View Full Version : Bo/Sox fans rejoice!

Darren Miller
12-05-2010, 08:01 AM
It hasn't been made public yet, but I have inside sources that the Boston Red Sox have signed former NY Yankee Derek Jeter #2 De-rec Jeee-ter.

John Arnold
12-05-2010, 08:13 AM
It hasn't been made public yet, but I have inside sources that the Boston Red Sox have signed former NY Yankee Derek Jeter #2 De-rec Jeee-ter.

I'm a recovering Blow Sox fan, but I don't really get the joke. Unless you're serious, of course, in which case you should check with the New York Times.


Nick Ostrowski
12-05-2010, 12:36 PM
You're obviously mistaken Darren. He signed with us earlier in the week.

Bob Elliott
12-05-2010, 12:53 PM
Thought this was about White Sox :)
We just got Adam Dunn.:)

John Arnold
12-05-2010, 06:17 PM
You're obviously mistaken Darren. He signed with us earlier in the week.

And it gave him a swelled head, for some reason.

Darren Miller
12-07-2010, 05:09 AM
Glad to see Jeters back; Whew...
I did see that big head in the 'dreaded' Phillies uniform!

Hey, whats up with the Nationals giving Jason Wearth all that money for 7 years. I mean he was a "good' player' not worth that kind of contract (never had 100 RBI's). They give him all that money, the Nats could have signed Adam Dunne for half that price.

Just makes you shake your head

Ted Menelly
12-07-2010, 09:28 AM
Glad to see Jeters back; Whew...
I did see that big head in the 'dreaded' Phillies uniform!

Hey, whats up with the Nationals giving Jason Wearth all that money for 7 years. I mean he was a "good' player' not worth that kind of contract (never had 100 RBI's). They give him all that money, the Nats could have signed Adam Dunne for half that price.

Just makes you shake your head

What makes one shake their head is the fact that people put so much into sports and spend so much on the games and buying tickets to watch them on TV and paying foolish amount for all the sports paraphernalia.

All this so the GAME PLAYERS can be paid ridiculous fortunes to play a game.

I never understood the importants people put out to sports at all, in the slightest. There is so much more to do in life. So much to explore. So many things you can be doing with family or friends.To sit around all day on a Sunday or what ever day investing so much time in ones life to watching games being played instead of doing something of your own in life.

This is not directed at you. I just picked up on the shaking the head thing.

I enjoy watching sports on occasion but have never been wrapped up in it knowing all the players names and stats and who they got traded to or even from. I equate this to knowing all the movie *stars* names and the producer and the director and where the movie was filmed etc etc etc

I guess I just don't have the gene. I watch the "GAME" on occasion because I may not have something to do at the time. I do not know their names or really care. I have lived in Mass and they have always had some great teams in all sports. I lived in Jacksonville Florida to see them get their team which turned out excellent. I live in DFW now and the Cowboys and Rangers do extremely well at times also but I just look at it for what it is. A game.

I know.....such blasphemy.