View Full Version : Help please

Rick Cantrell
07-07-2010, 12:17 PM
My tooth is abscessed.
somebody HELP ME please

07-07-2010, 12:48 PM
There may be a Dentist in Atlanta, Ga.
If not, there is one in Fl. and S Car.

The closest heading west is in Texas.
Certainly not one in ark.

Good luck

mike huntzinger
07-07-2010, 12:49 PM
I got a shot of wisky and some pliers

James Duffin
07-07-2010, 01:20 PM
I'd like to but this is not a DIY site! :D

Rick Hurst
07-07-2010, 01:28 PM
Here is a video from med school you may wish to watch.:D

YouTube - REDNECK DENTIST!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RFroXQuiw4&feature=related)

Rick Cantrell
07-07-2010, 01:51 PM
Last night I kept thing of Tom Hanks and Wilson.
No kidding

Dentist wont pull it untill Monday...

Rick Hurst
07-07-2010, 02:40 PM
Last night I kept thing of Tom Hanks and Wilson.
No kidding

Dentist wont pull it untill Monday...

I would then recommend a shot of Glen Livet about every 2hrs. till the 19th.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
07-07-2010, 04:07 PM
Presume you're on the obligatory course of antibiotics, been advised to cut back on the blood-thinning meds and the use of frequent warm sea-salt-water rinses.

Ignored warning signs of problem? Regular check-ups and x-rays? Brush/Floss at least twice a day?

Neglect/Abuse 'em and lose 'em!

Rick Cantrell
07-08-2010, 10:19 AM
Ignored warning signs of problem? Regular check-ups and x-rays? Brush/Floss at least twice a day?

Neglect/Abuse 'em and lose 'em!

It's amazing how you have the ability to read between the lines.
You got everything right, execpt:
Monday, I thought I had a sinus problem,
Tuesday, went to the Dr.
Dr. said I had TMJ and a mild sinus infection.
Wed, tooth was hurting
Went to the dentist same day
Dentist X rayed and said I had an Abcess
Also said to continue taking what the Dr gave me.

I brush 3-4 times a day
Floss every night
Had the same dentist for 30+ years, untill he retired.
This tooth has been senitive for about 10 years
I've had it looked at and x rayed, and was told to keep it, untill now
I have all my teeth, for now anyhow.
I've had 2 cavities, counting baby teeth, and no root canals.

Ice packs instead of warm water rinse

Matt Fellman
07-08-2010, 10:29 AM
Clove oil works great as a numbing agent... there's also all the regular toothache meds but I've had better luck with the clove. I think it's available at most pharmacies.

Rick Cantrell
07-08-2010, 10:48 AM
Thanks all
But of all the sugestions, Mike H's sounds best, right now.:D
Either that or I may show up at Aarons door and ask him if he has heard the good news.:D

07-08-2010, 11:13 AM
If I would have known that I would live so long I would have taken better care of my teeth.:)

Ted Menelly
07-08-2010, 12:34 PM
My tooth is abscessed.
somebody HELP ME please

By about an ounce of coke and rub some on it every hour on the hour :D

Or move to Bolivia and chew all the leaves you want for free :D

Go to the nastiest biker bar you can find on the planet and say something about their mothers. I bet they will solve the toothache dilemma :eek: In one fashion or another.

Rick Cantrell
07-08-2010, 12:38 PM
to the nastiest biker bar you can find on the planet and say something about their mothers. I bet they will solve the toothache dilemma :eek: In one fashion or another.

ie My comment:
I may show up at Aarons door and ask him if he has heard the good news

H.G. Watson, Sr.
07-08-2010, 12:45 PM
If I would have known that I would live so long I would have taken better care of my teeth.


Add to that:

If only I knew what I know now about:

How damaging abrasive agents such as pumice are to the teeth, and what was in that (how many of you are old enough to remember:) ) "Colgate Tooth Powder", I'd have used something else to brush with, and brushed for LESS TIME, and LESS AGGRESSIVELY, each time!

How damaging tooth brush bristles can be to GUMS! I'd have brushed with SOFT tooth brushes not HARD or MEDIUM ones all those years!

How important proper brushing direction really is and how side to side is SO VERY WRONG, I would have brushed correctly, honestly!;)

How much I would be spending at the periodontist/dentist over the years :( , and considering CPIU inflation numbers, I'd have taken "futures" stock in his (their) practice(s) when they each first hung their shingle(s) (I've already sent two to retirement, working on my third!). I'd have had better return than on OPO Microsoft :eek: !

