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View Full Version : Dishwasher Hors D'oeuvres

Nick Ostrowski
12-03-2010, 04:01 PM
I find leaks every once in a while when I remove the kick plate on dishwashers but not meals......until today.

John Arnold
12-03-2010, 05:19 PM
Did you see any cockroaches heading for cover?
Not long ago I opened the dishwasher in place that had been vacant for a quite a while and at least 2 dozen cockroaches did the 100 yard dash. I thought the buyer was going to throw up.

Nick Ostrowski
12-03-2010, 05:27 PM
That's funny stuff John. Do you carry barf bags for your clients? Sometimes, I think we should.

John Arnold
12-03-2010, 05:30 PM
That's funny stuff John. Do you carry barf bags for your clients? Sometimes, I think we should.

Sometimes I think we should carry Valium.

Denny Waters
12-29-2010, 04:01 PM
Sometimes the crawl space is cleaner than the interior.

Ted Menelly
12-29-2010, 05:04 PM
Sometimes the crawl space is cleaner than the interior.

I feel yeah on that one.

I have entered a few lived in homes that I did not wind up inspecting. Creatures crawling everywhere and the stink or should I say stench was horrifying.

I love to work but I do not have to do it in filth and disease carrying creatures.

Then again December was rather slow and I just may have rethought that but I doubt it. I cannot do a good inspection as my clients are paying me for because I will not dig thru filth, insects, dog poop and what ever else may be lurking under the filth.so I bow out.

A little edit here.

About 2 weeks ago I brought home a roach from a home I inspected. It was in my computer bag and it was not even open with the exception of one of the zippers open an inch and the bugger found its way in. When I pulled the zipper open further here comes Mr Roach. That will be the last time I take my bag in with even a hint of roaches. Absolute filthy creatures.

John Kogel
12-29-2010, 05:33 PM
Sometimes the crawl space is cleaner than the interior.What were they cooking with Comet? They sure weren't cleaning with it.

About 2 weeks ago I brought home a roach from a home I inspected. Absolute filthy creatures.You know it's a dump when the roaches are wanting to escape. :)

Billy Stephens
12-29-2010, 05:56 PM
About 2 weeks ago I brought home a roach from a home I inspected. It was in my computer bag and it was not even open with the exception of one of the zippers open an inch and the bugger found its way in. When I pulled the zipper open further here comes Mr Roach. That will be the last time I take my bag in with even a hint of roaches. Absolute filthy creatures.

What makes You think roaches aren't drawn to and can enter a nice warm laptop ? :D

Rick Hurst
12-29-2010, 06:09 PM

That is exactly why I don't carry my laptop into a home anymore. Where do most set up a computer if they do take it in the house? On the kitchen countertop in the kitchen where most of the roaches are going to be. I actually walked into some home and have refused to place my toolbag down on anything in the house. Some people are just pigs.:mad:


Denny Waters
12-29-2010, 06:55 PM
What makes you say that Rick?

Ted Menelly
12-29-2010, 07:07 PM

What makes You think roaches aren't drawn to and can enter a nice warm laptop ? :D

Some years ago I did have a roach come out of the laptop. Also years ago When I had cable installed there were roaches in the cable box. It was used and was last in a pig pen or somewhere. My Pest control folks are always being called in by Charter to treat someones home as the got roaches from the cable box they received.

Eugene Cameline 3rd
12-31-2010, 01:51 PM
Never got roaches to bring home,but got fleas at a property.Place was disgusting and I should have known better when I had to watch where I stepped INSIDE the house.

Ted Menelly
12-31-2010, 02:34 PM
Never got roaches to bring home,but got fleas at a property.Place was disgusting and I should have known better when I had to watch where I stepped INSIDE the house.

Me and my pest control folks were in a living room last summer and at the exact same time we started scratching before looking and when we did the lower pant legs and socks were covered including our hands from going down to scratch. I did not do that home until the pest control folks were paid to kill the little buggers.

