View Full Version : brand new to this

Samuel Rea
05-16-2012, 11:36 AM
Hello everyone, I'm starting the home inspection courses here in the Puget Sound area in July. Ive been in various trades of construction for almost 10 years now,"mainly union". This is my question, is my experience going to give me an edge in this industry? I'm hoping this will help with schooling and give potential clients peace of mind. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Sam

Jim Hintz
05-18-2012, 11:52 PM
Hello everyone, I'm starting the home inspection courses here in the Puget Sound area in July. Ive been in various trades of construction for almost 10 years now,"mainly union". This is my question, is my experience going to give me an edge in this industry? I'm hoping this will help with schooling and give potential clients peace of mind. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Sam Sam,

Depends on what type of construction you have done. Experience is the Best Teacher. Classes definitely help and with the continuing education requirements, you will get the "Book Smarts" you'll need, but keep in mind, SOP's are the minimum, just like building codes..... Example: testing a few outlets as a representative number of all outlets - NOT !!!! Either test them all or state in the report why you were unable to test them all - you don't want to get a call saying "I heard a click, but couldn't find anything, when I woke up the next morning, the lights in the other bathroom didn't work and everything in my freezer had thawed out." . Gas Furnaces - "Always" recommend service by a licensed and qualified HVAC contractor - unless you are one.....One hairline crack in a heat exchanger can cause death by CO poisoning - you don't want the liability. If the residence has indoor plants and they all have brown leaves, chances are Carbon Monoxide is entering the living space via cracked heat exchanger - read about "Ethylene Damage" at the following link:

http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/poinsettia/corrective/a11.html. (http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/poinsettia/corrective/a11.html)...

Check into getting E&O Insurance / "Per-Occurrence" Policy - if you try to do it on the cheap by only using a Bond, and that bond pays out cause you missed something, you pay that amount back !!! A "Claims Made" policy only covers things during the policy period (usually 1 year). Someone files a claim against you on Day 366, you're SOL.

There are lots of people on here with enormous amounts of knowledge that you can learn a ton from, some are a little more abraisive / pompous than others, but everyone's intentions are to teach, share, help whenever help is needed.

Best of luck to you Sam !

Phil Bilson
10-10-2012, 06:18 PM
I am recently a new inspector in Kansas this is my first year and not really for sure how to get continuing ed hrs. The only affiliation I have right now is through AHIT American Home Inspection Training Institute. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Bruce Ramsey
10-12-2012, 06:10 AM
I am recently a new inspector in Kansas this is my first year and not really for sure how to get continuing ed hrs. The only affiliation I have right now is through AHIT American Home Inspection Training Institute. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Go to your state licensing board web site. It has a link to approved vendors for training. In the renewal license application, it also lists places to get continuing ed. Two of the providers are national home inspector associations. Both associations offer on-line and home study training. Notice the banner on this website that is hosting 3 different con ed conventions across the country.

Kansas Home Inspectors Registration Board Renewal Application (http://www.ksinspectors.org/renewal.php)