View Full Version : Obama: Don’t like gas prices? Just buy a new car!

Ron Bibler
04-24-2011, 06:46 PM
Obama: Don’t like gas prices? Just buy a new car! What kind of leadership is this. He has cut the American people off from just about every place for us to get our own Oil from American Soil. Almost 3 years with this guy now. We could have had our own US oil in every car. Now we will be paying $5 $6 do i see $7:mad: for a Gal of gas...

How is that Hope and change working out for ya?

The last time gas was up we all had to suck in the cost of gas for each inspection. Will you pass it onto you clients.... Will you have any clients:eek:



P.S. He is alive for ever more Amen.

Dan Harris
04-24-2011, 07:13 PM
The last time gas was up we all had to suck in the cost of gas for each inspection. Will you pass it onto you clients.... Will you have any clients:eek:


This always turns out to be an interesting topic.
I kinda chuckle when some one says, it cost me $20. more to fill my tank than it did a few weeks ago, now I need to raise my prices $20. In realty it costs an additional 2-$3 per inspection. I don't think there is a customer out there that would have a problem paying an additional 2-3 buck to help cover that additional expence.
My take, if you want to raise your prices 20-30 bucks go for it, don't make a fool out your self by telling the customer you need to raise them that much due to gas prices.

As far as hope and change goes.. I think it's best to not comment :)

Jerry Peck
04-24-2011, 07:24 PM
Obama: Don’t like gas prices? Just buy a new car! What kind of leadership is this. He has cut the American people off from just about every place for us to get our own Oil from American Soil. Almost 3 years with this guy now. We could have had our own US oil in every car. Now we will be paying $5 $6 do i see $7 for a Gal of gas...

How is that Hope and change working out for ya?

The last time gas was up we all had to suck in the cost of gas for each inspection. Will you pass it onto you clients.... Will you have any clients



P.S. He is alive for ever more Amen.

The above is a silly post showing the obnoxious nature of the poster. :rolleyes:

P.s. So are his brothers Juan, Jorge, Julio, and his sister Juanita - they will be alive too ... for ever more ... until they too die. Hopefully, though, their bodies will not be stolen from their graves, which has caused some to imagine there is another reason for the missing body ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ronnie Baby, you know posts like this only lead to discord on the threads ... so why would you even go there? :confused:


Ron Bibler
04-24-2011, 08:19 PM
The above is a silly post showing the obnoxious nature of the poster. :rolleyes:

P.s. So are his brothers Juan, Jorge, Julio, and his sister Juanita - they will be alive too ... for ever more ... until they too die. Hopefully, though, their bodies will not be stolen from their graves, which has caused some to imagine there is another reason for the missing body ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ronnie Baby, you know posts like this only lead to discord on the threads ... so why would you even go there? :confused:


Jerry did someone beat you when you was a child?



H.G. Watson, Sr.
04-24-2011, 09:23 PM
The above is a silly post showing the obnoxious nature of the poster. :rolleyes:

P.s. So are his brothers Juan, Jorge, Julio, and his sister Juanita - they will be alive too ... for ever more ... until they too die. Hopefully, though, their bodies will not be stolen from their graves, which has caused some to imagine there is another reason for the missing body ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ronnie Baby, you know posts like this only lead to discord on the threads ... so why would you even go there? :confused:


Nope, YOURS was the rude, petulant, provoking, and obnoxious post.
Intolerant, petulant, racist and bigoted.

Frankly, I found it to be OFFENSIVELY DISGUSTING!

Your post was completely and entirely OUT OF LINE.

Just because the "infractions Policy" Announcement "sticky" fell off the list doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Our host and owner of this site posted hours earlier a "Happy Easter!" Thread (link): http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/general-chit-chat-home-inspectors-commercial-inspectors/25103-happy-easter.html

I hope you are all enjoying a nice Easter with family and friends!

H.G. Watson, Sr.
04-24-2011, 11:29 PM

The last time prices spiked quite a few businesses started adding trip charges, surcharges, and/or raised delivery charges.

For our rural property up north, it remains a common "extra" expense to have certain service providers I choose to continue to utilize, even though there might be someone else based "closer". I continue to use a pest control guy who I've done business with for years and years. I'm not there most of the year and I know who will be going out, inspecting, and applying as needed. I also know I can trust what he reports back to me, that he's careful, and honest. Some franchise, who knows WHO they'd send out, when, how experienced, well trained, knowledgable, or how honest or careful they'd be? I wouldn't, I'm not there most of the year!

I'd imagine that might not fly so easily for example for one in a concentrated large area such as Mesa/Phoenix, AZ, Greater Los Angeles, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Greater Chicago, etc. But as you get to the less concentrated areas, and longer travel distances, perhaps a milage surcharge or "off the main roads" might fly.

On the otherhand, with the U.S. Dollar's value shrinking, (by the way crude oil markets trade "oil" based on U.S. Dollars) and the fact that energy/crude oil is a part of the market price on just about everything we consume in our society, Inflation is upon us, as is the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar; even if the market prices for real estate are in the dumper and the jobs market is similarly depressed.

