View Full Version : Realtor Points of View

Stuart Brooks
04-20-2011, 02:14 PM
Today, at a board meeting of a state home inspector organization, a few comments were made about recent dealings with real estate agents and brokers.

1. Agent to client who had picked their own inspector, " You don't want that guy. He'll come up with stuff that could delay your closing. You won't that problem with THIS inspector. You do want to get through with the closing as fast as possible don't you?"

2. Calls to inspectors in the area around the state capital, "We're looking for new home inspectors. Our regular guys are getting too expensive."

3. "These people really don't have a lot of cash. Can you cut them a deal on the inspection fee?"

4. From a agent on a regional real estate association, "We want home inspectors licensed because as it is now we don't have anyplace to file a complaint if one of them kills our deal."

Added this one
5. REA calls inspector that he often refers to say, " I just wanted to tell you before you heard from somewhere else that I used another inspector for a house. I knew if you did the inspection, the sale would have fallen through"

Licensing in general, my opinion. Licensing doesn't really help much if you think about it. We have licensed contractors, real estate agents, appraisers and a host of others. But, we still have bad or just plain crooked contractors, real estate agents, appraisers, and the rest. So, other than a source of revenue to the governments, who does licensing protect?

Scott Patterson
04-20-2011, 02:34 PM
So, other than a source of revenue to the governments, who does licensing protect?

I look at if from a different aspect..... Good licensing programs protect the home inspector or the licensee and that trickles down to the consumer.

Licensing will not keep all of the yahoos and idiots from harming folks, heck we see that everyday with folks that have a drivers license and just about any other type of professional license.

Raymond Wand
04-20-2011, 02:38 PM
The primary reason for licencing is to put in place contact information for the licencee, insurance, and a complaint process and some standard of competence.

It does not ensure competence.

Stuart Brooks
04-20-2011, 02:48 PM
I look at if from a different aspect..... Good licensing programs protect the home inspector or the licensee and that trickles down to the consumer.

Licensing will not keep all of the yahoos and idiots from harming folks, heck we see that everyday with folks that have a drivers license and just about any other type of professional license.

Very true. If I had "GOD" powers for 5 minutes. I would give every human a double dose of common sense. That would take care of a lot of turmoil that goes on everywhere everyday.

Stuart Brooks
04-20-2011, 02:53 PM
The primary reason for licencing is to put in place contact information for the licencee, insurance, and a complaint process and some standard of competence.

It does not ensure competence.
Virginia has a "voluntary" certification program. When agents make a remark about how HIs need to be licensed,I and other certified inspectors ask them, "Why don't you use state certified inspectors?" Their answer is almost invariably, "We don't want to be limited to using those people." Which I translate to, "Our guys aren't certified and we want to stick with inspectors we know won't kill our deals"

Raymond Wand
04-20-2011, 03:01 PM
Realtors have too much influence with the inspection process. Consumers certainly are not being protected from their undue influences.

We have one association up here which was actively pursuing the Cdn Realestate Assoc. in order to have them lobby the government to licence inspectors. That scenario was thwarted due to the outcry from fellow inspectors. It would be completely unacceptable.

John Kogel
04-20-2011, 08:00 PM
Realtors have too much influence with the inspection process. Consumers certainly are not being protected from their undue influences.

We have one association up here which was actively pursuing the Cdn Realestate Assoc. in order to have them lobby the government to licence inspectors. That scenario was thwarted due to the outcry from fellow inspectors. It would be completely unacceptable.We've had licensing in BC for 2 years now. The Consumer Protection Branch of BC looks after it. They started out with lots of lofty rhetoric, and we supported it 100%. Now, they allow anybody to buy a licence for $150. That's it. You have to promise to be a good boy and get some formal training sometime in the future, if HI works out for you, like buying a CaNachi membership, yep, that'll do it. It is a cash grab and nothing more.

The two professional associations, CAHPI(BC) and BCIPI, have to distiguish themselves from the other guys, just like before licensing.

One thing we are doing, is keeping realtors out of the licensing process, so far at least.

Lisa Endza
04-22-2011, 09:10 AM
Here is something InterNACHI sends to agents like the one you describe

Inspector Selection: A Real Estate Agent's Duty

by Nick Gromicko
Founder, International Association of Certified Home Inspectors

The seller has accepted your clients' offer and now, with your help, your clients must choose a home inspector. Should you steer them toward the inspector who writes the softest reports? Should you steer them toward the inspector who pays to be on your office's preferred vendor list? Should you help them find the cheapest inspector? The answers to these questions are of course No, No, and Hell, no.

You have a fiduciary duty to your client and, therefore, must recommend the very best inspectors. If you recommend a patty-cake inspector, an inspector who indirectly pays for your recommendation, or a cheap inspector, you violate your fiduciary duty to your client.