Curt Downs
12-31-2010, 07:03 PM
Denny Waters, that bathroom is disgusting! What the heck is wrong with the owners, a blue seat, green walls, and brown flooring. What the heck were they thinking when they chose colors??
Curt Downs
Licensed HIC CT

Rich Goeken
01-01-2011, 07:05 AM
\Some years ago I did have a roach come out of the laptop. Also years ago When I had cable installed there were roaches in the cable box. It was used and was last in a pig pen or somewhere. My Pest control folks are always being called in by Charter to treat someones home as the got roaches from the cable box they received.

Good reason to get Dish Network!!!! :)

Jack Murdock
01-01-2011, 08:20 AM
I have been a gasfitter since 1980 and I once responded to an odor complaint at a home serviced by natural gas.The stink in the home was so bad I couldnt smell the gas leaking from the broken flex connector but I could hear it. I was vomiting as I made it safe. That was before digital cameras and cameras on cell phones. After 30 years of doing that I still remember how gross that house was. The fire chief called in social services and ASPCA to care for the occupant and the 50 +/- diseased animals in the home.....still gives me the willies. I wish I had a picture! Thanks and be safe.

Jeff Gainey
01-01-2011, 09:03 AM
I once inspected a home that a magician lived in. The rooms were stuffed with magic tricks and apparatus that barely had aisles wide enough to walk through.. I walked in the garage and there were 4 bird cages on stands and 2 rabbit cages with droppings piled at least 3 ft tall under each cage.

John Kogel
01-02-2011, 10:49 AM
What makes you say that Rick?

Denny Waters, that bathroom is disgusting! What the heck is wrong with the owners, a blue seat, green walls, and brown flooring. What the heck were they thinking when they chose colors??
Curt Downs
Licensed HIC CTNot a defect, per se. You could recommend an upgrade. They could fix that with a natural wood toilet seat. :D
A pink toilet with a blue seat? Now that's a defect! :D

One question, whose going to get down on his knees to cut that sucker out of there? If you smash it, somebody's got to pick up the pieces. :(

Tim Spargo
01-02-2011, 11:40 AM
you know what I've wondered.... who is it that puts the GIANT RAT TRAPS right next to scuttle openings...? You pull yourself into an attic or crawl area, there are traps right where your hands will go.

I've almost gotten nailed several times, picking up scuttle openings and setting down the cover. I can't imagine it's a pest control professional, gotta be the HomeOwner's. If I happen to set a access cover on a trap.... the SNAP! makes a person jumpy.

I generally try to remember to have my gloves on for numerous reasons when I pull myself up in an attic, but I don't think they'd lend much protection against these huge rat traps.

Ted Menelly
01-02-2011, 12:01 PM
you know what I've wondered.... who is it that puts the GIANT RAT TRAPS right next to scuttle openings...? You pull yourself into an attic or crawl area, there are traps right where your hands will go.

I've almost gotten nailed several times, picking up scuttle openings and setting down the cover. I can't imagine it's a pest control professional, gotta be the HomeOwner's. If I happen to set a access cover on a trap.... the SNAP! makes a person jumpy.

I generally try to remember to have my gloves on for numerous reasons when I pull myself up in an attic, but I don't think they'd lend much protection against these huge rat traps.

Gloves do not matter. I had a pair of those brown construction gloves on and placed my hand in a snap trap. Sucker still snaps to the bone. I can only imagine getting tagged with the black plastic jagged jaw traps...gloves or not.

Mike Schulz
01-02-2011, 12:25 PM
I walk away from stuff like this, I spend more time trying not to vomit.

Shout out to Brian, just my two cents. I would do allot more postings if you would have automatic picture resizing. I'm sure many others feel the same.....just saying

Damon McCarty
01-02-2011, 11:29 PM
I work on computers.
Before a computer and/or monitor is brought in, I have to do the sniff test to see if I smell roaches.:(
Disgusting, I know, but they can be smelled.

Barney Bienz
01-07-2011, 11:54 PM
yuuummmm, Cheerios... I believe they have a slightly less 1/2 life than that of Twinkies.

Jonathan Cartwright
01-11-2011, 11:39 AM
yuuummmm, Cheerios... I believe they have a slightly less 1/2 life than that of Twinkies.

Are you sure? I was not aware that Twinkies had a half life. They will be around long after we're gone. Just like the roaches.