The U.S. has written a lot of checks (printed money, guaranteed AIG, boosted the markets, running two, now three wars, etc.) and charged to the hilt (like a freshman in college with a parent's credit card!) and the rest of the world (the creditors) isn't all that confident we'll be paying it all back, anytime soon.

Many in this country are working for less money, less benefits, then they were before, and adding insult to injury the dollars they are receiving are worth less than they were before, and the prices are higher.

You would know your local market place better than someone from outside your marketplace.

Prices have gone up, the costs to do business continue to rise, the dollars are worth less, If I were active I'd be charging more, of course I used to charge actual expenses in addition to my time (including travel time, analysis, and reporting) but I usually traveled great distances.

Joseph Peake
04-25-2011, 03:59 AM
Jerry - I believe it was Ben Franklin who said, "I disagree with you, but I'll defend with my life your right to say it". Some years ago, in my continuing effort to fight political correctness, "I wished a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Quonza or whatever you celebrate" to a jewish friend and brother. He replied, "I celebrate them all". I thought that was a wonderful and enlightened concept. As an aside, he's a jeweler, so I'll bet he does LOL.

As a further aside, I really like that tagline about political correctness and the "clean end"; have passed it on to a few friends

Ron - Belated Happy Easter.

Matt Fellman
04-25-2011, 01:54 PM
We don't officially raise prices because of the price of gas but I sure quote/build-in higher travel fees for far away jobs. As someone mentioned, it's just a couple bucks for most jobs if even that much.

I know this was coming and looked at my overall fuel cost for last year... even if it doubled it isn't that much of dent in my overall budget. My health insurance going up $1,000 dollars a year or more is MUCH more of a problem.

As for the politcal end I tend to be pretty neutral and am extremely disappointed by both parties. But I do remember Obama specifically promisng to address the oil speculators while was campaigning... funny I haven't heard it mentioned again since he was elected.

Nick Ostrowski
04-25-2011, 02:39 PM
We don't officially raise prices because of the price of gas but I sure quote/build-in higher travel fees for far away jobs. As someone mentioned, it's just a couple bucks for most jobs if even that much.

I know this was coming and looked at my overall fuel cost for last year... even if it doubled it isn't that much of dent in my overall budget. My health insurance going up $1,000 dollars a year or more is MUCH more of a problem.

As for the politcal end I tend to be pretty neutral and am extremely disappointed by both parties. But I do remember Obama specifically promisng to address the oil speculators while was campaigning... funny I haven't heard it mentioned again since he was elected.

Matt, I just saw an article last week about this very thing with Obama saying he was going to try to keep Americans from getting gouged at the pump (how he hopes to accomplish this I don't know). It's funny how the only time there is an uprising about the price of gas and developing alternate fuels is when the price approaches $4 p/gallon.

I too am disappointed in both parties. I wish there was no such thing as Democrats and Republicans or this side vs that side or parties pushing their agendas. It's not about what the Republicans want or the Democrats want, it's about what WE AS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT and what is in the best interests of the common good.

Ron Bibler
04-25-2011, 02:52 PM
I too am disappointed in both parties. I wish there was no such thing as Democrats and Republicans or this side vs that side or parties pushing their agendas. It's not about what the Republicans want or the Democrats want, it's about what WE AS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT and what is in the best interests of the common good.

Nick That sounds nice. But your way off base. We need to drill for oil Now and we should have done that 20 years ago. We need to shut down the EPA. Kick obama OUT OF OFFICE. And get people in office that will drill some dang Holes on American Soil. This will put our people back to work.

obama shuts down the Drilling for Oil In the USA Because they don't want any spills. So what happens all the Oil Drilling Rigs go to other countries that have no restriction or any safety programs at all:eek:

And then you and I get to buy that oil at $5 $6 or $7 pre Gal. (obama) The Guy is a complete wack job...



Joseph Peake
04-25-2011, 03:33 PM
It's my understanding that our president made $1.7M last year.
Not class envy, but simply evidence that we have little/nothing in common.

Give a federal pay cut of 20% across the board and work down from there. Then, line them up in height order and fire every other one. The federal government is simply too big.

Representatives & Senators get whatever their individual State decides to pay them, and it shouldn't be much - they are SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE and it should be a privilege to serve.

Abolish EPA, Dept of Energy, HUD, Department of Education and any other group of bureaucrats that are not required to defend this county and control our borders.

No Federal subsidies of any kind for any reason - picking winners and losers isn't in the US Constitution.

Bring all troops back home.
If someone attacks us, send troops to destroy them, then come home.
If it's in our mutual interest to send troops somewhere "in the interest of human decency etc", then someone other than the american taxpayer should share the costs.
If it's in their interest (ie, Iraq), then they should pay the entire cost, plus interest equal to, or greater than, what we're paying to our lenders.

This country was founded as a loose confederation of states and the power should remain with the people.

Saw a bumper sticker the other day - I'll keep my guns and money; you keep your change.

Republicans and Democrats are different wings of the same progressive movement. Glen Beck is correct even though I can only take him in small doses.

Social Security and Medicare should be voluntary if at all. The bureaucrats aren't capable of keeping their fingers out of the till or operating economically.

