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View Full Version : State Licensing Card

Kevin Luce
09-11-2007, 07:16 AM
Licensing in the state of Indiana has been around for 2 years now and it's time to renew and get a new licensing card. I just got mine and I had to laugh a little. Instead of having an expiration date like the first card has, the second card has "Expires October 1st - Each Odd Year". Then at the bottom of the card it has the Indiana website for verifying that I am still licensed. Is this a lazy way out or what! When I show this card to my client, the card itself doesn't inform them of anything but where to look to see if I'm licensed. I figure that the only time somebody is going to get caught is when the buyer is upset about the home inspection after they move in (then they might think about looking on the state's website).

The state takes as much money as they can and does as little as they can. :mad:

I must say, overall in this area, the state licensing has been a positive thing.:)

Billy Stephens
09-11-2007, 07:48 AM

Might want to laminate that baby looks like Indiana's not planning on spending $ on another one for some time. Maybe you and the even year Guy can exchange Sept.30TH
after all We're from the Government and here to Help You.:rolleyes:

Jim Luttrall
09-11-2007, 08:01 AM
We're from the Government and here to Help You

Kevin Luce
09-11-2007, 08:17 AM
I called up the state and informed them that these cards are created for the consumer. If this card only directs them to the state website, then why is it required for us to carry it.:confused: If anyone else performs home inspections in the state of Indiana wants to write a letter about this topic, direct it to:

Nicholas Rhode
Board of Home Inspections
402 W Washington Room W072
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

I have 5 other licenses and all of them have expirations dates.

Scott Patterson
09-11-2007, 11:49 AM
Most likely not a real big deal. I have worked under a home inspection license for about seven years and have never been asked to see or show my cards.

Kevin Luce
09-11-2007, 12:24 PM
Most likely not a real big deal. I have worked under a home inspection license for about seven years and have never been asked to see or show my cards.

Let's get rid of them. Why have them? Why do we have to carry them with us? Why did they spend/waste the money for these cards? Lets get rid of all the experation dates on all the cards that we have to carry. Drivers licence, why do we need an experation date? They can just look it up on the computer.

Matt Fellman
09-12-2007, 04:47 PM
It makes me chuckle each time I get my new card. In bold letters it says "You must carry this with you at all times" - Does this mean in the shower and everything?

Maybe it's for when I'm driving by a house with a failed roof... I can stop the car and as I'm running up the driveway to rescue the people inside show the owner my ID card.

Along the same lines... in my area there have been police type cars popping up that have an orange siren on top and big black letters on the side that say 'Code Enforcement' - It makes me wonder, do they really ever use the siren? Let's hope this doesn't take off or we'll all be out of work :)

Ken Larson
09-19-2007, 05:36 PM
"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"