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View Full Version : BPGWI question

Tom Huling
03-19-2012, 08:42 AM
Has any one had any experience with the company BPG Home Warranty | Home and Property Inspections | Buyers Protection Group (http://www.bpgwi.com)?

They are advertising nationaly for professional inspectors.

Searched this site, couldn't find anything.

Any feedback or info would be appreciated

Ken Rowe
03-19-2012, 10:33 AM
I worked with them for several years as an area manager.

New hires typically receive:

30 to 40% split, minus $10
Health insurance, cost for husband/wife coverage was about $360/mo. when I was there.
Association fees paid
GL and E&O insurance paid
Computer and software
Scheduling done by staff
Marketing materialsWhat they don't tell you:
You are responsible for your own marketing, as a company they do little to none
They have no contracts for doing relocation inspections so they will not be giving you inspections.
The turnover rate for their office staff is very high, so there are tons of problems with scheduling the inspections. Anything from misspelling to wrong addresses and not returning phone calls.
If you're a new inspector, you're on your own. They don't have anyone to teach you how to inspect, how to use the software or best marketing practices.
What they want are inspectors who are doing over 250 inspections per year so they can take 60 to 70% of your money.
Most of their top inspectors and area managers have left over the past 2 years.
In my area they've hired at least 5 inspectors since I left 1 1/2 years ago. Four left within 2 months.
The company is dysfunctional from the CEO down to the regional managers. Too many Chiefs...not enough Indians. The area managers were told to run their areas like they would their own business, but they get no support from the company.
You have to pay your expenses, association fees, paper, ink etc. You can submit for reimbursement, which needs to be approved by the area, regional and department managers and you might get a check in a month, if the accounting department decides not to go on vacation.

Eric Barker
03-19-2012, 06:19 PM
What they don't tell you

Nuts! And I was just thinking what it'd be like to work under some great national conglomerate. :D

Ken Rowe
03-19-2012, 09:17 PM
Nuts! And I was just thinking what it'd be like to work under some great national conglomerate. :D

Actually, before they were BPGWI it was a real national conglomerate which was ok to work for. They had some great benefits. But, with the bankruptcy of the parent company all the benefits except medical coverage were thrown out.

I wouldn't call BPGWI a national conglomerate now. They shut down over half of the areas they used to cover and have lost 2/3rds of their inspectors since the bankruptcy. I'm actually surprised they're still in business.

The more inspectors they hire, the more money they make. 'cause they don't pay unless you work.

One of the interesting incentives they have for the area manager...if the area manager hires an inspector the area manager gets 2% of whatever the new inspector collects. The regional manager also gets a cut. Kind of like a pyramid scheme. It's a nice incentive if all you care about is money, but it's an even better way to get unqualified people hired in order to line your pockets. That's one of the big reasons I left. Out of the 5 people they hired after I left, I had reviewed the applications of 4 of them and had them take a basic written test. All four failed miserably and I wouldn't hire them.