A balanced budget ammendment is required, as well as a course in entry level accounting for each member of congress.

Ron Paul for President; Rand Paul for Vice-President.
There! I said it!

(sorry for the rant; couldn't help it. Head's ready to explode. I ran into wife's 2000 blazer with the lawnmower on friday. Until friday, the 12 yr old truck was showroom. Found out today that the right rear fender flare costs $406 plus tax for the part. Then it would need to be installed and painted - can buy the whole darn truck on ebay for that. Note to self: At first lawn cutting of the year, don't confuse brake with gas.)

Ted Menelly
04-25-2011, 05:13 PM
Someone mentioned about it being funny about the price of gas and laughing when someone else said he paid 20 more for his gas than a week ago.

You might want to think again. Everything on the planet moves with gas, diesel, natural gas, propane etc or cooked/prepared. No, it does not cost another 3 dollars a gallon. Every thing on the planet goes up which forces everyone's wages up. You are paying a tremendous amount more per inspection becuase everything you do an buy costs more.

Everyone laughs at speculation driving prices up!

And you are laughing why.

If everyone with money is betting oil is going up what exactly do you think the oil owners do.? That's right, they take advantage of it and raise the price of oil.

There is absolutely no reason for oil to go up. NONE! With the exception of 'becasue the oil owners want to make more money.

A little skirmish in Libya is not any reason to drive prices up. Raising production slightly in the other oil producing nations costs about zero to do ot to mention they sell more so they make more money.

The blind eye on this planet is amazing. I am not sure if everyone is still asleep or what.

A little multi billion dollar oops in the gulf did not put a dent in BP. They still have record profits. A stop with a few refineries, and? They are still making fortunes even if they never raised the price of oil 1 cent

As simple as it can be gentlemen. The price of oil is going up and up because the oil producers want it to. There is no other reason. There wasn't last time. Does anyone know the serious amount of billions that have changed hands since the oil prices have gone up. The speculators have made absolute fortunes. They certainly want the oil to keep going up. The oil companies want it to keep going up. The money makers are in charge of the planet and everything that goes on in it.

Nick Ostrowski
04-25-2011, 05:20 PM
It's up now (and will keep going up.....for now). But it will come down again. When we hit $4.00+ last time, the price came down to $1.50 p/gallon. The price of gas is an up and down game. And for those who are about to call me naive, just wait and see what happens to gas prices. I'm not saying it will happen overnight but prices will drop to the point where nobody thinks twice about filling the tank.

If you can get more per inspection because of gas prices, go for it.

Jeffrey L. Mathis
04-25-2011, 06:30 PM
Here's the deal, Ron. And all the rest of the malcontents who harp on the drill now, drill everywhere mantra. Try a little science. Show me the positive cost to benefit analysis of blank check drilling for oil. You can't do it. That's a tag line you throw out hoping no one will really look at the facts. You can't make the numbers work for anything like a reasonable period of time. Maybe you increase supply modestly for a period of time that is less than the rest of my life (61 now). Maybe you don't.
Prove me wrong. Show me the facts, not mindless Obama bashing rhetoric.


Ted Menelly
04-25-2011, 07:01 PM
Here's the deal, Ron. And all the rest of the malcontents who harp on the drill now, drill everywhere mantra. Try a little science. Show me the positive cost to benefit analysis of blank check drilling for oil. You can't do it. That's a tag line you throw out hoping no one will really look at the facts. You can't make the numbers work for anything like a reasonable period of time. Maybe you increase supply modestly for a period of time that is less than the rest of my life (61 now). Maybe you don't.
Prove me wrong. Show me the facts, not mindless Obama bashing rhetoric.


Mantra? Blank check drilling? Oh I get it. Let's not drill for our own and for the next hundred years of oil use, or a lot more, we rely more heavily on everyone else because we did not drill on our thousands and thousands of miles of shore line because some one wants all the cost to benefits first that are impossible to come up with just like your cost to benefit analysis. You have none other than what? The direction we are going now. Different energy sources ..... they are coming but we are going to need oil and its product for many many decades ahead. We are not all dying tomorrow. No matter what side of the fence anyone is on we need oil now and more or less, as far as us and our grandchildren and maybe there kids it may as well be forever. What did you say? Try some science!

William Kievit
04-25-2011, 07:07 PM
Thank you for a very happy Easter. I was able to stay home, buy no gas, talk no politics, and enjoy the company of family and friends. And now the pop up that reminds me I haven't posted in a while will go away.

Thomas Jones
04-25-2011, 07:11 PM
I wonder if they make a ladder rack for a prius?

Happy Easter Ron, and God bless. Your P.S. is right on!

Ted Menelly
04-25-2011, 07:15 PM
Unless someone has the plans on the table to replace all of these items with something else then we need to drill baby drill until all these items are made with another product. Oil is not just for fuel.

A partial list of products made from Petroleum (144 of 6000 items)

One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make things like:

This is called trying a little science. Oil is not just for fuel. Until all these items can be replaced we need to find every drop that is possible .... even from my or your back yard or under the Caribou feet and old stomping grounds.

