View Full Version : Large water bladder in crawl space

mathew stouffer
07-10-2010, 01:04 PM
Ok this is a first. This is a cabin built in the 70,s, I think. Anyway this bladder was in the unheated crawl space with no protection and a pump system. I have never seen this type of system. Any help would be great. What happens if a squirrel chews a hole in it;)

H.G. Watson, Sr.
07-10-2010, 01:30 PM
My guess? it would leak. :D Perhaps more in danger of something with claws hunting down those mice.

Have seen landscape/cystern type bladder (water) bags before. Haven't seen one used indoors without freeze protection, emergency drainage, or used for other than irrigation. Do not know if such a bladder would be approved for a gray water recycling system or potable water.

This one looks more like a recycled water bed mattress bladder (amber), or an airbag/jack or Whitewater raft. Is that a compressor?

This an attic space? (Note plywood floor).

mathew stouffer
07-10-2010, 01:52 PM
H.G, It is some type of pump but it would not kick on. And I think you are right, this think is some type of home made system.;) Too big for a water bed. But there is finished living space where I was standing and taking the pics.

James Duffin
07-10-2010, 03:19 PM
It looks like a bladder tank used to carry water in the bed of a pickup truck. Here is a link to one type.

Water Storage Bag 150 Gallon Aquatank II **Â* Best Seller ** 150 GALLON AQUATANK II SUPER HEAVY DUTY TRANSPORTABLE WATER BAGS - AquaTank Water Bag (http://www.bayteccontainers.com/noname2.html)

H.G. Watson, Sr.
07-10-2010, 04:03 PM
It occurs to me that this might be set up for fire suppression system. Might also explain the large connection points. (I forget from time to time your core market).

From what I've read some of these bladders can handle 0 degrees and lower.

A quick google located specs for one at rainwaterpillow.com 800 gals - 1500 gals) there were scores of others.

Raymond Wand
07-11-2010, 03:51 PM
Aviation grade fuel bladder.

JB Thompson
07-11-2010, 08:25 PM
As HG said, rain catchers/cisterns are now being made as bladders that store under the home.

Looks homemade

Damon McCarty
07-11-2010, 09:00 PM
I think it is someone that was getting ready for the year 2000.
I have seen numerous viruses the would pop up messages at different intervals before 2000 telling the user different things to do to prepare for the year 2000.
This closely matches one of the viruses that popped up a window on how to store drinking water.

Joe Klampfer
07-12-2010, 09:14 AM
... This is a cabin built in the 70,s, bladder was in unheated crawl space with a pump system.

All good guesses but could it be a holding tank from a well, since it has a pump ? Or perhaps it's a gray water collection system used for flushing toilets or outside watering. Is the owner expecting or preparing for some major disaster thus storing potable water ?

I would simply add the photos to the report and state something to the effect..."unable to determine purpose of this system or functionality (as system was not tested). You may wish to ask seller further questions in that regard or have it removed". The seller is likely the only one who really knows why this system was installed so I would defer it all back to them.

I would also add a couple of comments warning of the possible damage due to leaks and or the possible health concerns if this water is stored for future consumption.

Jon Errickson
07-12-2010, 11:55 AM
Could you tell where the water was coming from that was filling it and/or where the water being pumped out was headed?

David Bell
07-13-2010, 04:54 AM
The previous owner wasn't Ted Kaczynski was it? Any manifesto's around?

Chuck Lambert
07-13-2010, 08:10 AM
Just ask the owner/seller what it is? Then add into the report what Joe said.
