View Full Version : Greetings from Dallas / New Guy / HELP IRC

Patrick Hamm
03-29-2012, 08:42 AM
Regarding the IRC test preparation, my interest is going to be specifically towards a prep class. I have found some self-study DVD's etc...but I may be looking for something that does not exist.

Currently, I am part-time with a city in the DFW area and have been so for about a year and a half.

About 2 years ago, having been laid off twice in 2 years I decided to make a complete industry change. I was in health care consulting for years and year.

I was 40 then and career counseling steered me towards building inspection and construction.

As I have embraced this I have found a passion for my work that has been missing most of my adult life. I firmly believe that I am in the right field. The work here at the city has confirmed that. I have enrolled in North Lake college in the Construction Technologies program. It has only affirmed my path. Through that program I have developed some specific goals for my future. If I could write my job description today, I would be a green inspector. I am aware that might be a goal not accomplished for some time so North Lake is giving me practical skills that I can use to start a career.

I have been given the freedom to study for IRC and do homework at work when time permits. And, as for the job that I do, I believe I am being paid fairly and treated better than fair here. Additionally, I am allowed to go out with the BI guys when things slow down for me in the job...a benefit of being part-time. We have a few inspectors on the verge of retirement.

At that time, the questions will be whether or not to hire combination trade inspectors...some of which will need to have a state license in the/their trade...etc..etc.. Like I said, some of the (soft) benefits are that I am allowed to study, I am given the opportunity to go in the field with the BI guys and they are very helpful as I move in this direction. I have worked in every element of the department (code, building innspection, etc..)...part-time, so that I have a bird's-eye-view and experience in how the entire department works. In my last review, part-timers do not get reviews here...but I have had two, the supervisors were very 'encouraging' in all of my work at the school, future plans and all (very) interested with how long I believe that it will take me to get my IRC. Some 'buy' signals there...I think...

Like other municipalities, we are slowly moving into the need for green inspection...but that is a few years off as well. The director of the dept. and I are very candid with one another, in a positive way, about the my and the cities future needs. If I leave the city, my goal would be to return when a good option/fit exists for me...He has agreed that might need to be an option and that if we go that route he would glad to have me back.

So, I joined the ICC, as an associate member, in that I believe it might be what is best for me as I pursue my career. I have found a wealth of knowledge, resources, educational options (webinars) and help that I do not believe would have been available to me under the cities membership.
I pay for my own books, study guides, flash cards, etc... I pay for my own tests (IRC twice and failed by two questions last time...errr...).
So, I need to make more industry contacts...contribute some of my real life experience from the business world (and whatever else I can do), and start the domino effect by passing the IRC. Simply put, I don't have enough field experience to handle the application parts of the test.

I plan on going to to the BPI conference, I have to pay for it myself, but had planned to spend my time in the green offerings. What can I say, I love building inspection and I love green. Two things I never would have thought about myself until I took the career personality tests. I am not a tree hugger...but I dig LEED...I can't explain it.

So, that is why I have joined the ICC independent of the city. My short term plans are to pass the IRC, quickly take and hopefully pass the IPMC and IECC. We are stating LEED in one my classes now. I hope to take the LEED Assoc. exam by the end of the year.

So in a nutshell...that is me and why I have joined the ICC and would like to talk about joining the ICC North Texas chapter. I have a master's degree and that has given me some very practical skills that I would like to contribute with on associations I am involved in. I am a worker bee at heart and don't like to sit and watch.

Regarding the IRC test preparation, my interest is going to be specifically towards a prep class. I have found some self-study DVD's etc...but I may be looking for something that does not exist.

Stephen G
03-29-2012, 10:37 AM
Quote P Hamm'...but I may be looking for something that does not exist. '

Try looking for an editor...wow

Lisa Endza
04-01-2012, 11:17 PM
Regarding the IRC test preparation, my interest is going to be specifically towards a prep class. I have found some self-study DVD's etc...but I may be looking for something that does not exist.

Advanced Residential Code Inspection Exam Prep - InterNACHI (http://www.nachi.org/residential-code-inspection-exam-prep.htm)

InterNACHI Residential Code Inspection Exam Prep Flash Cards (http://www.inspectoroutlet.com/internachi-residential-code-inspection-exam-prep-flash-cards.aspx)

Advanced Commercial Property Code Inspection Exam Prep - InterNACHI (http://www.nachi.org/commercial-code-inspection-exam-prep.htm)

InterNACHI Commercial Code Inspection Exam Prep Flash Cards (http://www.inspectoroutlet.com/internachi-commercial-code-inspection-exam-prep-flash-cards.aspx)

Patrick Hamm
04-03-2012, 02:52 PM
Thank you Lisa. The help is much appreciated.

Hey Stephen G, is that supposed to be funny?
Let me know...because if it isn't a joke then you are a jerk.
If it was a joke...it wasn't funny.
Losing proposition either way it seems. :)

Donna Fitzgerald
04-03-2012, 02:55 PM
Quote P Hamm'...but I may be looking for something that does not exist. '

Try looking for an editor...wow

That was not very nice. :mad:

Stephen G
04-03-2012, 03:04 PM
You guys need to lighten up....your first post and you write a book, not a quick I need an answer post, a book, editing and brevity will go along way.

Enjoy your time here:D

Patrick Hamm
04-03-2012, 04:14 PM
"editing and brevity will go along way"


and so will courtesy and respcet

Rick Cantrell
04-03-2012, 05:24 PM
I have to agree with Stephen.

Stephen G
04-03-2012, 05:39 PM
"editing and brevity will go along way"


and so will courtesy and respcet

Couldn't resist, you agree with editing and then spell 'respect' ...
