrego
08-01-2009, 12:58 PM
A.D. it was the garage interior, not the attic.

A.D. Miller
08-01-2009, 01:17 PM
A.D. it was the garage interior, not the attic.

EA: There are no requirements in the IRC for mechanical or passive garage ventilation. Maybe in Left Coastia, but not the rest of the world.

Brandon Whitmore
08-01-2009, 01:20 PM
If you are used to seeing vents in newer home garages (not attic), they are installed to meet combustion air requirements for furnaces, water heaters, etc. ---- not to ventilate the garage.

Edgar Abrego
08-01-2009, 01:45 PM
Thanks guys I appreciate the input.


Rick Hurst
08-01-2009, 01:57 PM
Only homes I've ever seen with ventilation for the actual garage was down in Austin at new development. The builder was from Florida and he stated he always put in vents (like a pier and beam has) on the walls of the garage for ventilation. He stated in Florida they called them "suicide" vents.

Anyone in Florida ever see these?


A.D. Miller
08-01-2009, 02:10 PM
Only homes I've ever seen with ventilation for the actual garage was down in Austin at new development. The builder was from Florida and he stated he always put in vents (like a pier and beam has) on the walls of the garage for ventilation. He stated in Florida they called them "suicide" vents.

Anyone in Florida ever see these?


RH: If they are like most builder "innovations", they probably didn't work. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an answer . . . they are not still with us.:D

Jerry Peck
08-01-2009, 08:04 PM
Only homes I've ever seen with ventilation for the actual garage was down in Austin at new development. The builder was from Florida and he stated he always put in vents (like a pier and beam has) on the walls of the garage for ventilation. He stated in Florida they called them "suicide" vents.

Anyone in Florida ever see these?



USED to be required in Florida, but not any more, and then only in parts of Florida (depended on what code was being used back then).

"Suicide" vents is what we called them - yessiree. :)

Robert Sole
08-07-2009, 10:13 AM
I have worked for several builders in the Orlando area. Only one of them installed vents in the garage unless there was a gas water heater or furnace. The builder I worked for in San Antonio TX did though.

James Vincent
08-07-2009, 12:54 PM
Some builders here in San Antonio put the suicide vents in and some do not.:confused: I have them on the side of my garage where I manufactured box like funnels to let the south breeze in and keep the north wind out.
Because it be kind of cooking down here :eek:

Know any good rain dances?