View Full Version : Lemons to lemonade - but still pissed

Jack Feldmann
08-28-2010, 11:06 AM
Yesterday morning I got a call from my client for the pm inspection. He just heard from his Realtor that the Sellers were just too busy to bother having the inspection done, so we would have to re-schedule.
He is a 4+ past client and was really pissed because he and his wife had taken off the afternoon to be at the inspection. He was REALLY pissed when he found out his agent knew the day before. She wanted him to use another inspector, but he said he was going to use me, etc.
SO, I'm really pissed, and drive off to my morning job. About 11 am my wife calls and had scheduled a job for the afternoon. A 1 year warranty.

Made lemonade from a crappy start.

HOWEVER, I just might be a little extra tough on the sob sellers and the unprofessional pos agent. My wife tells me to "be professional", and I probably will, BUT.............

Jerry Peck
08-28-2010, 11:22 AM
He was REALLY pissed when he found out his agent knew the day before. She wanted him to use another inspector, ...


At that point, some of clients took the path of using another agent. Instead of dealing with an agent who did not put the client's interests first, they simply called their agent back, told them to put the broker on the phone, told the broker that he/she had two choices: 1) select the best agent in his office to replace the other agent and that they did not want to see that other agent anymore; 2) forget the deal so far and they (the clients) will use another broker office.

Guess which one the broker did, and how long it took the broker to make that decision ... :) (yep, follow the money, make sure it still ends in his pocket :D the other agent was history :cool: ).

H.G. Watson, Sr.
08-28-2010, 02:24 PM
Send or deliver first thing in the morning to the agent's office: a basket, or better yet a glass or clear acrylic pitcher, filled with a dozen or so lemons accented with a wooden citrus reamer adorned with a red ribbon bow, sleeved in florist paper; sign the card

"Sugar not included"


your name and company
the property address and MLS # of the delayed inspection.

If more than a total nit-wit will get the message, and if having a shread of conscience and a sense of humor may actually improve future interactions. If less than a full deck agent, will think it was a reward or be flattered.

Baskets, bowls, clear containers of singular fruit type displays are the new "flowers" for decorating/staging open houses and realtor's desks.

Other agents in the office and perhaps the broker may inquire of the agent about the mysterious delivery, the later viewed basket/pitcher with reamer, the agent may end up telling the story to others in the office.

You'll get the (sour point) message across, still providing a useful item that will last for days/weeks, in a subtle, humorous, and professional manner.

They won't go to waste! If you're a frugal/careful shopper you can whip together the "message package" for under ten bucks; and unlike the flaming lighter-fluid soaked paper bag of poo, is professional, tactfull, addressable, and doesn't have to be anonymous.;)

Nick Ostrowski
08-28-2010, 03:38 PM
Jack, just go be the most professional son-of-a-bitch inspector the sellers will ever have the misfortune to inspect their house.

Jack Feldmann
08-28-2010, 06:15 PM
H.G. - great suggestion. I don't know what office she is with just yet, and may do it on Monday.
However, I'm more inclined to go the Nick route. I will be the nicest guy she will ever meet. I may also give her the longest report she has ever seen.
My client is a good guy, and I'm pretty sure he will not be using her again. The past 4 or so have all been without agents.

I know its hard to believe, but I can be a real "deal killer" if I set my mind to it. At least I have been accused of being one many times.