Diesel fuel
Motor Oil
Bearing Grease
Floor Wax
Ballpoint Pens
Football Cleats
Bicycle Tires
Sports Car Bodies
Nail Polish
Fishing lures
Golf Bags
Dishwasher parts
Tool Boxes
Shoe Polish
Motorcycle Helmet
Petroleum Jelly
Transparent Tape
CD Player
Faucet Washers
Food Preservatives
Vitamin Capsules
Panty Hose
Life Jackets
Rubbing Alcohol
TV Cabinets
Shag Rugs
Electrician's Tape
Tool Racks
Car Battery Cases
Insect Repellent
Oil Filters
Hair Coloring
Toilet Seats
Fishing Rods
Denture Adhesive
Ice Cube Trays
Synthetic Rubber
Plastic Wood
Electric Blankets
Tennis Rackets
Rubber Cement
Fishing Boots
Nylon Rope
Trash Bags
House Paint
Water Pipes
Hand Lotion
Roller Skates
Surf Boards
Paint Rollers
Shower Curtains
Guitar Strings
Safety Glasses
Football Helmets
Ice Chests
CD's & DVD's
Paint Brushes
Sun Glasses
Heart Valves
Artificial Turf
Artificial limbs
Model Cars
Folding Doors
Hair Curlers
Cold cream
Movie film
Soft Contact lenses
Drinking Cups
Fan Belts
Car Enamel
Shaving Cream
Golf Balls

Ron Bibler
04-25-2011, 07:37 PM
Ted thats the short list...:D

If we don't start using every natural resource we have in this country we will
fall under our dept.

But if we started using all the free natural resource of the grate country of ours then we could pay off our dept in less the 10 years and put our people back to work.

But first we need to shut up the mouths of any one that wants to stop the use of natural resources.

Now No one is saying trash the land. Everything can be done in a clean way.

We can have our cake and eat to... But Obama say we just need to stop living the good life. and sit in our homes and keep the heater down to 65degrees. Don't go on that vacation with your family... Just stay home...

In the in-term time he and his wife can fly around world at our expense.



Dan Harris
04-25-2011, 07:40 PM
With your list I suspect oil for gas is a small percentage of uses for oil.
Now all we have to do is figure out how to make those items with windmills, and solar panels :D
here's a couple more, :)
Resins that are used to make cultured marble bath fixtures, and fiberglass that's used for bath fixtures, cars, boats and 100s' of more items..

Jerry Peck
04-25-2011, 07:57 PM
Jerry did someone beat you when you was a child?




I have learned over the years, though, that the one who continually try to force their way and beliefs on others are those who believe they are the only correct ones - more people have been killed 'in the name of god' than for any other reason ... doesn't that make you stop and think?

It should.

It should also clue you in to not messing up a good NON-religious forum with religious crap, and in the interest of harmony we typically try to stay away from belligerent political rants ... except when someone posts their political rant and then 'the games is on' ... :rolleyes:

Benjamin Thompson
04-25-2011, 08:49 PM
All I can say is some of us warned you all 3 years ago!!

Ron Bibler
04-25-2011, 10:22 PM

Jerry stop trying to push your (Jerry is his own god) stuff on others.

All I stated is ( He is alive for ever more Amen.) I DID NOT SAY WHO...

Not one other person on this board had any problems with my statement.

P.S. Jerry he love you very much.:D

Billy Stephens
04-26-2011, 06:05 AM
There is plenty of Oil to meet our needs. ( abet the speculators rip us on price as every drop is sold 8 or 9 times per day on an increasing spiral .)
What we need are Refiners ( last one built came online in 1976. Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections - US appears to have built its last refinery (http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntn12966.htm)

Eric Shuman
04-27-2011, 08:33 AM
It's my understanding that our president made $1.7M last year.
Not class envy, but simply evidence that we have little/nothing in common.

The president is a millionaire? So are 237 of our members of congress (2/3 of the members of congress congress are millionaires, google it).

The median U.S. family has a net worth of about $120,000. For the average member of the U.S. House of Representatives, it's $666,000.

Simply evidence that we have little or nothing in common with the vast majority of people running our country.

(I'm not pointing this post at you Joseph, I agree with a lot of the things in your post, just making an observation)

I am not a big fan of Obama but anytime people start trying to blame a sitting president (no matter the party affiliation) for all of the economic problems of this country I just have to chuckle.

Seems like people who always blame Obama for the current crisis forget who was in charge when the crisis occurred and who signed off on that first bailout before they left office. The people in charge are really all the same.

The division among us all plays right into the hands of our wealthy elitist leaders, Dems and Repubs.
Remember McCain's vow to put an end to lobbyist control of congress when he was running for president? The vast majority of his campaign staffers were former lobbyists. See how it works?

Remember all the promises Obama made about ending the wars and curtailing the overreach of the executive branch. He hasn't done either of those things and actually has done contrary in many cases. See how it works?

See, they have us (the faux middle class) just where they want us, bickering over nonsense instead of debating true issues, meanwhile carrying the cost of fixing this mess on our backs or the back of our children.

The things that affect the middle class will never affect the wealthy. How many leaders of congress or the white house signed their children up to fight in the wars they created? How many of the wealthy leaders will have to cut back on providing for their families because they cannot afford the taxes levied upon them or the rising cost of drugs and insurance?