The National Association of REALTORs defines your duties in their Code of Ethics. Article 1 requires you to protect and promote your clients' interests. Article 6 requires you to disclose any financial benefit you may receive from recommending related real estate services (this also includes any benefit to your broker).
Because most real estate agents get paid only if the real estate transaction successfully takes place, your personal interests and your fiduciary duties already conflict. Don't make your situation any worse. The best way to avoid negligent referral claims, to operate ethically, and to fulfill your fiduciary duty is to help your client find an inspector based solely on merit. And although no real estate agent can guarantee the thoroughness of any particular inspector, there is a strong correlation between an inspector's fees and his/her competence (in other words, you get what you pay for). Helping your client find a cheap inspector for the purchase of their lifetime is a violation of your fiduciary duty. When in doubt, shop price, and seek out the most expensive inspectors for your clients.


Stuart Brooks
04-22-2011, 09:20 AM
Here is something InterNACHI sends to agents like the one you describe

Well, basically a pretty good statement but I wouldn't get too hung up on the most expensive. I would go with "best qualified inspector and just because some have been inspecting homes for years doesn't mean they do it right".

Oh, BTW, the cheapest inspectors in this neck of the woods are ALMOST invariably iNACHI newbies. We do have some inspectors who have no association and no credentials, have been inspecting for many years, and charge significantly lower fees than average. Of course, they are all Realtor darlings.

Lisa Endza
04-22-2011, 11:40 AM
We do have some inspectors who have no association and no credentials, have been inspecting for many years, and charge significantly lower fees than average. Fee structures correspond to marketing strength. InterNACHI critics complain that we are "mostly a marketing organization" but having your inspection phone ring off the hook gives you the confidence to raise prices.

Ron Bibler
04-22-2011, 10:16 PM
Fee structures correspond to marketing strength. InterNACHI critics complain that we are "mostly a marketing organization" but having your inspection phone ring off the hook gives you the confidence to raise prices.

Lisa...Are you implying that just by being a member of NACHI will make ones phone ring off the hook? Lisa you are so out of date.

We do not hang up phone any more. In fact I think it has been more then 30 years that I had a wall phone in the kitchen.

I think NACHI should stop selling wall phones if thats the case.:D

I will keep my pocket Cell phone... I like the little red off button on my phone.



Lisa Endza
04-22-2011, 10:31 PM
It's your family to feed. Do what you think is best for them.

Joe R. Maxwell
04-23-2011, 04:20 AM
Arkansas requires home inspector licensing. 80-hours training, pass two tests, insurance and 14 hours continuing education each year.

Arkansas does not require that all houses be inspected upon sale.

I was wondering if there are any cities, counties or states that require a home inspection. We have been trying to convince our legislators about this for years, but the idea has fallen on deaf years. I am this year going to attack the issue starting at the local level and then move on to the county level.

Any suggestions as to how to best proceed?

Ken Rowe
04-23-2011, 05:36 AM
I was wondering if there are any cities, counties or states that require a home inspection. We have been trying to convince our legislators about this for years, but the idea has fallen on deaf years. I am this year going to attack the issue starting at the local level and then move on to the county level.

Any suggestions as to how to best proceed?

In Minnesota some cities require homes be inspected prior to them being listed for sale. These cities include: St Paul, Minneapolis, Bloomington, Richfield, North St Paul, South St Paul, Crystal, Brooklyn Park, and a few others. The inspections are referred to as Time of Sale or Truth in Housing inspections. Each city has their own rules and regulations and licensing requirements for the inspectors. All of these inspections have checklist style reports and are geared to make money for the cities and inspectors and have little benefit for the buyer. In fact St Paul has been requiring these inspections since the 1970's. Because it's regulated by the city most of the inspection criteria from the 1970's is still used. They don't have the time, manpower or willingness to update themselves.

Lisa Endza
04-23-2011, 06:39 AM
Making home inspections mandatory may increase overall demand on the entire industry for a short while, but it won't increase demand for your particular inspection services. Mandatory home inspections would only cause more people to become home inspectors, supply would catch demand, as it does with everything, and you would be back in the same boat.

This is why InterNACHI spends its money marketing its members. Other associations do the reverse and spend their member's money to market their association. This is the big difference.

So don't waste your energy trying to increase overall demand for inspections. Instead, spend your energy trying to increase particular demand for your inspection services.

Ted Menelly
04-23-2011, 07:47 AM
Is The Place For The
200% Satisfaction Guarantee

Let's see. Sign on to this and release all future liability for the original inspector. Also the likelihood of finding out you are not happy with the original inspector after you moved in and not before ... about 100%. Like that will do any good.

