View Full Version : This was a week for stuff in the way :>(

John Kogel
06-12-2011, 05:16 PM
:mad: It seems like everywhere I went last week, there was people's junk in my way.
Well the Honda Ninja bike and the classic Triumph aren't junk, but it made for some grumpy moments. I got the panel (Canadian rules, don't tell me) cover off by kneeling on the seat of the Honda. Then I dropped the last screw down behind the back wheel of the Triumph. Nice.

The room with the stacker washer has the electrical panel behind the door on the right. There was a months worth of recycling piled against the stinking door.
Gotta love the kitchen sink sometimes, too. At least somebody's washed them.
I used a bucket to check the shower and tub in that one house. Animals disguised as people.

Jack Feldmann
06-13-2011, 04:38 AM
I feel your pain John! I really hate the dirty dishes in the sink, because there is usually a nasty smell that goes along with them.
There have been a few times I told my clients that I just couldn't get to something (with a photo), and I would have to come back after the crap was moved out of the way.

It's really fun when they have parked something under the pull down ladder and there is an air handler in the attic.

All we can do is document why we can't get to something.