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View Full Version : Need help with wall to roof leak

dan carroll
01-22-2011, 02:40 PM
We have a roof leak coming from this area of the house. It seems to be coming from this wall to roof intersection and happens during wind and rain. The roof was reshingled 5 years ago. Can anyone tell by the photos of what might be causing the leak? Thanks Dan

Jerry Peck
01-22-2011, 08:18 PM
Block or masonry? The cracks could be either, and each could have a different cause.

Kevin Yandel
01-22-2011, 08:43 PM
A pic of the above roof line would also help.

Jim Luttrall
01-22-2011, 08:50 PM
I would begin looking at the window above the roof flashing and that big crack at the bottom that has been half-azz patched. It might not be a roof leak at all but a wall leak. If it was mine, I would start with a water hose from the bottom up to reproduce the leak. My bet from the pictures is that the roof does not leak and the wall does. More long range establishing shots and other details as others have noted would be helpful.

Kevin Yandel
01-22-2011, 09:03 PM
I agree with the hose test, start low. This seems to be happening most with wind and rain, check the window sill for openings and loose motar.

Eric Barker
01-23-2011, 08:04 AM
It can be quite surprising what a little wind can do with water. The cracks in the wall cladding would be suspect. If it was my house I'd pull out the flashing at the roof/wall junction and see what's going on and go from there. I'd then work up the wall until I found no further sign of water staining. Yes this is an aggressive approach but then how many times do you want to make a repair in this area?

Scott Patterson
01-23-2011, 08:50 AM
My SWAG is the flashing and what looks like stucato board (stucco board)basically hardboard with a plaster finish on it.

Ted Menelly
01-23-2011, 09:02 AM
I hate to add this but in this case it is time for an infrared camera scan of the wall and roof outside and then the inside of the home...after a good rain or a serious hose wash down.

For that matter a good moisture meter following the trail of moisture.

Gees, did I just say get someone in your area that has an infrared camera to scan the home. What is this world coming to. Anyways, this is one of the best applications for the camera.

dan carroll
01-23-2011, 10:17 AM
Thanks for all the input. Is it possible the wind/rain combination could make its way under the flashing.
We have a roof leak coming from this area of the house. It seems to be coming from this wall to roof intersection and happens during wind and rain. The roof was reshingled 5 years ago. Can anyone tell by the photos of what might be causing the leak? Thanks Dan

Jerry Peck
01-23-2011, 01:53 PM
Is it possible the wind/rain combination could make its way under the flashing.

Especially in that 7th photo with the roof installed upside down (shingled from the bottom up) and the plumbing vent through the roof coming out horizontally ... :)

dan carroll
01-23-2011, 02:07 PM
Soory Jerry the photo was downloaded wrong
Especially in that 7th photo with the roof installed upside down (shingled from the bottom up) and the plumbing vent through the roof coming out horizontally ... :)

Ron Bibler
01-23-2011, 05:15 PM
I hate to add this but in this case it is time for an infrared camera scan of the wall and roof outside and then the inside of the home...after a good rain or a serious hose wash down.

For that matter a good moisture meter following the trail of moisture.

Gees, did I just say get someone in your area that has an infrared camera to scan the home. What is this world coming to. Anyways, this is one of the best applications for the camera.

At this point Ted an IR Camera is not going to help.

That upper wall is leaking and no amount of flashing is going to fix that.

He need to remove everything from the roof up off that wall then correct any damage and start all over with new moisture controls for that wall.



dan carroll
01-24-2011, 06:05 AM
So are you saying that the integrity of the flashing has been compromised by the leak? Do you think that the upper wall above the flashing is the source of leak or the flashing is the leak source and it needs to be torn out and redone to stop the leak? Thanks Dan
At this point Ted an IR Camera is not going to help.

That upper wall is leaking and no amount of flashing is going to fix that.

He need to remove everything from the roof up off that wall then correct any damage and start all over with new moisture controls for that wall.



01-24-2011, 09:42 AM
http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/attachments/questions-home-owners-home-buyers-diy/20905d1295801417t-need-help-wall-roof-leak-house-005.jpg (http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/attachments/questions-home-owners-home-buyers-diy/20905d1295801417-need-help-wall-roof-leak-house-005.jpg) My guess is that this is a picture of the first floor where the leak is visible, correct? Is this the doorway that leads out to the room under the roof in question? What is directly above this area on the second floor?
http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/attachments/questions-home-owners-home-buyers-diy/20912d1295801880t-need-help-wall-roof-leak-home-2-004.jpg (http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/attachments/questions-home-owners-home-buyers-diy/20912d1295801880-need-help-wall-roof-leak-home-2-004.jpg) The biggest suspect for me is the flashing, especially around the window, you can see where the window trim was compromised/ removed at the corner allowing for the flashing, no doubt leaving a void. I can see a heavy rain wicking its way around the trim down that void into the structure causing the water damage that is visible inside. I would highly recommend you find a qualified professional to make repairs to the area quickly, as others have stated it may be to late for just a repair and replacement may be in order.
If there is no visible water damage to the inside drywall/plaster on the second floor then that tells me it is traveling down the outside wall until it hits the floor joist of the second floor where it then builds up and collects until it saturates the first floor ceiling enough to show the evidence of the leak. This tells me that there is a lot of water coming in and may be why you only see it on larger rain storms.
Of course this is only an opinion from what i see in your pics and nothing can compare to an actual evaluation at the property, I think it is time you call in a professional. Let us know the answer when you find out and Good luck!:)

dan carroll
01-24-2011, 10:03 AM
Thanks Mr. Johnson for the advice. THe fustrating part of all this is that I have had two contractors out to see this issue and niether has given me a satisfactory fix. One of the contractors, who was the installer of the shingles, just last week installed the aluminum strip behind the flashing. ]

Jack Feldmann
01-24-2011, 06:16 PM
What part of Tennessee are you in?

dan carroll
01-24-2011, 07:00 PM
What part of Tennessee are you in?

Jack Feldmann
01-24-2011, 09:15 PM
sent you a PM

Vern Heiler
01-25-2011, 10:59 AM
Thanks for all the input. Is it possible the wind/rain combination could make its way under the flashing.
How am I supposed to hold my head for the 4th photo, and what is it of? If I tip my head to the right it kinda looks like cracks in stucco side wall with gobs of sealant that have cracked!

dan carroll
01-25-2011, 02:46 PM
rotate the picture 90 degress ccw
How am I supposed to hold my head for the 4th photo, and what is it of? If I tip my head to the right it kinda looks like cracks in stucco side wall with gobs of sealant that have cracked!

Vern Heiler
01-25-2011, 04:03 PM
rotate the picture 90 degress ccw
It's not leaking at the cracks?

dan carroll
01-25-2011, 04:20 PM
It could be . The leak spans across the whole interior wall
It's not leaking at the cracks?

Vern Heiler
01-25-2011, 05:08 PM
It could be . The leak spans across the whole interior wall
I've always been a great believer in "kiss". Fix what you know is wrong, and many of the unexplained go away.