One thing is for sure, we have very little in common with the people making policy in this country.

Joseph Peake
04-27-2011, 09:28 AM
Right on, Eric!

Agree that a sitting President has limited influence on what gets enacted into law. However, sitting Presidents (with few exceptions) have demonstrated a flagrant abuse of executive privilege and they do have unlimited access to put their views before the public. Regarding this particular President, I find the golf outings and vacations, as well at the complete lack of principles or consistency, to be embarassing and disgusting.

Maybe I'm just more sensitive this time around because, though I did not vote for him, I pledged my full support to him when he was elected and I was looking forward to his "cleaning out the cesspool".

It's time that a litmus test for Congress includes a demonstrated understanding of reality experienced by the vast number of Americans.

I'd rather be represented by "normal people", who don't understand the intracies of law OR the BS associated with the process of governance, than a largely corrupt group of wealthy attorneys. All that's required for my vote is personal integrity, an understanding of reality, and a rudimentary understanding of, and appreciation for, the US Constitution.

Express your opinion whatever it may be, but even more importantly, VOTE!

PS - I have a feeling I should have checked spelling, but I'm on the way out the door.

Roger Hankey
04-27-2011, 12:41 PM
Jerry stop trying to push your (Jerry is his own god) stuff on others.

All I stated is ( He is alive for ever more Amen.) I DID NOT SAY WHO...

Not one other person on this board had any problems with my statement.

P.S. Jerry he love you very much.:D

I object to the entire thread, including your initial post. Why are people inserting politics and religion into a professional forum? What does this have to do with our work and customers? I am NOT INTERESTED in your religious beliefs and would not express mine to you without a request.

Ted Menelly
04-27-2011, 01:35 PM
Yes Politics does intrude on life. That being said the question is

"Why are people inserting politics and religion into a professional forum?

2 things.

I do believe that religeaon has to take a back seat with the exception of with in ones self.

There has been more upset on this planet due to reiligeon than anything, ever.

As far as gas prices and politics .... it has absolutely everything to do with the home inspection business and for that matter every business in the US. Sure, politics gets folks a little riled but it is not mentioned daily or weekly or monthly but once in a while.

Politics effects everything we do, where we live, what we do for a living, how much we make while trying to make a living. It is an integral part of everyday life that affects our livelyhood. To bring it up on occassion? On a professional; forum? When it has a gross amount to do with everything? It simply cannot be avoided.

The original post had to do with the affects the gas prices are having on us and the original poster is basically saying that Our President is not and has not done anythin g to correct it. Further more, with out saying so directly the original poster is stating how upset he is about everything going on politically that is having a tremendous affect on his life.

It is affecting his business and everyones business as a home inspector and he felt like venting and hearing what others thought on the matter.

Now, what exactly was the matter with his vneting about how the worlds economy is having an affect on business.

Now as far as his last statement. Oh well ! A little self reflecting. It is always a slight momentary slip about higher ups (no matter what you may believe) where folks come back ten fold with their opinions that are always much worse than the easily ignored comment one may make and it causes even further remarks from folks that make such a big deal out of it.

Occassional politics that affect our business .... so what. It is affecting our business.

An occassional slip while one is looking for answers? So what. Ignore it and move on. Remark about what you feel should be remarked on and if a want to remark on any part of it is not there ... ignore it and go to the next thread.

Edward Loughran
04-27-2011, 02:08 PM
The $4.00 oil prices I don't like but can live with. As a country we should be using the resources we have, and drill ANWAR and off shore, and not send our hard earned money overseas or over our southern or northern borders.

John Kogel
04-27-2011, 02:32 PM
You would think that oil produced in your own country would be cheaper? Well, maybe not.
In Canada, we produce our own oil and we pay more for fuel than you guys do. We sell natural gas and hydroelectric to the US for lower prices than we have to pay for it ourselves. The federal government taxes on fuel are why we pay more. Now where is the incentive for govt to lower fuel prices? :confused:

Anybody that thinks a new politician is going to fix anything is living in a bit of a dream world.
We should have stuck with the King and Queen, then at least we wouldn't have this false sense of big improvements every 4 years.

We could fix the economy ourselves if we could just stop buying products from overseas. But then, we'd have to pay more, eh?

Billy Stephens
04-27-2011, 02:38 PM
I object to the entire thread, including your initial post. Why are people inserting politics and religion into a professional forum? What does this have to do with our work and customers? I am NOT INTERESTED in your religious beliefs and would not express mine to you without a request.
Don't Read It and add Whoever to Your Ignore List.

Nick Ostrowski
04-27-2011, 02:41 PM
Well, this is the General Chit Chat section for "Discussions Unrelated To Home Inspections or Commercial Inspections ... For Home Inspectors & Commercial Inspectors". You don't have to like it but if somebody wants to get on here and slam Obama or praise God, that is their choice. If Brian has a problem with it, he will let us know. And if you don't like the content of a thread, you don't have to read or respond to it.

