View Full Version : IRC app for SmartPhones?

Bruce Ramsey
11-08-2011, 09:03 PM
Finally joined the rest of the world and got myself a smart phone last week.

Found that the ICC has a free smart phone app but you still have to purchase the Ecodes. You end up purchasing 6 months, 1 yr or 3 yr access to the code electronically.

I would rather have a downloadable copy of the IRC that I keep indefinitely. Install on SD card and always have it available. Is the file too big for common phone SD cards? Does it even make sense to do it that way?

Was wondering if anyone had any smartphone apps that provides access to the IRC?

James Duffin
11-09-2011, 06:32 PM
I have all the codes downloaded on my computer all the files add up to about 1 gig so they should fit on a memory card but I don;t know how practical it would be.

Gunnar Alquist
11-09-2011, 07:35 PM
Finally joined the rest of the world and got myself a smart phone last week.

Found that the ICC has a free smart phone app but you still have to purchase the Ecodes. You end up purchasing 6 months, 1 yr or 3 yr access to the code electronically.

I would rather have a downloadable copy of the IRC that I keep indefinitely. Install on SD card and always have it available. Is the file too big for common phone SD cards? Does it even make sense to do it that way?

Was wondering if anyone had any smartphone apps that provides access to the IRC?

I don't have them on my phone, but that is a nifty idea. I'll try it and let you know.

bulk.resource.org (http://bulk.resource.org/codes.gov/)

Bob Elliott
11-10-2011, 02:30 PM
I have many common code texts pasted into my note files that are search as you type.

Unless you have an i phone you can upgrade to a 32 GB card or simply store on something like Google Docs for free where you can pull up stuff.
Another solution is a paid DropBox account.

Tim Spargo
11-10-2011, 09:30 PM
Searchable .pdf's may be tough on smartphone... kinda like a codebuddy for smartphones.

I would like to see a good reference app as well

Bob Elliott
11-10-2011, 09:46 PM
Searchable .pdf's may be tough on smartphone... kinda like a codebuddy for smartphones.

I would like to see a good reference app as well

Not hard at all Tim.
Download DOCs in the Android market and you will find you can search for words at the top search bar almost instantly.

Maybe certain carriers or brands have issues, but I have the Sprint EVO and find no issues searching.
Tried it just now to be sure all is well:)

The straight text files can be downloaded To "Notation Acceleration" which is a app that enhances a prerequisite load of "Simple Note". This former suggestion is great as it auto syncs from any devise you happen to be on.(instantly with no lag time)