View Full Version : Report Writing Program for Texas
Aaron Miller
08-10-2007, 08:43 AM
I have been using InspectIt's Report Pro for Texas (based on MS Word) for years, am not either fond or sick of it, but would like to research other possibilities.
Is anyone aware of a software program that will easily import my autotext comments from my program? It will also need to be pre-formatted in the TREC-acceptable lame-ass form.
Erby Crofutt
08-10-2007, 09:26 AM
Call Sean at HomeGauge.
I know they've got a Texas format and he can best explain the easiest way to transfer your comments.
Home Inspection Software and Reports - HomeGauge (
Rick Hurst
08-10-2007, 02:06 PM
I use the Inspect-it program also.
What I have done is make one report with the typical boiler plate comments that we tend to use day in and day out. I can always alter the comments to the inspection.
I then go through this report and basically delete off what I don't need. The master copy of this report is probably 50-75 pages long. I have some example pictures on the report also to show what a "cricket, GFCI, ..... and so on. It works great for me.
Tried doing all the auto insert type programming and it just didn't work for me.
I did try another program, but went bad to my old ways. The other just didn't work for us.
wade chapman
08-10-2007, 02:37 PM
Aaron try I user there software and I am very pleased with it. They are a Texas co. Call and talk to Larry White there phone No. is on the site
Mike Boyett
08-10-2007, 03:48 PM
Wade, I agree. I've used WhisperSolutions products for several years now. I recommend a new user start with WhisperPI with the Texas 7a-0 template as it is a proven, sound, easy to use product. Use that for a while and then graduate to the Whisper Reporter s/w. Reporter is extremely flexible and capable but is not for the novice.
Nolan Kienitz
08-10-2007, 06:24 PM
I agree with those who have posted favorable comments about Whisper Solutions products. Great products, great service.
As Mike noted Whisper PI is easier to deal with at first. Whisper Reporter takes a lot more digging in, but is fantastically (hmmm is that a word?) customizable.
Larry White and Eric Himmer developed Whisper PI around the Texas TREC form. They also have a WDI module so you can do it all in one and deliver in the same PDF file. Drawings and all.
I was fortunate to have worked with them on the beta development of Reporter for over a year before it was released.
Whisper Computer Solutions, Inc. - Home of WhisperPI, Property Inspection Report Software (
Aaron Miller
08-11-2007, 10:45 AM
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
imported_John Smith
08-12-2007, 06:13 AM
Look on ebay. The other day I saw several programs listed that run the lame ass TREC report.
One in particular caught my eye at $100.00
It was an earlier version of a decent program direct (new in box) from the software company.
Claudia Lawrence
08-13-2007, 09:59 AM
Call us for a sample report to see if it fits into your scheme of what a report is about.
1(888) 635-0121
Aaron Miller
08-13-2007, 11:39 AM
Look on ebay. The other day I saw several programs listed that run the lame ass TREC report.
One in particular caught my eye at $100.00
It was an earlier version of a decent program direct (new in box) from the software company.
Ebay may have better support too. I contacted Whisper Solutions via email and have yet to hear anthing from them. Typical in my experience for geeks who do HI software.
wade chapman
08-13-2007, 12:05 PM
Aron if you go to there web site the will let you down load the program and try for 30 days free. I haved used them for 4 Years now and i am very happy with it
Nolan Kienitz
08-13-2007, 10:27 PM
As Wade noted you can go to their website and download either PI or Report or both and demo (full version) for 30 days.
Downloads include manuals and you can also go through that to see about importing your comments. I brought all mine in from a Microsoft Word product.
Will depend on your starting point for bringing those data points in. Sometimes it is better to save to a text file or a delimited file or Lord knows what. Sometimes putzing with a portion of the data to test is the best way to go.
They are busy and they will be in touch and they have great customer service. I've been working with them for over five years and I know many long-time TX HI's who have been working with them a lot longer and also have high regard for them and their product.
Don't be so hasty about your experience of a lack of 'immediate' reply. Give 'em a chance.
Richard Stanley
08-21-2007, 11:31 AM
I started using Whisper about 2002. It is terrific. Constant free upgrades, great support. Nolan is right - they are busy. I think you will find any wait well worth it. Again, you don't have to wait - download it and try it.
Mike Boyett
08-21-2007, 06:27 PM
I contacted Whisper Solutions via email and have yet to hear anthing from them.Aaron, I always get very prompt responses to any questions I have for Whisper Solutions. Do you remember what e-mail address you used to send your question to?