Eric Shuman
04-27-2011, 02:48 PM
Well, this is the General Chit Chat section for "Discussions Unrelated To Home Inspections or Commercial Inspections ... For Home Inspectors & Commercial Inspectors". You don't have to like it but if somebody wants to get on here and slam Obama or praise God, that is their choice. If Brian has a problem with it, he will let us know. And if you don't like the content of a thread, you don't have to read or respond to it.

Well put, I agree 100% Nick. This is the one forum section that I don't care what anybody rants or raves about.

Better here on this section than the other forums, which is what I assume was Brian's intent when he created it!

Ted Menelly
04-27-2011, 02:52 PM
You would think that oil produced in your own country would be cheaper? Well, maybe not.
In Canada, we produce our own oil and we pay more for fuel than you guys do. We sell natural gas and hydroelectric to the US for lower prices than we have to pay for it ourselves. The federal government taxes on fuel are why we pay more. Now where is the incentive for govt to lower fuel prices? :confused:

Anybody that thinks a new politician is going to fix anything is living in a bit of a dream world.
We should have stuck with the King and Queen, then at least we wouldn't have this false sense of big improvements every 4 years.

We could fix the economy ourselves if we could just stop buying products from overseas. But then, we'd have to pay more, eh?

Oh shut up You darn Canadian you. Just keep selling us that cheaper fule :p

Oh yeah. Those 4 years can and has in the past made a huge difference. Come to think of it, look what has happened in 2 1/2 years to the negative :mad:

Ron Bibler
04-27-2011, 05:55 PM
Well, this is the General Chit Chat section for "Discussions Unrelated To Home Inspections or Commercial Inspections ... For Home Inspectors & Commercial Inspectors". You don't have to like it but if somebody wants to get on here and slam Obama or praise God, that is their choice. If Brian has a problem with it, he will let us know. And if you don't like the content of a thread, you don't have to read or respond to it.

All true but the main point i was talking about is that our gas cost are going up along with everything and thats going to have an effect on Home Inspection. And yes this president has done damage to our country buy shutting down every effort the people make to be free. take away the money and you take away the freedom of the people.

We need to get ride of this wack job and get a President that will open every area for work and profit...

I get sick just thinking about men have no work and they cant pay there house payment or rent and it all fall on obama head.

Hope and change that guy out off office...



Matt Fellman
04-27-2011, 07:35 PM
Something I struggle understand..... again, shooting from the middle of the political isle:

We stop/limit drilling projects in our country due to environmental rules/laws/etc. which results in other countries providing our oil. These other countries seem to largely lack the oversight, technology and care that we have.

So, doing things in the name of global warming, global climate chance, etc, etc, seem to be technically incorrect. It seems we only care about our own land.... not really the "globe" as one would be led to believe. If we were truly concerned about the "globe" the best course or action would be to take it on within our borders, regulate the hell out of it, tax it and sell it to other countries....

What am I missing?

Ron Bibler
04-27-2011, 07:47 PM
Something I struggle understand..... again, shooting from the middle of the political isle:

We stop/limit drilling projects in our country due to environmental rules/laws/etc. which results in other countries providing our oil. These other countries seem to largely lack the oversight, technology and care that we have.

So, doing things in the name of global warming, global climate chance, etc, etc, seem to be technically incorrect. It seems we only care about our own land.... not really the "globe" as one would be led to believe. If we were truly concerned about the "globe" the best course or action would be to take it on within our borders, regulate the hell out of it, tax it and sell it to other countries....

What am I missing?


Jeffrey L. Mathis
04-28-2011, 07:22 AM
We protect ourselves better than most. But we are concerned about other areas. We just can't do much about it. It is absolutely true that we can't make a dent in any environmental problem as long as China or any developing 3rd world country looks at us and says "I want what you got and I'm going to get it." Can you blame them?
All we can do as a nation is the best we can. Wiil we occasionally over step?
Sure. But I don't think the majority of this nation supports uncontrolled drilling or mining. We have way too much documentation of disasters that are inherently a part of the process.
Again, I'm waiting for some one to document the assertion that open season on oil drilling in this country will make a reasonable dent in our economy or access to fossil fuels.


Ron Bibler
04-28-2011, 08:27 AM
We protect ourselves better than most. But we are concerned about other areas. We just can't do much about it. It is absolutely true that we can't make a dent in any environmental problem as long as China or any developing 3rd world country looks at us and says "I want what you got and I'm going to get it." Can you blame them?
All we can do as a nation is the best we can. Wiil we occasionally over step?
Sure. But I don't think the majority of this nation supports uncontrolled drilling or mining. We have way too much documentation of disasters that are inherently a part of the process.
Again, I'm waiting for some one to document the assertion that open season on oil drilling in this country will make a reasonable dent in our economy or access to fossil fuels.


Dude... The fact that we would be putting our people back to work is all we need. any use or our natural resources is a big help in more then just making a dent. Its with our natural resource that is the only way we will ever pay off our dept. It is also very well documented that we can access all our oil and other materials in a safe way.

Any thing we do on US Soil is good for our country.

We as a nation need to get back to making and building and working and buying and selling and stuffing our pockets with good old $CASH$ and lots of it. So we can buy bigger home and bigger cars with lots of room for all our stuff and so we can hook up that Drag Boat on the back and head to the lake with the family and BBQ up some pork or a half a cow... for lunch:D and eat like fat pigs...

