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View Full Version : Phone in dinner

Jim Luttrall
08-22-2009, 06:15 AM
seeing a video of the phone lighting the stove (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qV00petZ0Y)

We might need to brush up on our phone skills.

Jerry Peck
08-22-2009, 10:22 AM
Husband calls wife on way home from work using his cell phone: "Honey, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

Wife: "Dear, would you go into the kitchen and stand near the stove?"

Husband: "Why ... ?"

Wife: "Just do it please."

Husband: "Okay, I'm in the kitchen, now what?"

Wife: "Hang up the phone and I'll call you right back."

Husband: "Okay" (hangs up his cell phone)

Wife: (call Husband back) "Dear, would you check to see if the oven is on?"

Husband: "Sure ... (checks oven, yep, it is on) ... yes, the oven is on, why?"

Wife: "We are having lasagna for dinner, it should be ready when I get home."

Husband: "How did you do that?"

Wife: "Never mind dear, sometimes women can just do things, see you in about 30 minutes. Bye"

Husband: (stands there scratching his head trying to figure out how his wife did that)

Liz Nie
09-09-2010, 07:03 PM
:D Wonderful!

Husband calls wife on way home from work using his cell phone: "Honey, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

Wife: "Dear, would you go into the kitchen and stand near the stove?"

Husband: "Why ... ?"

Wife: "Just do it please."

Husband: "Okay, I'm in the kitchen, now what?"

Wife: "Hang up the phone and I'll call you right back."

Husband: "Okay" (hangs up his cell phone)

Wife: (call Husband back) "Dear, would you check to see if the oven is on?"

Husband: "Sure ... (checks oven, yep, it is on) ... yes, the oven is on, why?"

Wife: "We are having lasagna for dinner, it should be ready when I get home."

Husband: "How did you do that?"

Wife: "Never mind dear, sometimes women can just do things, see you in about 30 minutes. Bye"

Husband: (stands there scratching his head trying to figure out how his wife did that)

JB Thompson
09-10-2010, 10:55 AM
Husband calls wife on way home from work using his cell phone: "Honey, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

Wife: "Dear, would you go into the kitchen and stand near the stove?"

Husband: "Why ... ?"

Wife: "Just do it please."

Husband: "Okay, I'm in the kitchen, now what?"

Wife: "Hang up the phone and I'll call you right back."

Husband: "Okay" (hangs up his cell phone)

Wife: (call Husband back) "Dear, would you check to see if the oven is on?"

Husband: "Sure ... (checks oven, yep, it is on) ... yes, the oven is on, why?"

Wife: "We are having lasagna for dinner, it should be ready when I get home."

Husband: "How did you do that?"

Wife: "Never mind dear, sometimes women can just do things, see you in about 30 minutes. Bye"

Husband: (stands there scratching his head trying to figure out how his wife did that)

Or the other way around, she tells him to go into the kitchen and he notices a strong smell of gas--right before the phone rings. bwhahahahahaha:eek: