View Full Version : Attic access

Tom Rees
12-07-2009, 09:56 AM
Just curious as to how far you go into attics. Most of the attics I inspect have a small scuttle in house with a plywood dam around top to hold back blown in insulation. There are no pathways and you cannot see ceiling joists to walk on. I know we should make every effort to inspect thoroughly but also have to take into consideration liability etc. :D

Rick Cantrell
12-07-2009, 10:14 AM
"I know we should make every effort to inspect thoroughly..."
Not "every effort" but reasonable effort.

"... but also have to take into consideration liability etc."
IMO not so much liability but safety.

"Just curious as to how far you go into attics"
I go into the attic as far as is practical and safe.

"There are no pathways and you cannot see ceiling joists to walk on."
Deal with it, thats the way many attics are.
If you need to and you can safely proceed, then you should.
BTW you need to.

Michael Thomas
12-07-2009, 10:18 AM
At a minimum I make an attempt to directly inspect all roof penetrations to get a clear look at the entire roof structure and lower perimeter. There are exception, for example I don't walk (or cease walking) an attic where there is exposed cable under added insulation.

Whatever else you do, document the limitations - I take 360 degree attic pics on general principles.