Send our kids to the best schools. just get back to being fat on that land...

Like the CAPITAL PIGs we are born to be :D



Joseph Peake
04-28-2011, 10:49 AM
Critical to the world class lifestyle in this country is an abundance of natural resources in quantities and diversity that are, overall, second to none in the world.

Maybe we should use that to our advantage in a responsible way.

BBQ season is upon us. Planning to roast a mammal over a wood fire any day now! :D

Dan Harris
04-28-2011, 11:11 AM
Critical to the world class lifestyle in this country is an abundance of natural resources in quantities and diversity that are, overall, second to none in the world.

Maybe we should use that to our advantage in a responsible way.

BBQ season is upon us. Planning to roast a mammal over a wood fire any day now! :D

Joseph.. You may want to erase this post, other wise PETA and the lawyers that are going to reprensent trees will come a knocking. :D

John Kogel
04-28-2011, 12:53 PM
Joseph.. You may want to erase this post, other wise PETA and the lawyers that are going to reprensent trees will come a knocking. Will it be ok if he buys Chinese firewood and roasts a Panda bear? :D

Michael Thomas
04-28-2011, 04:10 PM
The US would have to *double* its oil production between now
and 2020 just to accommodate the projected *increase* - around
8mbd - in Chinese consumption alone.

If we pushed flat-out for increased production we *might* be
producing around 9-12% of world consumption at that point.

Of course, our production is not going to double in the next 8
years, and even if it did there would still be no way to "drill
our way" out of a squeeze between increasingly non-US production
and consumption.

So Americans are just going to have to learn to live with
considerably more expensive energy, and most of the low hanging
fruit is still in the personal transportation sector.

Can Americans learn to love a 1,800kg turbo-diesel?.

Would any politician have the guts to tell them that's what's in
the cards?

Ron Bibler
04-28-2011, 04:56 PM
The US would have to *double* its oil production between now
and 2020 just to accommodate the projected *increase* - around
8mbd - in Chinese consumption alone.

If we pushed flat-out for increased production we *might* be
producing around 9-12% of world consumption at that point.

Of course, our production is not going to double in the next 8
years, and even if it did there would still be no way to "drill
our way" out of a squeeze between increasingly non-US production
and consumption.

So Americans are just going to have to learn to live with
considerably more expensive energy, and most of the low hanging
fruit is still in the personal transportation sector.

Can Americans learn to love a 1,800kg turbo-diesel?.

Would any politician have the guts to tell them that's what's in
the cards?

Michael... That is missing the point. If we get started and never stop drilling we could have our cake and eat it too and do all it it in a safe way... We the US people should never step back and say I have enough:( WE NEED MORE AND MORE AND MORE Of everything and should never do with less.

We need to just get back to being fat on that land...

Like the CAPITAL PIGs we are born to be.:D


Nick Ostrowski
04-28-2011, 06:32 PM
What we should do is develop an alternative fuel and move towards independence from being reliant on foreign oil or any oil. Nobody seems to care about this stuff until we approach $4 p/gallon. The earth's natural resources can't last forever.

Ron Bibler
04-28-2011, 07:16 PM
What we should do is develop an alternative fuel and move towards independence from being reliant on foreign oil or any oil. Nobody seems to care about this stuff until we approach $4 p/gallon. The earth's natural resources can't last forever.

Nope: We don't need all these other alternative fuels we have more oil and natural gas then we the USA could ever use and the earth just keeps making the stuff.:D

We need to have a energy plan that drill all over the country this will put our people back to work.

So We can get back to being fat on that land...

Like the CAPITAL PIGs we are born to be. :D



Dan Harris
04-28-2011, 08:31 PM
Can Americans learn to love a 1,800kg turbo-diesel?.

Would any politician have the guts to tell them that's what's in
the cards?

What is a 1,800kg turbo-diesel ? I googled it could not figure it out:)

John Kogel
04-28-2011, 09:05 PM
What is a 1,800kg turbo-diesel ? I googled it could not figure it out:)Das ist ein krautwagen, ya?
Why not, those things will run on corn oil. And we can grow corn.

Ron, did you flunk out of grade school or something? It takes a million years to create oil from compost. BTW, did you know that glaciers all over the world are melting? Wonder why all the weather-related catastrophes are happening?

On another note, Canada is doing a bit better than the USA right now. One reason is we force the rich, that is, those who earn over $250 G /year, to pay at least some income tax. :D

Ron Bibler
04-28-2011, 09:59 PM
Das ist ein krautwagen, ya?
Why not, those things will run on corn oil. And we can grow corn.

Ron, did you flunk out of grade school or something? It takes a million years to create oil from compost. BTW, did you know that glaciers all over the world are melting? Wonder why all the weather-related catastrophes are happening?

On another note, Canada is doing a bit better than the USA right now. One reason is we force the rich, that is, those who earn over $250 G /year, to pay at least some income tax. :D

Hey Can we stop the glaciers from melting ? NO Some wack job said that Freon was destroying the ozone layer:eek: What a crock that was. We should send Al Gore up your way John...

