View Full Version : Water meter piping

Stanley Chow
05-13-2012, 03:01 PM
Need to confirm my suspicion. Does this piping arrangement look strange? Looks to me that water meter is not inline and water supply is bypassed. Am I right or wrong? Thanks.

Jerry Peck
05-13-2012, 03:32 PM
I believe that is a special fitting which directs the water up and out through the outlet to the water meter, then from water meter to an inlet in the same fitting which directs the water out into the pipe at the other end of the fitting.

John Kogel
05-13-2012, 03:52 PM
If you install it backwards, does the city send you a check? :D

Billy Stephens
05-13-2012, 04:04 PM
If you install it backwards, does the city send you a check? :D
Nope , Just No Water.

Stanley Chow
05-13-2012, 04:12 PM
Thanks Jerry. Never seen a fitting like that but it makes sense. But isn't the conventional in-line method easier and cheaper. Why would anyone want to use a special fitting?

Jerry Peck
05-13-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks Jerry. Never seen a fitting like that but it makes sense. But isn't the conventional in-line method easier and cheaper. Why would anyone want to use a special fitting?

Most water meters I see are buried in the ground and are in-line, however, some are tapped off the line, which is then elbowed out with specially bent piping to the meter, and another specially bent piping from the meter and elbowed back into the line of the piping. I suspect that even though that fitting costs more in material costs, that its savings in fitting labor and number of solder joints make it either a break even or maybe even money saving installation.

Stanley Chow
05-13-2012, 04:22 PM
Thanks again Jerry.

Markus Keller
05-14-2012, 05:37 AM
Typical water meter install fitting around here in the suburbs. Pretty rare though that I see one in the City. Maybe I'm just dumb but I don't get it either, seems goofy.

Norm Grande
05-14-2012, 05:15 PM
Most water meters I see are buried in the ground and are in-line, however, some are tapped off the line, which is then elbowed out with specially bent piping to the meter, and another specially bent piping from the meter and elbowed back into the line of the piping. I suspect that even though that fitting costs more in material costs, that its savings in fitting labor and number of solder joints make it either a break even or maybe even money saving installation.

I had my plumber install one of these, but instead of a water meter there was a straight piece if threaded pipe. He was roughing in for a future water meter, as was required by our building code at the time. He used this fitting as it was supplied by the city, and was also time saving to install and used less room.

Steven Saville
05-14-2012, 05:29 PM
Nope , Just No Water.

Standard meter yoke. Most have inlet/outlet in center of yoke. Looks like this one could be of benefit if service is close to a corner. Makes no difference which side is up -- the flow would still be the same. However, if the water meter is installed backwards, it would still allow flow but the meter would indeed run backward. That's the reason most water utilities install some type of tamper seal like the wire and lead seal shown on this installation.