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View Full Version : $150 Off For inspectionNews Members!

Brian Hannigan
05-09-2011, 02:33 PM
InspectionNews would like to give all members (and your friends) $150 off of your registration for
THE 2011 Inspection Conference in Las Vegas, Oct 2nd - 6th.

Please use the link below and even if you are not ready to sign up today, click "Recommend" to share this offer with your facebook friends.

$150 Off For InspectionNews Members! (http://www.inspectionnews.net/conference/Get-Certified.php)

Thank you for doing this as it helps InspectionNews and I hope to see you at the conference!

H.G. Watson, Sr.
05-10-2011, 08:07 PM
Link is not working - operation aborted.

Same thing on the ad link that appears on this page at the top: http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/

Both attempt to land here: http ://www.inspectionnews.net/conference/Get-Certified.php
note -- web address - for the ad and here lands at IN.net, not Inspectionconference.com

Is that intended? What magic do I need to tweak or allow to get the pages to work then? (sure hope its not flash!).

Response I'm getting is: "The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties..."

Yet the ad image imbedded link you posted on this other topic string: http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/featured-conferences-classes/25229-2011-inspection-conference-here.html#post167430

Takes one to: 2011 Inspection Conference Las Vegas, NV (http://www.inspectionconference.com/)

Page tabs there such as the registration prices table having problems with.

The Landing page with its dark gray background and black type face (not reversed) and the Blue type against the dark gray filled "boxes" makes reading nearly impossible!!!

Was hoping to find details on YOUR offer - i.e. $150 instead of $199, and acceptance/approvals for the "certificates" and "classes".

I managed to d/l the "brochure", sheesh I can't read it even blown up and I'm tired of scrolling back and forth to read the landscape columns - whoever picked that typeface... Its unreadable and the leading is off cutting the font.

I was interested in the 09 IRC Review referenced- who and how its credentialed - the Risk Management and several other presentations. Gave up after scrolling all the pages, with that switching back and forth with the unreadable font/format & leading. I must have missed just who and what was presenting and what "credentials" and "certifications" were actually being offered.

Please advise what can be done to access the information in a reader- and printer- friendly format, for the older user with less than a 30" wide screen display; and if the link referenced above and upon the ad position at the IN page I referenced are working.

Did anyone look at this "brochure"? or Test the web pages?

BTW, if using Roman Numerals to Identify the class sections, Part (four) "IIII" should be "Part IV" not "IIII", could you pass that along to who ever needs to know, please.

Thank you in advance.

If this is an all G brothers and Co. production, never mind.

Jim Robinson
05-11-2011, 11:25 AM
It worked fine from my browser (Mozilla). That's a pretty good deal. I did attend IW in Atlanta this January, but may skip next year if this conference will be held again.

Brian Hannigan
05-12-2011, 02:14 PM
Link is not working - operation aborted.

Same thing on the ad link that appears on this page at the top: http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/

I checked several times and the link is working. Perhaps a connection issue with the server at that time.

Both attempt to land here: http ://www.inspectionnews.net/conference/Get-Certified.php (http://www.inspectionnews.net/conference/Get-Certified.php)
note -- web address - for the ad and here lands at IN.net, not Inspectionconference.com

Is that intended? What magic do I need to tweak or allow to get the pages to work then? (sure hope its not flash!).

That is correct. That is the page that you can pick up the $150 off Coupon Code. There is a link at the bottom of that page to take you to the conference site after you get the code.

Response I'm getting is: "The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties..."

That is what makes me think there was a connection issue at the time.
That goes for the other page viewing issues as well.

If this is an all G brothers and Co. production, never mind.

All associations are invited to promote, attend and provide incentives. None are in partners the conference. It is put on by Casey, O'Malley Associates and InspectionNews.

Brian Hannigan
05-15-2011, 07:23 PM

You are correct. I have found that on some operating systems using certain browsers the background is dark and text hard to read.

The font on the .pdf file was also messed up.

Thanks for pointing this out.

I will correct it tomorrow.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
05-15-2011, 08:35 PM

You are correct. I have found that on some operating systems using certain browsers the background is dark and text hard to read.

The font on the .pdf file was also messed up.

Thanks for pointing this out.

I will correct it tomorrow.


