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Raymond Wand
09-03-2009, 04:58 AM

Check out property documents in the pdf, and see who authored it.

To: ASHI Board of Directors
ASHI Past Presidents
ASHI Committee Chairs
Legal Counsel
From: Jeff Arnold – Executive Director/CEO
Cc: ASHI Headquarters Staff

Date: September 1, 2009

After considerable discussion with the Finance Committee/Officers Group of the Board, I have decided to make the following change in the ASHI office structure.

As of today, September 1st, I have eliminated the CFO position as it exists
currently and Richard Bennett will no longer be an employee of ASHI.
I have given this matter much thought over the past several months (or longer) and still arrive at the same conclusion; that an association our size does not require a CFO to handle it’s finances.

As I have discussed with the Finance Committee during this process, even
though I have the ultimate authority over staffing decisions through my contract, we came to the same conclusion that an organization of our size can fulfill all of sit financial requirements with an Accounting Manager position rather than a CFO position. It is my understanding that Dick was the first CFO the organization has had and that before him we had the equivalent of an Accounting Manager/Head Bookkeeper. Belienda Schultz, Dick’s current assistant will become the Accounting Manager. Belienda started at ASHI the beginning of February after moving to Chicago with her husband. Before that she was in charge of all the accounting at her father’s company for 15 years in Kingman, Arizona. She has been an excellent addition to the staff and is more than capable of handling the day to day financial matters.

accountant, Pat Melvin of Desmond Ahern (he is a senior partner with the
firm) will be there to assist Belienda whenever and wherever necessary.
We have a meeting scheduled tomorrow morning with Pat and with our bankers from Chase Bank (both are aware of this change) to go over a number of transition matters.

Dick was liaison to the By-Laws Committee, as well as the CEPP and CACC
Committees. He and I both served as liaison to the Finance Committee. The staff will discuss By-Laws, CEPP and CACC regarding the liaison positions and
assign them as soon as possible. I, along with Belienda, will be the liaisons to the Finance Committee.

I certainly wish Dick well and will be very happy to give him an excellent
recommendation for any new position he pursues. Also, I appreciate all of your support with this change as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter and, as always, I appreciate your continued support of ASHI and its mission.

Best regards, as always,

Michael Thomas
09-03-2009, 05:24 AM
NG does not write that well.

Scott Patterson
09-03-2009, 06:57 AM
What part is a forgery?

Dan Harris
09-03-2009, 07:29 AM
I find it interesting that ole nicko discloses financial info, membership numbers, and business decisions about HI orgs, but never discloses anything about his own org to his own members.
What does he have to hide?

Nick Ostrowski
09-03-2009, 08:08 AM
Call me obtuse but I don't get it. What are we supposed to be looking for here?

Scott Patterson
09-03-2009, 08:53 AM
Call me obtuse but I don't get it. What are we supposed to be looking for here?

Black Helicopters!

This letter was sent from ASHI to the folks as listed in the address block. I think what Ray is reffering to is that Nick saved the document to a PDF and it shows him now as the author.

Dan Harris
09-03-2009, 09:04 AM
Call me obtuse but I don't get it. What are we supposed to be looking for here?

Just another example from nicko to his followers on how to get more web hits, and how they [ with no verificiation of certificiations, and with out any home inspector training ] can compete with professionals that earn their business, and respect from their customers with hard work and verified certificiations :D

Kevin Luce
09-03-2009, 11:26 AM
I think Nick showing this letter to everyone the way he did is a joke. Bringing up that it shows Nick as the author is silly.

Kevin Luce
09-03-2009, 11:32 AM
Just another example from nicko to his followers on how to get more web hits, and how they [ with no verificiation of certificiations, and with out any home inspector training ] can compete with professionals that earn their business, and respect from their customers with hard work and verified certificiations :D
Yet a % of home inspectors that belong to InterNACHI also belong to ASHI and/or NAHI. Plus a % of InterNACHI members have taken a state test. So it seams to me that the "verification of certifications" is less important as time goes on since it is likely "they" would have received it or something similar from someplace else.

Dan Harris
09-03-2009, 11:43 AM
I think Nick showing this letter to everyone the way he did is a joke. Bringing up that it shows Nick as the author is silly.

Would you post this on your site as a joke against your competors?