Any one that would steal from another man is sick. John So your proud that your country steal from a man just because he work hard to make his life better for his kids. John thats sad.

This kind of slam the rich stuff is one of the worst thing that has been manipulated in to the minds of the lower class:mad: How can you John be better off if a rich man get stuck paying more. Does it make you feel better ya stick it to that rich guy... Dam man People that have made a few buck should be able to keep what they have work hard for. But as long as we have people like you John that will vote for a man that says hes going to take/steal that rich mans money... We are all going down:mad:

What ever happened to : Thou shalt not steal?



Raymond Wand
04-29-2011, 04:28 AM
This is circulating up here in Canada.

It's worth a shot!


This was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came from one of his engineer buddies who retired from Halliburton. If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this summer, take time to read this please.

Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea.
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around last April or May!
It's worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!!!

I hear we are going to hit close to $ 1.50 a litre by this summer and it might go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down?

We need to take some intelligent, united action.
The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy gas ..

It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.
BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can Really work. Please read on and join with us!

By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $.99 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $1.28 at SUNOCO and ESSO for regular unleaded in Hamilton and Ottawa and climbing every week.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $.87 to .99, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace..not sellers.

With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action.

The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas.

But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies which now are SUNOCO(PETRO CANADA ) and ESSO.

If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of SUNOCO(PETRO CANADA ) and ESSO gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now, don't wimp out on me at this point....keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) .... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000).... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers.

If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!

If it goes one level further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!

Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all!

(If you don't understand how we can reach 300 million and all you have to do is send this to 10 people.... Well, let's face it, you just aren't a mathematician But I am .. so trust me on this one.

How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we can make a difference.


Nick Ostrowski
04-29-2011, 05:02 AM
These gas boycott ideas would never work. We are too dependent on gas to abstain for even one day. People would fill up the day before the boycott just so they could say they are not buying gas on the day of the boycott. And I'm not going to tell somebody "I'm sorry, I can't perform any inspections that day because of the gas boycott and my tank is low".

As for the tax thing, I'm fine with taxing the rich and eliminating loopholes. Hell, the government had no problem dipping their hands deep into my pockets on April 15th and I'm far from rich. Nobody gets tax sympathy from me.

Raymond Wand
04-29-2011, 05:04 AM
You are not being asked to abstain you are being asked to boycott the listed oil companies. Big difference. Fill up at one of the other stations.

John Kogel
04-29-2011, 08:19 AM
Any one that would steal from another man is sick. John that will vote for a man that says hes going to take/steal that rich mans money...

What ever happened to : Thou shalt not steal?


RonOk, I'll be Robin Hood and you can be the Sherrrif of Nottigham. Have a great day, Ron. :)

Ron Bibler
04-29-2011, 08:38 AM
Ok, I'll be Robin Hood and you can be the Sherrrif of Nottigham. Have a great day, Ron. :)

John its not about feeling good or thinking you are helping to poor. Its about right and wrong. Why would you support a thief. Thou shalt not steal...

If he will steal from one man he will steal from you:D

Wake up people... All men are created equal... This gets to the heart of the problem with who we are as a people.

This is like taking to my sister kids. Nerve racking Little wack jobs...



Eric Shuman
04-29-2011, 11:02 AM
I don't see it as stealing from the rich, I see it as getting them to pay their fair share.

The rich have far more loopholes to bring there overall tax rates down, in large part becasue of the complex nature of the tax code and the way in which the very wealthy make their money through investments that are taxed differently than salaries of the middle class, who, because of their meager salaries (the amount of which is controlled by the wealthy) cannot make the types of investments the wealthy do.

It's a viscious cycle that keeps the middle class down and the upper class getting richer.

Of course it is far more complicated than that and the naysayers will spout "voodoo" or trickle down economics to deny this.

Even Warren Buffet doesn't understand why his secretary is taxed more than he is.

And don't even get started on Corporations, most of which do not pay any income taxes at all, even though they are considered under the law as individuals.

If you have the time, read the following articles. These are just two of many, many articles describing how the rich and corporations do not pay as much as the middle class. Don't believe me, research it yourself.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/08/12/us-usa-taxes-corporations-idUSN1249465620080812)

The Very Rich Are Different–They Pay A Lower Tax Rate - Janet Novack - Taxing Matters - Forbes (http://blogs.forbes.com/janetnovack/2010/09/23/the-very-rich-are-different-they-pay-a-lower-tax-rate/)

I know, some people will always think this stuff is BS and continue to buy into political fast talk. This is what keeps diminishing the gap between the middle and upper classes. The idea that wealthy and corporations will quit spending money if they have to pay a fair share of taxes is the real B.S., they will always find ways to make more money.

Don't forget this either, many of them have already shipped our jobs (as well as their assets and taxes) oversees so that they do not have to pay proportionally.

Who contols these corporations? Why, the rich of course.
Who controls the people making the laws in this country? The rich, of course.

Nick Ostrowski
04-29-2011, 11:06 AM
So how do you handle taxes Ron? Do you just refuse to pay them because you feel somebody is stealing from you?