View Full Version : spliced feeder

jim baird
09-19-2011, 07:25 AM
I have not seen this, but GC called me crying.

Condo with grouped disconnects outside, 150 amp feeders to indivudual panels.

A fire in one unit damaged a feeder on its way to another unit.

Utility came and pulled meter, spliced feeder in "accessible" junction box in garage of next door unit.

Local inspector would not sign off because unit served does not have access to the neighbor's garage junction box where the splice resides.

I told him to have his electrician go to the plate instead of calling me, just another inspector, to go look and see.

Does this make sense?

Jim Port
09-19-2011, 07:33 AM
Feeders are the responsibility of the owner/tenant. Why did the power company get involved on the customer side of the meter?

Never heard of this situation occuring before, but believe the tenant only needs access to their disconnect at the service.

The splice in another unit would allow the other person access to steal power.

jim baird
09-19-2011, 08:54 AM

Don't know why utility might have done that, except as emergency to restore svc...I asked GC if utility had an opinion, and he said they spliced it?

I think his electrician should be able to trump inspector...in our state if you get cited by authority, you demand in writing to see chapter and verse of code section...told him to try that.