To me he was acting stupidly, and this just shows hes getting all wee weeed up since the announcement that ASHI's certificiation is getting approved by a 3rd party. :D

Kevin Luce
09-03-2009, 12:00 PM
Would you post this on your site as a joke against your competors?

To me he was acting stupidly, and this just shows hes getting all wee weeed up since the announcement that ASHI's certificiation is getting approved by a 3rd party. :D

As in "Joke" I was referring to it as how you put it - stupid. So it sounds like we agree.

Michael Larson
09-03-2009, 06:53 PM
Is Raymond hiding under a rock somewhere? :eek:

A little light on the facts as usual.:(

Raymond Wand
09-03-2009, 07:04 PM
Hey nice you could crawl out from your rock. Did your ego cast a shadow?

You should know about being light on facts after all you cohabitate with known prevaricators.

Do you really think it takes 30 seconds to get into Ashi, I know it only takes a cat, dog, reporter and child to get into Glee club. :D

Michael Larson
09-03-2009, 07:15 PM
Ahhh. That's better.:)

You were pretty easy to draw out.:D

Caught in a lie again.:(

Raymond Wand
09-03-2009, 07:25 PM
What is the lie Michael? The fact that Nick made up the document as evidenced in the pdf document properties, or about the 30 second entry requirement?

As before Michael your simple view and explanations don't wash on this board because everyone is savvy enough to comprehend how Nacho operates, that is everyone but you!

Michael Larson
09-04-2009, 02:58 AM
What is the lie Michael? The fact that Nick made up the document as evidenced in the pdf document properties, or about the 30 second entry requirement?

As before Michael your simple view and explanations don't wash on this board because everyone is savvy enough to comprehend how Nacho operates, that is everyone but you!
:pSince you have a least a few computer skills, I'll let you research how easy is it for someone else to appear as the author on a pdf document.

How dumb do you think people are?

You will notice that Scott is not backing you on this thread.

Hmmm. I wonder why that would be?

Raymond Wand
09-04-2009, 04:15 AM

When you can articulate an arguement maybe you will be able to move forward in your ability to mount strong arguements. As we have seen many times you do not provide any material to back up your arguements, just as you could not substantiate your solar rants and cutting and pasting.

As to the pdf document the originating author is always listed. The fact Nick in his forgery lessons should have checked that before issuing it as a original piece. Further it is not on ASHI letterhead which is a very strong indication of its legitimacy.

One thing Michael you sure are consistant, and always take the low road, I guess thats why you are a Nachi member, you were made for each other.

Michael Larson
09-04-2009, 04:19 AM

When you can articulate an arguement maybe you will be able to move forward in your ability to mount strong arguements. As we have seen many times you do not provide any material to back up your arguements, just as you could not substantiate your solar rants and cutting and pasting.

As to the pdf document the originating author is always listed. The fact Nick in his forgery lessons should have checked that before issuing it as a original piece. Further it is not on ASHI letterhead which is a very strong indication of its legitimacy.

One thing Michael you sure are consistant, and always take the low road, I guess thats why you are a Nachi member, you were made for each other.Raymond,

The fact remains that you have no proof that the memo is a forgery except your vary vain imagination.

If it is forged the burden of proof is on you.

You know the old saying.

Put up or shut up.

As for you and your former membership at NACHI - Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Raymond Wand
09-04-2009, 04:32 AM
Truly sad that you are continually in denial. But when you can't muster much in way of joining a legitimate association I suspect that explains much. This also explains why Nachi has lost many members and why CanNacho is faltering.

You really need to get out from behind your desk Michael you look pale. It might be advisable to open your horizons other than the interior world of your juvenile mind. :p

I can hardly wait for the next installment of Not A Cert. Home Inspector. :D

Oh before I go maybe you could explain how Nachi takes longer than 30 seconds to apply ans why animals, reporters, and children can gain entry unlike ASHI?

Michael Larson
09-04-2009, 04:34 AM
Keep it up Raymond.

Your finer attributes are on full display.:rolleyes:

No proof yet, eh?

Raymond Wand
09-04-2009, 04:41 AM

Your retorts are always amusing. Skirt the issue and deflect by nonsensical retorts. You never disappoint, and always consistent and predictable. :p

Thanks very much for helping once again to demonstrate your inferiority. :rolleyes:

Maybe you should find some animals to write the Nachi online test to ensure the dwindling membership appears to be gaining new members. :eek:

A.D. Miller
09-04-2009, 05:04 AM

Check out property documents in the pdf, and see who authored it.

