View Full Version : Another Home Buyer Tax Credit?

Rick Hurst
09-09-2010, 04:28 PM
I think this may be why business has slowed down for many. People are just sitting on the fence waiting for another tax credit.


News Headlines (http://www.cnbc.com/id/38917380/Another_Home_Buyer_Tax_Credit)

Erby Crofutt
09-09-2010, 04:32 PM
Nah, it slowed down because a lot of the people who would have been buying a house now, instead hurried their purchase to get in on the tax credit. That's why there was a great March, April & May. That's also why there ain't such a good July, August & September.

Remember, they're from the guvmint and they is here to help us!


Ted Menelly
09-09-2010, 05:16 PM
March, April and May are always good months or should I say better than the months the rest of the year.

I am getting more calls than the beginning of August but every man that calls me has to talk to his wife about it (I am still calling around for prices). I guess everyone already started marketing down their prices. I have put out a coupon for marketing but I guess that coupon is not buying down the inspection cost compared to others.

Nick Ostrowski
09-09-2010, 05:20 PM
I'm convinced that's why things remained dead for a while after the cutoff. People were waiting to hear if they could get another handout. Sit on the sidelines and wait for word of an extension. The same thing happened when the 1st round of tax credits expired in October on 2009. Once it kicked in again in early 2010, suddenly people wanted to buy houses in the dead of winter.

Nick Ostrowski
09-09-2010, 05:21 PM
I am getting more calls than the beginning of August but every man that calls me has to talk to his wife about it (I am still calling around for prices).

Ted, tell these callers to hand in their man card.

Matt Fellman
09-10-2010, 07:27 PM
Wow... this the first time I can ever remember being busier than you Texas folks. I had a great August and so far September is the same. Not that it's anything compared to the "old days" but I'm working A LOT more than in June and July.

Prices have dropped a considerable amount in my area and I'm finally seeing investors re-entering. For awhile there the only houses I did were estate sales, people moving for work or people with a baby on the way.