View Full Version : Helpful notes from the real estate agent!

Scott Patterson
08-12-2010, 05:57 PM
I just love it when I'm left a helpful note by the listing agent!

Ted Menelly
08-12-2010, 06:13 PM
I just love it when I'm left a helpful note by the listing agent!

That kind of note is all I want to hear from an agent. I have been with countless folks in the past that just turn the water on and then looks under the sink.

Eric Barker
08-12-2010, 06:35 PM
I'll accept notes from anyone.

Joe Klampfer
08-12-2010, 06:53 PM
Yes, it's when they don't leave a note that can be a problem.

I once inspected a newly renovated vacant condo where the newly installed toilet over flowed. What a mess, no rags, towels or mops to be found anywhere. I was pissed ! What kind of moron would install a new toilet without testing it, or leaving a note :mad:

Nick Ostrowski
08-12-2010, 07:01 PM
I go in with the assumption things are in working order unless told otherwise. If the drain has a leak and nobody tells me, then it looks like your cabinet interior is gonna get wet. I test fixtures first, look for leaks and issues 2nd.

Rick Hurst
08-12-2010, 10:38 PM
I knew I was in for a rough inspection today when I saw this sign. I said it numerous times during the inspection. :D


Matt Fellman
08-12-2010, 11:14 PM
Notes are helpful... for example, I'd never have found the electric panel in this house.

Brandon Whitmore
08-13-2010, 12:40 AM

Tell the truth now....... those are in your own house. :D

David Bell
08-13-2010, 04:51 AM
I believe that was a push broom so, the instructions were wrong.

Randy Aldering
08-13-2010, 08:00 AM
Reminds me of the doctor who had the $2500 (so they said) dishwasher that the real estate agent was adamant didn't work and didn't need to be tested. I tested it any way since it looked like it had just been used, and it worked fine. Turns out they forgot to say they were taking it with them, and they were going to put a $250 dishwasher in its place. My client nailed them for the difference. When will people figure out it just never pays to lie?

Joe Klampfer
08-13-2010, 08:00 AM
I'm curious... what was wrong with that range hood ?

Matt Fellman
08-13-2010, 08:18 PM

Tell the truth now....... those are in your own house. :D

The first one anyway.... :)

Frank Bombardiere
08-13-2010, 08:29 PM
I was filling the jetted tub while inspecting other parts of the bathroom and master bedroom. Water starts running out all over the floor. I open the access door and there is no motor attached to plumbing. The listing agent starts giving me a bunch of crap about paying for water damage etc. She said the motor was removed for repair. I said, why the hell didn't someone put a note on it? We figured you would see it and not run the water. Well, thats what you get for figuring. I cleaned up the mess but that was it. It did make me more careful of that situation for a while, but I am right back to running water in the tub before looking under it as it has not ever happened again in thousands of inspections.

Mitchell Toelle
08-16-2010, 10:05 AM
Did a "new" house a few years back. No indications that this was not ready for inspection. Should have checked under the kitchen sink before running the dishwasher. This is one of the first things I operate or get started when doing an inspection. It was all hooked up with exception of securing the waste from the air gap to the disposal. It was on there but was not secured and the knockout had not been....knocked out. The pressure on the connection/ plug blew the hose off during the drain cycle. Sadly I was elsewhere and everything flooded for several minutes before I could arrest operation. Ultimately did not have to pay for any damage, but a good lesson was learned. I check them all now.