How badly I'd need those "extra" molars to some-day bridge to, or grind chow with, I'd never have let that Service "dentist" yank 'em (while we're at it, they could give you trouble later....ugh! young and stupid/ignorant :o we both were!).

Ted Menelly
07-08-2010, 02:46 PM

Add to that:

If only I knew what I know now about:

How damaging abrasive agents such as pumice are to the teeth, and what was in that (how many of you are old enough to remember:) ) "Colgate Tooth Powder", I'd have used something else to brush with, and brushed for LESS TIME, and LESS AGGRESSIVELY, each time!

How damaging tooth brush bristles can be to GUMS! I'd have brushed with SOFT tooth brushes not HARD or MEDIUM ones all those years!

How important proper brushing direction really is and how side to side is SO VERY WRONG, I would have brushed correctly, honestly!;)

How much I would be spending at the periodontist/dentist over the years :( , and considering CPIU inflation numbers, I'd have taken "futures" stock in his (their) practice(s) when they each first hung their shingle(s) (I've already sent two to retirement, working on my third!). I'd have had better return than on OPO Microsoft :eek: !

How badly I'd need those "extra" molars to some-day bridge to, or grind chow with, I'd never have let that Service "dentist" yank 'em (while we're at it, they could give you trouble later....ugh! young and stupid/ignorant :o we both were!).

How wise is the wise man that still has all his wisdom teeth

Got em all

Jack Feldmann
07-08-2010, 06:50 PM
I think I would find another dentist that could see you TOMORROW!!

John Kogel
07-08-2010, 07:35 PM
How wise is the wise man that still has all his wisdom teeth

Got em allMeans you've got a big jaw. I did not say a big mouth, so don't get me wrong, eh? :D

Mine were curled forward and pushing against my other teeth, too many teeth for the space, and that is probably why a lot of people lose their wisdoms when they're in their twentys. Ain't that the truth. :D

Good luck, Rick. If the antibiotics stop the infection, the pain should subside a bit.

Ted Menelly
07-08-2010, 07:37 PM
I think I would find another dentist that could see you TOMORROW!!


That Dentist, if he were mine, would be so fired

Rick Cantrell
07-09-2010, 04:22 AM
That Dentist, if he were mine, would be so fired

On Wednesday I called about 15 dentist, none would see me until next week, except this one.

The dentist does not want to pull a tooth while there is an infection.
After 10 days the infection should be gone.

My tooth is no longer sensitive to hot or cold.
From what I've read this happens when the tooth nerve has died.
It's still super sensitive to even the smallest amount of pressure.
Swelling now has my throat sore, kinda hard to swallow.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
07-09-2010, 06:53 AM

That's what the luke-warm salt water gargle and rinses are for (prevent, or ease if occuring).

Swallowing puss, etc. soothe mucus membranes, promote healing, and the infection in the mouth disrupts the natural balance and make-up of saliva, mucus coatings of mouth and throat, etc.

Surrounding lymph nodes, tonsils, etc. may also swell while they work to remove the fluids from the tissues swelling, repairing damage, and byproducs of infection. Some antibiotics subject one to overgrowth of other biologics, yeast for example (a sort of pre-"thrush" condition). Keeping one's mouth closed and even clamping jaw a common reaction to an absess (less air in mouth = more anerobic growth potential with alteration of mouth "chemistry").

Sea Salt is best, table salt will do. Double check with your treating dentist, I'm confident they will endorse (unless they have you on an antiseptic perscription gargle/mouth rinse containing for example chlorhexidine).

Hang in there. A completed course of antibiotics is best, those nerves and blood vessles (loads of them) run right close to the brain, better to make sure an infection doesn't invade the CNS when they get set to work, or risk infection into the blood stream (sepsis? septic?). Good luck.

Randy Aldering
07-09-2010, 10:42 AM
Rick, it sounds like you need an oral surgeon post-haste, before you develop a systemic infection. Sounds like you need a root canal immediately, with irrigation of the tooth once this is completed. Keep checking - save the tooth if you can, but there are only two options as far as I know: emergency root canal or tooth extraction. Good luck with that - I've been there, and I know how it feels.