RW: "Fromicko", huh? Is that a derivative of frottage or from(m)age [sic]?:D

Scott Patterson
09-04-2009, 05:34 AM
Ray, the memo that Nick posted is real and was sent from ASHI HQ, via email. It was not on letterhead as it was just a memo to the leadership to inform those that did not already know that the CFO postion was eliminated. Dick Bennett, knew as did many leaders of this action about 3 months ago.

Michael Larson
09-04-2009, 07:31 AM
Ray, the memo that Nick posted is real and was sent from ASHI HQ, via email. It was not on letterhead as it was just a memo to the leadership to inform those that did not already know that the CFO postion was eliminated. Dick Bennett, knew as did many leaders of this action about 3 months ago.Does that clear it up for you Raymond?

Kevin Luce
09-04-2009, 07:55 AM
Does that clear it up for you Raymond?
Did you really need to ask that question?

I don't need an answer.

Michael Larson
09-04-2009, 08:57 AM
Did you really need to ask that question?

I don't need an answer.In Raymond's case, yes.

He is constantly in attack mode against the org that tossed him out.

As you can see, he will go to extreme lengths in an attempt to discredit others and vindicate himself.

He was always in control of his ultimate fate and he chose poorly.

Raymond Wand
09-04-2009, 09:23 AM
In Raymond's case, yes.

He is constantly in attack mode against the org that tossed him out.

As you can see, he will go to extreme lengths in an attempt to discredit others and vindicate himself.

He was always in control of his ultimate fate and he chose poorly.

Now Michael you have a short memory as it was you who openly endorsed your Communications Director, your leader Fromicko and yes even yourself telling lies such as removal of me from ASHI, and your so called wannabe communications director calling me a racist.

You still have not come to terms with Slippery Fromicko and the manner in which he tries to portray truth, but given that your own memory and standards are flawed who are you to preach about ethics.

Oh well so much for your logical arguements and me being on the attack.

What will you do as an encore?

Michael Larson
09-04-2009, 09:28 AM
What will you do as an encore?Go back to ignoring you.:cool:

Michael P. O'Handley
09-05-2009, 05:43 PM

Please, you and Nick's sycophant need to give it a rest. Neither one of you is going to change the other's mind.

Remember Charley Mansons', David Koresh's and Jim Jones' followers? They all kow tow'd to those guys like eunuchs before the Empress of China. This guy was neutered long ago. It's too late for you to do anything about it now.

Besides, I think it might be a genuine document.

The greater question is how is Nicko the Sicko getting confidential documents that are being shuttled back and forth between ASHI officers?

I noticed a fellow with the same first and last name as the guy being let go by ASHI, responding to something in a two-year-old thread over on the NACHI board. He was classified as a "member" on the NACHI board. Perhaps it's the same guy and he's a tad ticked off about being let go and is releasing confidential documents to his employer's competitor? Then again, maybe it's just a coincidence; the first and last names are very common after all.

Regardless, it doesn't look, to me anyway, that ASHI is in danger of going Bankrupted like Nicko the Sicko wants everyone to believe. The Sicko would love that; he needs everyone to believe that so as many inspectors as possible gravitate to his firm. Every new member just fattens his coffers a little more.

The guy lives in a fantasy world where he's above the law and even fines levied against him by state agencies don't exist in his eyes and remain unpaid after more than 9 years. Can you imagine the kind of twisted mind that must think like that?

Of course, one has to keep in mind that he is running a public relations firm and PR firms, regardless of whether they are called an "association" or not, are in the business of spinning things to make their clients look like something they're not. That gets the firm's clients more business and when word gets around more "clients" bring their business to that firm.

It's just too bad that so many of his clients are so gullible and don't realize what they are and continue to think that they are somehow members of a legitimate member-owned organization; when they're just making someone else rich and have practically none of the same rights that legitimate "members" of true non-profit associations have.

Ya gotta hand it to the guy, Nicko the Sicko is definitely a slicko sicko. I can honestly say that I don't know whether I would have had the gall to have done what he's done if I'd thought of it first.


Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

Raymond Wand
09-05-2009, 06:30 PM

Who forced you to read this? No one but you. Stop your bitching, its called free speech and if you don't like it then too bad change your constitution.

Michael P. O'Handley
09-05-2009, 09:15 PM
Uh oh,

Mayhaps another sycophant wound a little bit too tightly. Now, if I had said that, I'd be accused of trying to control things over here.

