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Phil Gould
04-04-2011, 10:56 AM
Hi from Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood.

Attached is a photo of mushrooms growing on fiberboard siding. Reminds me of a joke.
Mushroom walks into a bar.
Bartender says "hey we don't serve your kind here"
Mushroom says "why not, I'm a fungi?" (say out loud)

Markus Keller
04-04-2011, 03:45 PM
Welcome Phil,
Morons, that's what they get for putting that fiberboard crap as a detail. Never lasts, water sits in the J-channel and seeps into the seam between the J and trim. If they would only caulk it, it would at least have a chance to last.
I hope you checked the interior wall over the window with a meter. It's rare I don't find water there in that type of install.
Looks like a suburban subdivision box.

04-04-2011, 04:14 PM

nice roons--no wonder chicago can't win the series--worst joke i ever heard or read


Phil Gould
04-04-2011, 05:13 PM
Thanks guys, I do feel welcome - between the technical response and the reference to chicago sports teams - this is my kind of forum.

The only other joke I've heard told is the one about the two kinds of skylights.

chris mcintyre
04-04-2011, 06:39 PM
The only other joke I've heard told is the one about the two kinds of skylights.

And for those of who don't know the skylight joke..........

John Kogel
04-04-2011, 06:55 PM
Hello Phil
If you scroll back through this chit chat forum, you'll find jokes to keep the clients and a couple of the realtors laughing for days.
BTW, jokes are fun and good for breaking the ice, but when there are serious problems and the clients are worried a bit, it's best to cool it. Like if you go to a doctor and you think you might be dying, how would you like it if the doc starts cracking jokes? "Well, if you're going to bust a gut, best to do it now, during office hours, haha". :D :D

Chris, there are two kinds of skylights, the ones that leak and the ones that are going to leak.
Not that funny when there's a big rot spot in the ceiling though, is it? :D