Scott Patterson
07-09-2010, 12:57 PM
I'm with Jack, find another dentist! Now on the other hand, it could be that they want the infection to go down before they work on it. I remember we had an old cow that had a tooth to become abscessed. It looked like she had a 4" Zit on her jaw. One of the older farm hands took his pocket knife (while she was in a squeeze pen) and performed a "farm" lance! I bet that it shot puss and crud a good two feet. Just saying......... :)

Hope you get better.

Oh, and the old cow died about a week later.

Rick Cantrell
07-09-2010, 01:08 PM
Oh, and the old cow died about a week later.

Thanks Scott

My Brother told me his neighbor DIED from an abscessed tooth.

Stories like those make me feel much better

I don't know if the tooth will kill me, but some of the people (Wife) around me might.:D

Rick Cantrell
07-09-2010, 01:14 PM
Sounds like you need a root canal immediately

I was reading what a dentist said
50% of RC fail (tooth has to be pulled) within 5 years
90% in 10 years

Rick Hurst
07-09-2010, 03:04 PM
I was waiting for a call last night so I put my phone under my pillow, woke up this morning - phone was gone and $1 was in its place...damn tooth fairy!


John Kogel
07-09-2010, 05:03 PM
Sounds like you need a root canal immediately

I was reading what a dentist said
50% of RC fail (tooth has to be pulled) within 5 years
90% in 10 years
I don't know about that. I've had three root canals done, still have the teeth, the oldest one was well over 10 years ago. I had a very good dentist. He recommended capping the teeth so that they don't crack, but remodeling the kitchen took precedence for some reason. :)

These are molars which had cavitys and fillings dating back to my bad teen years, now they're dead stumps full of mercury and 'silver', but I can chew my food. :)

Frank Bombardiere
07-10-2010, 04:05 PM
Man i feel your pain. That is enough to make you want to kill yourself, Ive been there. I actually called my dentist on a weekend because I could not take it any longer and he actually met me at his office on a sunday evening at 7pm with his 10 year old son and performed a root canal on me. Talk about a great guy. It has lasted for about 15 years now with no problems.

Rick Cantrell
07-10-2010, 04:18 PM
I would then recommend a shot of Glen Livet about every 2hrs. till the 19th.

Ran out of pain jiller before I ran out of pain.
I don't drink, but I made an execption this time.
NASTY ass stuff that Len Givets, but it does help, I say, it does help.

Rick Cantrell
07-12-2010, 05:06 PM
Thanks Rick H
The Glen Levit really does work, toothache is gone.:D :D :D :D

Rick Cantrell
07-13-2011, 08:03 PM
I'm back, says my tooth.
For a year now it's not been a problem.
About a week ago the tooth broke off.
Called my dentest, his office said he is no longer accepting any patainta.
This is the same denyist that would not pull my tooth but would do a root canal for the mere sum of $2500 cash.
Called another dentist she charged me $95 for exam and xrar, them refered me to another dentist.
Dentist #3 looks at me, says tooth needs to come out, sets appt for 1 b1/2 weeks away.

Sorry bout the spelling, I've had 3-4 shots of Segrams, and I don't drink so I a little woosey.

Anyhow, man I gotta get this tooth out.

Ted Menelly
07-13-2011, 08:37 PM
I'm back, says my tooth.
For a year now it's not been a problem.
About a week ago the tooth broke off.
Called my dentest, his office said he is no longer accepting any patainta.
This is the same denyist that would not pull my tooth but would do a root canal for the mere sum of $2500 cash.
Called another dentist she charged me $95 for exam and xrar, them refered me to another dentist.
Dentist #3 looks at me, says tooth needs to come out, sets appt for 1 b1/2 weeks away.

Sorry bout the spelling, I've had 3-4 shots of Segrams, and I don't drink so I a little woosey.

Anyhow, man I gotta get this tooth out.
Don't you just love it. In pain. In the dentist office that is going to pull the tooth. You are there. He is there. The equipment is there .....come back in1 1/2 week. And it would have taken him what? a few minutes for the numbing agent to work. A few minutes to pull the tooth.

When I used to go for cleanings they always wanted to schedule 4 appointments for a four section deep cleaning. Each took less that 10 minutes but you spend an 1 1/2 at the dentist office for 4 to 500 in cost. The last time that was going to happen I said to forget about 4 visits and do it all at once and don't worry I would still pay them 300 so.