BTW, if using Roman Numerals to Identify the class sections, Part (four) "IIII" should be "Part IV" not "IIII", could you pass that along to who ever needs to know, please.

Please post a note when you've updated, I'll wait for your cue.

Thank you in advance.

P.S. did you catch the skuttlebut recently about the major security flaw with scores of share/facebook links exposing user data, passwords, etc.? Supposedly facebook has fixed the flaw (requires users to change their passwords to no longer be exposed) the old "tools" loaded still have issues cycling, etc.; and if I'm understanding correctly could be one of the reasons behind some of the recent complaints regarding speed navigating IN.net from some users, esp. of late.

Regards the site, yes; noticed entirety was down for a bit after I posted initially; and again in the early morn was some hicups at IN. Symantic (?) and another posted about security flaw in facebook shares about that same time.

However, I'm still getting operation aborted, site not available, and other issues. If it gets down to the wire, is there a coupon code that you can PM will that work?

Brian Hannigan
05-17-2011, 01:14 PM
Please post a note when you've updated, I'll wait for your cue.

Hi H.G.,

If you and others were having issues with the dark background on the Inspection Conference site I have corrected that along with the font on the pdf files. The background issue turned out to be on Vista and Win 7 using IE or Firefox browsers. Thanks for the heads up.

You should be able to clearly read and navigate the site now.

In order to get the $150 Discount from InspectionNews please use the Coupon Code: IN2011 during the Check Out process. You will enter it on the last page.

I have also added new information to the site such as:

Improved Class Package Comparison Chart

Difference Between Certificate Course and Certification

and other minor tweaks to the site.

Please visit InspectionConference.com (http://www.InspectionConference.com)for details and use Coupon Code: IN2011 when you sign up.

If you have any questions or issues with the site please let me know.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
05-17-2011, 02:36 PM

CECs tab doen't link to anything.

No information on credentials, instructors, who is "Joe Z.", who is sitting at the "round table"?

Can't find this updated stuff you mentioned regarding "certificates" etc. "certificate course" vs. "certification".

Indication on home page references "association" or "state" credits

"...You will be able to obtain the CECs you need to fulfill your state and/or associations requirements..."


but there is no information provided that indicates same that I can find, as I mentioned CECs tab doesn't seem to have an embedded link to anything.

Noticed copyright dates on web pages...2008, by COaA?

From what I recalled previously found/read - all tests are afterwards and "online", not proctored, and without info on who and what - I'm suspecting the only "associations" (sic) is Inter-Nachi.:(

Brian Hannigan
06-07-2011, 12:00 PM
Hi H.G.,

I just wanted to follow up and see if you were able to access the Inspection Conference site.


CECs tab doesn't link to anything.

In the tab drop down click on "Education Credits" or follow this URL
Continuing Educational Credits for the 2011 Get Certified Inspection Conference (http://www.inspectionconference.com/pages-conference/CEC-Inspection-Conference.php)

No information on credentials, instructors, who is "Joe Z.", who is sitting at the "round table"?

Instructors, Bios, Class Info is all on the Schedule Page or just got here:
Schedule For The 2011 Inspection Conference (http://www.inspectionconference.com/pages-conference/Inspection-Conference-Schedule.php)

Joe Zaabadick - Gas Appliance Certificate Class:

Round Table/Expert Panel Luncheon Info:

Can't find this updated stuff you mentioned regarding "certificates" etc. "certificate course" vs. "certification".

Under the CEC tab:
Certificate Course vs Certification (http://www.inspectionconference.com/pages-conference/Certificate-vs-Certified.php)

Indication on home page references "association" or "state" credits

"...You will be able to obtain the CECs you need to fulfill your state and/or associations requirements..."



but there is no information provided that indicates same that I can find, as I mentioned CECs tab doesn't seem to have an embedded link to anything.

Anybody else have this issue? It should drop down with 2 choices "Education Credits" & "Certificate vs Certification". If so, let me know and tell me your operating system and browser.

Noticed copyright dates on web pages...2008, by COaA?

Contents of this web site are Copyright © 2008 - 2011 Casey, O'Malley Associates,

From what I recalled previously found/read - all tests are afterwards and "online", not proctored, and without info on who and what - I'm suspecting the only "associations" (sic) is Inter-Nachi.:(

Not true, see associations above.

I hope that helps. If you have question please let me know and I will do my best to answer them or find the answers for you.