View Full Version : Does this look like it could contain asbestos?

Andy Jarchow
02-24-2011, 06:42 PM
Is this a type of vermiculite? I come across the darker colored stuff often but never white.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Benjamin Thompson
02-24-2011, 06:45 PM
Looks to me like they dumped the contents of their beanbag chairs in the attic:confused:

David OKeefe
02-24-2011, 06:51 PM
Looks like perlite.
www.perlite.net (http://www.perlite.net/)

Cary Bissell
02-25-2011, 04:15 AM
It looks like " Zonolite" and if so does have asbestos particles.

Eugene Cameline 3rd
02-25-2011, 05:08 AM
Get it tested.

David Valley
02-25-2011, 05:35 AM
Is this a type of vermiculite? I come across the darker colored stuff often but never white.

Any ideas?

Thank you

I've seen many Zonolite filled attics and this material does even look anything like it.

I agree with David O.

Either way, it must be tested if you're going to claim that it has ACM's.

Andy Jarchow
02-25-2011, 06:51 AM
Looks like perlite.
www.perlite.net (http://www.perlite.net)

Thank you all.

It does look like perlite.

Any idea about what it costs to get this tested?

The buyer was thinking of buying a kit to test it himself. Anyone know if the kits are accurate?

Nick Ostrowski
02-25-2011, 06:54 AM
I didn't even think anybody made DIY asbestos testing kits. Do they actually exist?

Andy Jarchow
02-25-2011, 07:00 AM
I didn't even think anybody made DIY asbestos testing kits. Do they actually exist?

The buyer said they have kits to test for asbestos. He asked me if they were reliable. I told him I never heard of such a thing.

He is concerned that if he does get it tested by a lab there
will be a record on file and he doesn’t want that…

Garry Sorrells
02-25-2011, 07:57 AM
The buyer said they have kits to test for asbestos. He asked me if they were reliable. I told him I never heard of such a thing.

He is concerned that if he does get it tested by a lab there
will be a record on file and he doesn’t want that…

DIY Test Kit. Would like to see it. Must come with microscope. Unless its a kit to take sample and mail to lab for testing.

If buyer finds that it has asbestos then he can make offer on removal and then re-insulated.

Once the seller knows of the test results they have to disclose in most states, so the seller will be on the hook for all future potential buyers. Agent for buyer should push to get seller to accept buyer's offer as a good deal since they will end up doing it anyway.

Bird in hand idea.

Ralph Smith
02-25-2011, 09:22 AM
DIY Kits are sample bags with intructions. Lab results in 2 wks.

Tom Rees
02-25-2011, 10:31 AM
After doing a little investigating it seems there are a lot more insulation types out there that are similar to or made from Vermiculite. There is Prolite, Zonolite, Karstolite etc. If it weren't for this thread I never would have found this out. I am changing my report template at this moment to a more generic statement that the insulation may contain asbestos and should be tested. Most of the sites for these products recommend that it is safe as long as it is not disturbed. If I were doing work on this house and cut a hole in the ceiling for light fixture etc. I would like to know that it is potentially dangerous. Just my two cents.

John Kogel
02-25-2011, 10:32 AM
Perlite, most likely.

Funny thing, the lab will sometimes label a sample "less than 1% asbestos", as a CYA. Reluctant to say 0%. They could say that for Perlite, too. :confused:

Use a local lab that you can trust. Have them take the samples.

Mary Beth Yannessa
02-26-2011, 03:26 PM
We just came across an attic that had what looked like cat litter in their attic space with gold flecks. I have been told that it is a form of vermiculite and the gold flecks are an indication it has asbestos but we found a lab to send a sample to. The cost for a three day turn-a-round will be $189.00 and the lab is in South Jersey.

Your sample definitely needs to be sampled and tested at an outside reputable laboratory that performs specific testing on this attic insulation. During our research we found many labs but only a select few test for this type of asbestos. By the way it does look like perlite. When you take your sample make sure you wear gloves and a half mask respirator with the filter cartridge just to insure that you have protection. You will need at least a plastic sandwich bag full of the product but try not to really disturb the area too much.

If you find that it is asbestos type of product, you will need to hire an asbestos remediation contractor to remove it or there is a product manufactured by Isolatek for a Lock-down.

Mary Beth Yannessa
Tridon Industries, Inc.
Philadelphia Insulation and Fire Protection Contractor | Tridon Industries (http://www.tridonindustries.com)

Bill Hetner
02-26-2011, 06:29 PM
If the home owner wishes to have it tested, have him send it into a lab and have it tested. as to what he does with that imfo is really up to him. i don't think the lab is going to ask where it came from as much as they want to get paid for what they do. Dealing with the imfo properly is up to him, but if the stuff stays there and the house is inspected at a later date it will be questioned at that time. he might not want to deal with it at the current time due to finacial reasons. best to advise him his options but leave the responiblity at his door as to what to do with it