View Full Version : More fires in Mobile Homes

John Kogel
01-05-2011, 03:15 PM
Do a search for 'mobile home fire' and you will be shocked to see how many people die or lose everything they own every year.

This video is especially good to watch. There's 3 minutes of driving to the site. They arrive at the smoking trailer, 3 mins to gear up, the place is completely consumed in about 3 more minutes.

YouTube - Mobile Home Fire 9-28-2009 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQNimkNFwgU)

With people losing their homes to the banks these days, there are more dangerous situations then ever before.

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma firefighters said Tuesday a fire at a mobile home killed three children who were trapped inside.Four-year-old Chris, 3-year-old Crystal and 1-year-old Kaylee Dunham died in the mobile home fire, fire investigators said.Fire officials said the children's mother, Stephanie Dunham, was able to get out of the mobile home to call 911.The mother is in the hospital being treated for burns to her arms and neck, investigators said.Fire investigators said the fire started in the front passenger side of the non-operational motor home, where a space heater was plugged in with extension cords from a nearby home. The fire might have been caused by the space heater, investigators said.Destiny Christian Church pastor, Rev. Lawrence Niesent, said it is difficult to look for answers in this tragedy."I think the most important thing for us to understand is that we are not going to understand some situations that happen. We live in a fallen world and there just aren't easy answers to certain circumstances," Niesent said.Fire investigators said they are also looking for answers as to the cause of the fire -- answers that they may find when they get a chance to talk with the mother.Friends and family said they have set up a memorial fund to help pay for the children's funerals. Donations can be made at any of the locations of the Oklahoma Employees Credit Union under the name, Dunham Family Fund.

Dan Harris
01-05-2011, 04:16 PM
Do a search for 'mobile home fire' and you will be shocked to see how many people die or lose everything they own every year.

This video is especially good to watch. There's 3 minutes of driving to the site. They arrive at the smoking trailer, 3 mins to gear up, the place is completely consumed in about 3 more minutes.

YouTube - Mobile Home Fire 9-28-2009 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQNimkNFwgU)


This is a good reminder.. About 35 yrs ago a co worker in a MH park in upstate NY where we worked lost his life in a MH fire. The fire dept was a few blocks from the MH park, and was there in a couple min. it was too late.
I always think of him and stress the importance of correcting dangerous conditions [including double keyed locks] when I see fire dangers or safety concerns when inspecting older MHs.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
01-05-2011, 06:10 PM
?? The Oklahoma City story is reverring to a "Motor Home", i.e. an RV (references to front passenger side, etc. and the words "motor home") which has really nothing to do with a manufactured home, "mobile home", "coach home", "trailer home", etc.Motor "homes" have "motors" for moving them (RV's), and are capable of being moved under their own power. They are vehicles.The point has been lost on me. What was it?

John Kogel
01-06-2011, 09:21 AM
HG says "The point has been lost on me. What was it?"

It's news, this is the inspection news forum. The link is to a video of a mobile home fire. The firefighter is wearing a helmet cam. It is very good to watch.

This story about the fire in the motor home came up #3 in a Google search for "mobile home fire". However, I will accept responsibility for carelessly attaching it to my post. Perhaps "extension cords and space heaters" would be a better title.