View Full Version : Cialis Commercial to Be Filmed on Philadelphia Rooftop

Nick Ostrowski
10-07-2010, 03:48 AM
When the moment is right......

John Arnold
10-07-2010, 04:40 AM
What?! I've seen a stuffed chair, mattresses, box springs and all manner of other crap on roofs, but a cast iron tub?
Nick, I salute you!

Rick Cantrell
10-07-2010, 05:20 AM
I think he was talking about the tub, along with the camera tripod.

Nick Ostrowski
10-07-2010, 05:22 AM
That tripod there ain't fer no camera Rick. That's fer one of dem new fangled TV satellite thingamajiggys.

Michael Thomas
10-07-2010, 06:16 AM
Hum... I don't believe that tub is installed in compliance with the manufacturer's installation/operating instructions:

How to make a redneck hot tub | Video « Wonder How To (http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to-make-redneck-hot-tub-167717/)

H.G. Watson, Sr.
10-07-2010, 04:19 PM
Nick, I salute you!

Somehow in a topic on Cialis or Viagra on a roof top...that phrase "I salute you!" :eek: from one to another is ... ... ... disturbing.:o

Not asking, don't tell.


Nick Ostrowski
10-07-2010, 06:17 PM
Somehow in a topic on Cialis or Viagra on a roof top...that phrase "I salute you!" :eek: from one to another is ... ... ... disturbing.:o

Not asking, don't tell.



Care to expand on your what you are inferring?

Ted Menelly
10-07-2010, 07:33 PM

Care to expand on your what you are inferring?

Actually Nick...that was pretty funny. I don't care who you are :D

It obviously flew right over the top hairs on your head

Nick Ostrowski
10-08-2010, 01:20 AM
No, I understood it quite clearly Ted. Sometimes I like to try drag and things out of people.

Mitchell Toelle
10-08-2010, 09:31 AM
No, I understood it quite clearly Ted. Sometimes I like to try drag and things out of people.

What? You "like to try drag"?

Nick Ostrowski
10-08-2010, 09:38 AM
Whoops. Should read "I like to try and drag things out of people".

Mike Schulz
10-10-2010, 03:04 PM
That's one of those green roofs is it not, or thatched

Must of installed new tub and took the old one out through the skylight and said" Hey" wtf leave it here.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
10-10-2010, 03:29 PM
Hey the tub could be useful up there.

A man's home is his castle ;)

Filled with boiling oil, coals & cinders, hot tar, pull the brass stopper chain drain to a scupper upon the rioting hoards; process servers, landlords, etc. show up; or upon the Philly Parking Enforcement types...ever see that show on A&E "Parking Wars"? I think the new season is due to start. :D

Btw, typical Kiladelphia chimney maintenance to the right.

John Kogel
10-10-2010, 09:22 PM
I get it, rooftop swimming pool, Philly style. Looks like it's been winterized. :)

That was some game today. I caught the tail end of it.