Fritzy, can you say "bite me?" :D


Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

Raymond Wand
09-06-2009, 05:02 AM
Fritz if you want to come off as a no-it-all why don't you explain to us what the constitution means and the rights afforded. Better still for my enlightenment please explain to me why you feel the need to stick your nose into something that is none of your concern, that is unless you have reason as an ASHI member or even a Nacho member to do so, as your website doesn't list much of anything about memberships I will assume you are just another wannabe start up with not much under the belt but lots of lip. :D :p

Michael P. O'Handley
09-06-2009, 06:18 AM
Actually Raymond,

There is no right to free speech on a private message board, so the constitution doesn't apply in this case. Free speech only counts when it's a government entity trying to shut you up. If Brian wants to shut this down or edit it, he has every right to and there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it.

Fritzy is just wound a little too tightly. Let it go.


Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

Dan Harris
09-06-2009, 09:49 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on these forums have nothing better to do. Get a life!

Ahh heck Fritz :) A little daily humor can never hurt anyone.
Where else can we go to disclose, and discuss the laughing stock of our profession.
We started out with wacko nicko thinking he was going to change our profession.
Now we have wacko busshy trying to change licensing, after failing that, he went after ASHI, this was after he failed to change nacho by exposing nickos annointed employees that are convicted crooks, with his " What went wrong with nachi" blog.

Michael P. O'Handley
09-06-2009, 10:36 AM
Maybe Brian can put up something called "The Family Circus" and everything along these lines can be moved there. Then folks like Fritzy will know to avoid those threads if they want to keep their blood pressure down.

On TIJ, something similar used to be Flame and Blame but it was changed to Inspector Rants.

Brian is good people; he knows what he's doing; he doesn't need me, Fritzy or anyone else telling him what's right for his own board.


Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

Raymond Wand
09-06-2009, 11:14 AM

I am sure Brian is quite competent and the forum users are also competent to figure out what is suitable for their cognitive digestive enlightenment and do not need prescriptive remedies used on other forums such as yours. As I have said before you tend to split the topics up on your forum in order to confuse and dilute the discussion or so it would appear. Its the equivalent of telling people at a meeting to leave the room and discuss side issues out in the hall because the moderator of the meeting doesn't like the fact that open discussion will some how alter the final outcome.

The success of this board is due to the fact Brian pretty much lets us police ourselves and threads are not split up.

People have choices, one choice is not to read or comment on threads that do not involve them or are not to their liking. Anyone who simply posts that the thread or anyother thread is childish is simply incompetent to formulate an opinion based on the content of the topic. If one cannot add to the subject -do not post at all.

Michael P. O'Handley
09-06-2009, 11:46 AM

Well, sorry to hear that you were so miffed by it; but you obviously still don't understand the point of having a split topic feature. Let me explain it to you in very simple terms - it improves the forum search engine feature.

That's all it's for. If the topic is about drip edging and someone goes off on a tangent and talks about crawlspace ventilation the topic can be split so that there will be two topics, one about drip edging and one about crawlspace ventilation. That way, when someone logs on and is looking for quick info about drip edging, goes to the search feature and puts in the key word "drip edging" they'll find a discussion that's all about drip edging and not half about crawlspace ventilation, and when they search for crawlspace ventilation they won't be reading about an improperly installed drip edging.

This thread is a good example. You started it and wanted it to be about Nicko the Sicko and his silliness but now it's morphed into something else. If someone were to search for ASHI, Gromicko or sickos, 3/4 of the discussion would be about a completely unrelated topic; Fritzy's umbrage at what he sees as "sewing circle" talk and our response to it.

So, you see, it's not about the moderator worrying that the side discussions will alter the final outcome; because those split topics eventually reach their outcomes anyway. It's about ensuring that those who came to the discussion to hear about drip edging aren't treated to a long dissertation about crawlspaces or, for that matter, split topic features.

By the way, did you ever consider using fewer 25-cent words? It's infinitely easier to listen to what someone has to say when they aren't trying to speak to you in a hi-toned voice and one with poor spelling at that.

ispell.com it's a wonderful thing.


Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

Raymond Wand
09-06-2009, 12:04 PM
Thanks Michael,

I am glad you are perfect, perhaps that is the reason your board is not as successful. Quite frankly its too chopped up and too hard for a simpleton and poor speller like me to follow.