As far as the picture goes

90 day warranty. Yeah, if you sign up for a home warranty and there is a service fee to fix what is wrong...... NOT FREE

90 termite warranty. Yeah, if you sign up for a termite warranty and there is a deductible for a treatment needed and a quarterly or yearly renewal inspection fee......... NOT FREE

Recall check for appliances free .....maybe has a slight merit

Security Inspection ...all this does is put one man in front of you with a hard sell about how familiar they are with the home when that person would not be doing the set up and the clients can get a list of security folks for quotes for change over (probably no if they sign a contract for monitoring) ..............Totally useless

Free sprinkler inspection ............... lets see. About ten minutes to put all zones on for a minute and see if there are heads not functioning and gushers coming out of the ground. I have been doing this 10 minute check as part of a home inspection for ever. It is a system of the home unlike a pool. A pool is always an extra and an important extra for life safety.

As far as I am concerned this is all deceptive marketing. Yes it sells inspections but I would never use it. I am not going to sell anyone on a bill of goods other than what they are calling me for .... A home inspection.

I will set up a termite inspection for them but I have a second set of eyes on site for that so I can keep on track with the home inspection instead of running thru the termite to finally get to the home inspection which has now been thrown out off kilter.

Why would anyone wish to sell themselves on supposed free give aways to get an inspection.

Sign this, sign this, oh yeah, sign this, oh by the way you just signed all rights of liability away from me on this etc etc etc

Sad state of affairs is what the home inspection is becoming.

If that is marketing I want nothing to do with it.

Rick Hurst
04-23-2011, 08:01 AM
That comment used all of the time "Peace of Mind" is really getting old.;)


Lisa Endza
04-23-2011, 10:09 AM
If that is marketing I want nothing to do with it. It most certainly is not.

Dan Harris
04-23-2011, 11:41 AM
This is why InterNACHI spends its money marketing its members. Other associations do the reverse and spend their member's money to market their association. This is the big difference.


Is it possible for you to post something positive, that will help the members of this site, about this or any other any topic here, WITH OUT your, hey look at how great I am crap, bashing, name calling and lying about other inspectors, and home inspector associations?

Lisa Endza
04-23-2011, 01:53 PM
Dan, LOL! Who does your association "brand?"

Dan Harris
04-23-2011, 02:12 PM
Dan, LOL! Who does your association "brand?"

I'm not sure what your question is. Nobody here was talking about one association over another. I am referring to your not offering any value to a topic. Instead of offering anything of value, you continue coming here to tell us how great you are, and how stupid we are, and continue speeling your lies and negitave posts about other HI associations and inspectors on this site.

With your LOL, I can only assume it's another attempt to bash me or the professional association I support.
The association I choose to belong too and support, promotes to the public the value of getting an inspection from professional inspectors that meet certificiation requirements that are verified/ approved by a third party.

As a result of that professional approch [ brand?] I get 3 -4 plus new inspections every month, 36 -48 plus every year, and countless repeat and referral inspections every year from my association alone.

If you want to compare association marketing results for their members one could view post #70 where one of your members of 8 plus years, got a total of 2 inspections from your marketing over 8 plus years.... here... Positive feedback needed! - Page 5 - InterNACHI Message Board (http://www.nachi.org/forum/f11/positive-feedback-needed-60175/index5.html)

Billy Stephens
04-23-2011, 03:52 PM

If you want to compare association marketing results for their members one could view post #70 where one of your members of 8 plus years, got a total of 2 inspections from your marketing over 8 plus years, here... Positive feedback needed! - Page 5 - InterNACHI Message Board (http://www.nachi.org/forum/f11/positive-feedback-needed-60175/index5.html)
Yeah But He was doing it All Wrong. :D
* Lisa's on OT so let's help her out. ;)
During my eight years of membership here at InterNACHI, I've received a grand total of two referrals totaling $798 from other InterNACHI members (one) and the public using something like InspectorSeek..

*taken from above #70 reference.

Dan Harris
04-23-2011, 04:08 PM
Yeah But He was doing it All Wrong. :D
* Lisa's on OT so let's help her out. ;)

Does Lisa exist or is she nicki in a dress ? :D

Billy Stephens
04-23-2011, 04:22 PM

Does Lisa exist or is she nicki in a dress ? :D
Oh She's Real ! :eek:

Dan Harris
04-23-2011, 09:48 PM
Oh She's Real ! :eek:

I met nicko a few years ago,it was late at night. I belive after you have a few beers, put a blond wig on him he may kinda look like that gal. :D :D

Marc M
04-23-2011, 10:59 PM
Realtors have too much influence with the inspection process. Consumers certainly are not being protected from their undue influences.

Straight up, ...well stated.

Marc M
04-23-2011, 11:05 PM
That comment used all of the time "Peace of Mind" is really getting old.;)


I agree. Platitudes ...

