View Full Version : inspectors knowledge of recalls and law suits

11-01-2010, 02:49 PM
hey all

what is your take on being responsible for any recalls and pending lawsuits in the home inspection business. i get recall notices from the consumer agenency every day, but how do we keep up with them all. i have a paragraph in my inspection agreement, that states i the inspector is not responsible for any recalls or pending or past law suits. i mean if i see something at inspection that looks wrong , i do the usual investigation--but to cover everything???

how do you keep up with this and how do you state it in your agreement



Vern Heiler
11-01-2010, 03:18 PM
hey all

what is your take on being responsible for any recalls and pending lawsuits in the home inspection business. i get recall notices from the consumer agenency every day, but how do we keep up with them all. i have a paragraph in my inspection agreement, that states i the inspector is not responsible for any recalls or pending or past law suits. i mean if i see something at inspection that looks wrong , i do the usual investigation--but to cover everything???

how do you keep up with this and how do you state it in your agreement


Here is what I have in my report: "Research on product recalls or notices of any kind are not part of this inspection. I recommend visiting
recalls.com (http://www.recalls.com/) or http://www.cpsc.gov/."

Jim Luttrall
11-01-2010, 03:20 PM
No way I can keep up with everything. If I see or know of something, I will mention it but I also disclaim it in my IA.

Bruce Breedlove
11-01-2010, 05:15 PM
We all probably know about the LP siding and PB piping class action lawsuits but there is no way for anyone to be aware of and keep track of every recall or class action lawsuit. As others have said, exclude them in your inspection agreement and you should be fine.

Bruce Hutton
11-01-2010, 07:33 PM
"Research on product recalls or notices of any kind are not part of this inspection.”

Recommend visiting http://www.recalls.gov OR http://www.cpsc.gov