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View Full Version : Can I wire a light fixture to 12awg?

Mary Stitt
09-14-2011, 09:22 AM
I want to add a light fixture on a circuit wired with 12awg, and I'm wondering whether I'll need to buy a special fixture? My impression is that devices come with neutral, hot, and ground wires attached to them that are then spliced to the wires entering the box. I imagine the wires coming out of the device would be 14awg - how would I navigate that, since I wouldn't want to splice 14 to #12?

Rick Cantrell
09-14-2011, 10:46 AM
I want to add a light fixture on a circuit wired with 12awg, and I'm wondering whether I'll need to buy a special fixture? My impression is that devices come with neutral, hot, and ground wires attached to them that are then spliced to the wires entering the box. I imagine the wires coming out of the device would be 14awg - how would I navigate that, since I wouldn't want to splice 14 to #12?

Yes, you can wire light fixtures to 12 gauge wire

But since you are asking this I highly recommend that you have someone do the work that has more experiences and knowledge than you.

Steven Turetsky
09-14-2011, 01:37 PM

Rick is correct in what he is saying. You can get hurt badly.

Corn Walker
09-15-2011, 06:15 AM

If you insist on doing it yourself, I would suggest going to your nearest big box retailer or bookstore (do they still have bookstores?) and buying a couple of books on doing your own electrical. Then read them all the way through, twice. Look up any terms you don't know - they usually have glossaries in the back. Then go back and read the section specific to the job you intend to perform.

Also, make certain you shut off the breaker for the light fixture. Verify there is no power by using a probe voltage tester and checking for any voltage between any of the wire leads.

Only after you have done all of this should you consider doing your own electrical. Think of the time and money spent as a small investment in your and your family's continued existence.