Joe R. Maxwell
04-25-2011, 05:57 AM
Making home inspections mandatory may increase overall demand on the entire industry for a short while, but it won't increase demand for your particular inspection services. Mandatory home inspections would only cause more people to become home inspectors, supply would catch demand, as it does with everything, and you would be back in the same boat.

This is why InterNACHI spends its money marketing its members. Other associations do the reverse and spend their member's money to market their association. This is the big difference.

So don't waste your energy trying to increase overall demand for inspections. Instead, spend your energy trying to increase particular demand for your inspection services.

I may be crazy or idealistic, but I think that home inspections are very important to homebuyers. It is not just a matter of increasing my business. That is why my question concerning mandatory inspections. I agree that with mandatory inspections the pool of inspectors would increase, however in the bigger scheme of things mandatory inspections would help the consumer in general.

I also agree with your marketing comments in so far as increasing the demand for my services. If a home inspector does not market him/herself then they will starve to death.

Back to the original comments concerning realtors, here in Arkansas realtors are supposed to provide a list of inpsectors to clients and then the client chooses. I know that my name is not on some of those lists, but that just proves that you cannot please everyone, so just try to do a good inspection and write an honest report for your client.

BTW, I think the attacks on Ms Lisa were a little overboard. If you do not like NACHI then do not join, same with ASHI or any other organization. I happen to belong to a local association that meets my needs for support and continuing education.

Stuart Brooks
04-25-2011, 06:17 AM
I may be crazy or idealistic, but I think that home inspections are very important to homebuyers. It is not just a matter of increasing my business. That is why my question concerning mandatory inspections. I agree that with mandatory inspections the pool of inspectors would increase, however in the bigger scheme of things mandatory inspections would help the consumer in general.

I also agree with your marketing comments in so far as increasing the demand for my services. If a home inspector does not market him/herself then they will starve to death.

Back to the original comments concerning realtors, here in Arkansas realtors are supposed to provide a list of inpsectors to clients and then the client chooses. I know that my name is not on some of those lists, but that just proves that you cannot please everyone, so just try to do a good inspection and write an honest report for your client.

BTW, I think the attacks on Ms Lisa were a little overboard. If you do not like NACHI then do not join, same with ASHI or any other organization. I happen to belong to a local association that meets my needs for support and continuing education.

Hmm - Arkansas "requires" the realtor to provide a list of 3 inspectors. Really?
The "attacks" on Lisa are not overboard, just distasteful. Sorry dude, but the whole organization is a mass marketing machine. Marketers are not known for always being accurate or truthful in claims promoting their product of the moment. Some of the stuff that Lisa posts makes me wonder if she has all her wheels on the track.:rolleyes:

Joe R. Maxwell
04-25-2011, 06:54 AM
Please notice that I said "supposed to" not "requires". I know that this works to my advantage sometimes and sometimes it does not. I am not going to lose sleep over over it.

Stuart Brooks
04-25-2011, 07:06 AM
Please notice that I said "supposed to" not "requires". I know that this works to my advantage sometimes and sometimes it does not. I am not going to lose sleep over over it.

I stand corrected you did state "supposed to" but, "supposed to" implies some form of requirement. Maybe as a custom such as, "It is customary for agents to provide a list of 3 inspectors". :)
I'm pretty sure a lot of us are in the same boat you are. Sometimes it's the broker that limits the inspectors on the "our guys" list.

Dan Harris
04-25-2011, 07:20 AM
I stand corrected you did state "supposed to" but, "supposed to" implies some form of requirement. Maybe as a custom such as, "It is customary for agents to provide a list of 3 inspectors". :)
I'm pretty sure a lot of us are in the same boat you are. Sometimes it's the broker that limits the inspectors on the "our guys" list.

What happens when you are the "our guy" on the brokers list? :)

Stuart Brooks
04-25-2011, 07:31 AM
What happens when you are the "our guy" on the brokers list? :)
I suppose "their guys" stay fairly busy especially when it's a large brokerage. I get the term "our guys" from the agents. You know the old, "I have a buyer who wants to use a credit card to pay for the inspection. Our regular guys don't take credit cards and you do. Can't you hurry over and do the inspection? Now?" Or, "I have a buyer who came in with just your name to do the home inspection. You're not one of our guys so I want to check you out. Have you done any work with other of our companies agents?"

Marc M
04-25-2011, 09:53 AM
What happens when you are the "our guy" on the brokers list? :)

I can live with that.:)

Rick Vernon
04-25-2011, 08:20 PM
We get that 3 referral stuff here too. We would like to recommend YOU but we have to give 3. What crap.
Do it in reverse and watch the reaction:
Hey my sister needs to sell her house and I'm going to include you in the 3 Realtor names I give her............

Marc M
04-25-2011, 09:05 PM
No doubt...jaws would drop