Yes, they did it all at once in about a half hour. I paid the 3 instead of 5, got it done all at once and no 4 trips to the dentist. It is all a sham.

Ted Williams
07-14-2011, 06:48 AM
I once had to have a root canal due to an abscess and kept waiting for my Dentist to give me a shot of Novocaine. Eventually I asked and he told me that it really wouldn't hurt anymore one way or the other and he needed to know when he tapped the abscess.

The way we were sitting, my elbow was between his knees, so I looked over and said, "Well, I guess we'll both know when you hit it." :D

He was right though, root canal was no more painful than the abscess itself.

Rick Cantrell
07-14-2011, 09:06 AM
Strange thing is, last night it was hurting, today, no pain.
I did have a little hangover this morning though.

John Kogel
07-14-2011, 09:29 AM
It sounds like a rotten tooth alright. Don't be fooled by no pain. When pressure builds up again, you will know it. It is like rot in a house. You can ignore it, but it won't go away. Sorry, but you need to get that thing fixed.

Rick Cantrell
07-14-2011, 09:49 AM
I don't know if it shows up on everyone Else's screen, but on my screen at the bottom below the last post is an ad for Oral gel.

Ate damn near a whole tube of oral gel last night, notta bit of help. Although I did almost choke on my tongue twice.

Jim Hintz
07-15-2011, 12:46 AM
I'll bet the dentist is appreciative of you helping him put his kids through college.... Can't stand doctors, dentists or attorneys - they're all crooks. Pull 'em all - once and done, then go pick out a nice set of new choppers that you can keep on your nightstand while you sleep :D

P.S., H.G is right, the salt and warm water is the trick - learned that from my Gramma as a kid.

Gary DeWitt
07-15-2011, 01:10 AM
Well, my Grandma had a remedy for what ails ya, called the black hat treatment. Hang a black hat on your bedpost, then drink until you can't see it anymore. Cured!
Seriously, teeth are nothing to fool around with, infections have been shown to cause heart trouble when not dealt with. The quote about taking better care of teeth if you knew you'd live this long is, I think, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). So true.

Jerry Peck
07-15-2011, 04:03 PM
I started reading this thread and thought it was an old thread from 2010 ... the year does not change to 2011 until the day changes from 7-12 to 7-13 (posts 30 and 31) ... does it show that way on anyone else's computer??? :confused:

Rick Cantrell
07-15-2011, 04:11 PM
Thats right. Started a year ago almost to the day.

Other than the other night I've not had ANY pain at all in a year.
In fact no pain even since the other night.

John Kogel
07-16-2011, 05:50 PM
I'll bet the dentist is appreciative of you helping him put his kids through college.... Can't stand doctors, dentists or attorneys - they're all crooks. Pull 'em all - once and done, then go pick out a nice set of new choppers that you can keep on your nightstand while you sleep :D

Jim you're joking but someone blinded by pain could take this seriously. :D
1) Dentists are members of a professional organization. They have adopted a pricing structure that they all adhere to. Doesn't that sound sweet? Wish we could rise to that level.
2) Ask anyone that's lost their teeth. It is much better to keep them. Rick, Get the root canal job done. Should have done that a year ago.

Jim Hintz
07-16-2011, 06:45 PM
Jim you're joking but someone blinded by pain could take this seriously. :D
1) Dentists are members of a professional organization. They have adopted a pricing structure that they all adhere to. Doesn't that sound sweet? Wish we could rise to that level.
2) Ask anyone that's lost their teeth. It is much better to keep them. Rick, Get the root canal job done. Should have done that a year ago. Hi John, I've heard it both ways, couple of my elder friends said they wished they'd yanked 'em sooner.

Rick Cantrell
07-23-2011, 04:52 AM
She's GONE!

Rick Cantrell
10-03-2011, 02:59 PM
I can't believe it.
Sunday another tooth started to bother me.
Had a little difficult time sleeping last night.
Took 6 Ibuprofen earlier
At 2:00 I called my dentist
Went to my dentist at 3:30
Said, " It's gotta come out or have a root canal".
I said "It doesn't hurt that much"
She said "It will in a few days".
I guess I'll have it pulled later this week
I don't want to wait until it hurts like the other time.
My Dad was right
"Growing old ain't for sissies"