Everyone should also keep in mind that Whisper products are not just for Texas use, they are usable anywhere for whatever format you need. They just do have a good Texas report template.
wade chapman
08-21-2007, 10:33 PM
Aaron, I always get very prompt responses to any questions I have for Whisper Solutions. Do you remember what e-mail address you used to send your question to?
Everyone should also keep in mind that Whisper products are not just for Texas use, they are usable anywhere for whatever format you need. They just do have a good Texas report template.
Mike I have had the same results. larry has helped me with problems that some times where not even related with whispersoulitions program. Larry has called me and help me with question on equipment and ideas that had nothing to do with using there program.
Arron take your time, and make sure you go to download the programs that you need and try them. I turned my borther inlaw on to them and he is a hvac tech and HI and also a contractor on off shore hvac equipment and compression chambers on ships for deep sea diviers. He loves whisper soulations and the reporter program.
imported_John Smith
08-22-2007, 05:59 PM
I just came across this on ebay. Looks like a really good deal. Im probably going to buy one.
ebay Item number: 220142782473
XL Pro 5 Home Inspection Report. 100% TREC Compliant
75% Off Sale
Buy it now price $99.00
End time: Aug-29-07 10:03:55 PDT (6 days 16 hours)
Shipping costs: US $5.85
US Postal Service Priority MailĀ®
Service to United States
(more services)
Ships to: United States, Canada, Mexico
Item location: Sylvania, Ohio, United States
XL Pro 5 Texas Edition
Home and Commercial Inspection Report Software
NEW! Released July 7, 2006
version 5.1.6
The Standard in Professional Home and Commercial Inspection Software
Best Inspectors Net
The #1 publisher of Home and Commercial Inspection Reports
Buy It Now for
Only $399.00!
(retail value $449)
Powered by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Requires Microsoft Excel
Home or Commercial Inspections
The only PC based report available that is 100% TREC compliant and has all the features of XL Pro!
Everything you need to perform residential or commercial inspections. The report is completely configurable for almost any type of building you can think of. Whether you are inspecting a single family home, condo, apartment building, retail store, office building, or manufacturing plant, the report can be configured within minutes to match the building type. It is so easy to configure that you can configure it to a particular building type on-the-fly while doing an inspection - with no appreciable time loss. The report comes pre-configured for home inspections.
Zibby Swieca
10-12-2007, 01:46 AM
Try I use there software and I am very pleased with it.
I always get very prompt responses to any questions I have for Whisper Solutions.
Stephanie Castillo
10-12-2007, 08:58 AM
Take a look at eInspections as well before you choose. They have a Texas version that complies with TREC. Their software offers tons of great customization features so I can make my report look the way I or my clients want it on the fly. It is extremely easy to use too and their customer service is fantastic. They answer their phones when you need them!
eInspections™ (
Rick Hurst
10-12-2007, 01:15 PM
1K is a bit steep. No way in he77 I'd be paying 70 bucks a month to lease a program either.
Stephanie Castillo
10-12-2007, 02:03 PM
Sounds like you are very happy with what you are using and that is great. I will say I have other inspector friends who are using eInspections as well as myself and love that they customize the report just for their customers and their support is fantastic. Personally, I think $70.00 a month and I get free upgrades (and by the way, the upgrades are fantastic and regular) is a bargain. I don't consider 20% of one inspection a month to be anything but a great deal. I do notice you are on these chats often so it's obvious you like to express your opinion but believe me there are inspectors all across the United States and Canada who think eInspections is the best choice for them. I'm curious, did you even bother actually get a demo and see what is possible with eInspections or did you make a snap decision based on $70.00?
Rick Hurst
10-12-2007, 03:00 PM
No Stephanie I did not.
I thought maybe that I'd save you the cost of the CD and mailing costs being sent to me.
Regardless of however good your product may be, a thousand bucks or even 70 bucks is rather high in my opinion considering there is many programs out there for less money.
Yours may be great and others may think so, but in my opinion the fee is a bit high.
Rick Hurst
10-12-2007, 03:03 PM
By the way Stephanie, I don't see your company name listed as a paid link or advertiser here on Brian's board. I may be wrong.
If your going to promote, he might like a fee as the others has paid to do so.
Stephanie Castillo
10-12-2007, 03:10 PM
Thanks for your response. I actually work with an inspection company in Nevada for whatever that is worth. I think the value of these kinds of forums is to have respectful feedback from many different people. For me, my choice is eInspections. Rick, I wish you all the best.
Billy Stephens
10-12-2007, 03:47 PM
I actually work with an inspection company in Nevada
Is the Name of your company eInspections? Respectfully. :D
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