Again to each his own and its somewhat ironic you are preaching here how Brian should tailor his board. A little too much hypocrisy on your part, but thats your forte I assume.

Michael P. O'Handley
09-06-2009, 01:51 PM

Well, glad I could accommodate your apparent need to carp at at least one person a day.

What you and Jimmy Pussfart and a few others seem to forget when you take shots at TIJ is that my goal with TIJ isn't to be as successful as the other boards, because I don't run my board for a living like Brian and Gromicko do. If I wanted it to be as successful as those boards, I'd work at it full time. I created it as a free resource for the profession at a time when there was little in the way of free resources and for the past 7 years it's chugged along just fine on its own.

I make a comfortable living inspecting homes and that keeps me very busy; so, as long as I can garner enough sponsorship to cover the broadband and whatever else I need for TIJ, and it breaks even and I don't have to dip into my "earned revenue" to support it, I'm happy.

Sorry if that dashes the expectation of the anguish anyone wants me to feel by dissing the site, but that's the way it is. I'm also sorry that you are so thin-skinned that you feel that you have to lash out at everyone and everything that doesn't agree implicitly with your points of view, or has the courage to finally point out to you, after months and months of egregious grammar and spelling attacks on the senses, that you need to use a spell check program if you want to be taken seriously.

Since it's so easy to spin you up, why in the world do you insist on continually flogging the Nicko the Sicko card; you must know by now that it's only going to earn you some guff in return - I certainly realize that whenever I do it but it really doesn't bother me to have folks carp at me like it obviously must bother you.

Sad really.

I'm outta heah! Going camping and gonna get soaking wet by the looks of the weather outside.



Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

Raymond Wand
09-06-2009, 02:14 PM
Since it's so easy to spin you up, why in the world do you insist on continually flogging the Nicko the Sicko card; you must know by now that it's only going to earn you some guff in return - I certainly realize that whenever I do it but it really doesn't bother me to have folks carp at me like it obviously must bother you.

I love hypocrites! Take a hike and don't get lost in your hyperbole, let alone the woods. When you are out walking the tails try not to talk to yourself and expect answers. :D

Dan Harris
09-06-2009, 05:27 PM

This thread is a good example. You started it and wanted it to be about Nicko the Sicko and his silliness but now it's morphed into something else. If someone were to search for ASHI, Gromicko or sickos, 3/4 of the discussion would be about a completely unrelated topic; Fritzy's umbrage at what he sees as "sewing circle" talk and our response to it.

So, you see, it's not about the moderator worrying that the side discussions will alter the final outcome; because those split topics eventually reach their outcomes anyway. It's about ensuring that those who came to the discussion to hear about drip edging aren't treated to a long dissertation about crawlspaces or, for that matter, split topic features.

Mike O'Handley, LHI
Your Inspector LLC.
Kenmore, Washington
Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

It's funny that you bring this. Just the other day I had a new customer [nice lady ] contact me due to my comment on the stucco weep screed topic, after she searched/ googled gaps at weep screeds.
I talked to her for 1/2 hr or so, she mentioned that she really enjoyed this site, in addition to asking who the guy from Fla was,[I told her oh that's just Jerry, :) one of the other comments she made was how we got off topic..

She also mentioned that she may join and ask some more questions.
Sandy.. Are you out there?

Ralph Schade
11-09-2009, 05:29 AM
How the f***k does this bantering help the inspection industry?:confused:

Dan Harris
11-09-2009, 08:28 AM
How the f***k does this bantering help the inspection industry?:confused:

Considering that this open to the public board allows posts showing both sides of the story, and is not censered to only allowing one sided opinions.

Borrowing the phrase from a national news program, may be the answer to your question.

We report, you decide :D

Raymond Wand
11-09-2009, 10:12 AM
How the f***k does this bantering help the inspection industry?:confused:

Was the use of the word f--k necessary? Why not just ask; how does this bantering help the inspection industry?

Ralph Schade
11-09-2009, 11:02 AM
Sigh, I for one will glean opinions that will educate me in becoming a better home inspector. The rest of the time I will either be working or hustling to get more work. I do enjoy learning from the experiences of others but demonizing another human being serves no purpose for me and certainly doesn't put bread on the table.
As for my "expression", I'm glad it perked a few ears........back to work.:D

Jeffrey L. Mathis
11-09-2009, 01:45 PM
And to think, I turned off Guiding Light for this.
