View Full Version : New guy

Michael L. Wright
03-11-2010, 07:59 AM
Hello all. I am a new guy and i am just starting out in this field here. I am open to any and all info that you all may be able to give a newbie like me. I am not an inspector yet but I am wanting info on training and lisences etc. Thank you all and GOD bless

Bob Spermo
03-11-2010, 08:10 AM

Go to the TREC.state.tx.us to see the requirements. You must be licensed after completing approved traiing and passing the state exam. in addition, you are required to have E & O insurance.

Patrick Pisani
03-24-2010, 08:35 AM
Hi guys I'm also a new inspector been doing it for about a year thing are slow can only hope things pick up. I recently took a mold inspection class and will be offering this service can anyone point me to a quality reasonablly priced lab to send my samples.
Pat Pisani