View Full Version : Cancer Sucks!

Brian Hannigan
07-02-2012, 06:32 PM
Many of you may remember that last year I participated in the American Cancer Society's "Relay For Life" in Memory of my Father & Grandmother, in Honor of my Mother (a two time survivor) and an Aunt and an Uncle who have beaten cancer and in Support of several friends who were battling cancer.

One of the biggest reasons for me to walk in the Relay For Life was for my Aunt Ann who had battled cancer for many years. My Aunt Ann lost her fight to cancer a few months later and died in November.

This year I have taken it a step further. Rather than just participate, I got involved. I am the on-line chairman for our Relay For Life organization and I have entered our own team to walk for 24 hours "Footin For Family & Friends".

I am here to ask for your support. I hope my InspectionNews family will do me proud!

If you have a family member or friend that has, has had, or has passed away from cancer I am asking that you make a donation in support of them and support the American Cancer Society's effort to eliminate cancer.

Click on this logo to help me with this fight:
http://main.acsevents.org/images/rfl12/header/rfl12_header_02.jpg (https://secure3.convio.net/tacs/site/Donation2?idb=551900216&df_id=1009542&FR_ID=37046&1009542.donation=form1&PROXY_ID=22321501&PROXY_TYPE=20)

I want to personally thank those listed below who have already donated:

I hope this becomes a very long list before July 28th!
John & Karen Mott
Chris Starchok
Curt & Angel Arons
Tom Laux
Mike & Kelly Casey
Mary Holt
Susan Hannigan
Cheryl Knox
Wess Lukina
Kim & Erik Severson
Steven Turetsky
Eric Barker
Nolan Kienitz
Chris Duphily
Bronson Beisel
Kim Breeden
Jack Feldman
Cary Bissell
Ron Bibler
Matt Fellman
Dee Goldstein
Jo Vasseur
Rick Sailors
Brenda Ledbetter
George Blair
Jeff Voisin
Dale Feb
Hal Metzner
Michele Dinneen
Gus Vindell
Peggy DeWitt
Paul Zak
Joe Maxwell
Hans Cramer
Phillip Norman
Alan Robinson
Bill Gustafson
Byron Duerksen
Bob Knauff
Carl Fowler
Joseph Verdult
Steven Parrish
Dominic Maricic
Donald Kane
Carol Browning
Scott Taylor
Mike Dilger
Robert Young
Jory Lannes
Peter Walker
Jeff & Roxanne Fausett
Lindsay DeBoerLast year I was the overall fund raiser with over $3,000 and pushed our team over the top to be the overall team fundraiser. I have a long way to go and a short time to get there. I hope you can help!

Click the logo to donate!
http://main.acsevents.org/images/rfl12/header/rfl12_header_02.jpg (https://secure3.convio.net/tacs/site/Donation2?idb=551900216&df_id=1009542&FR_ID=37046&1009542.donation=form1&PROXY_ID=22321501&PROXY_TYPE=20)

If you would rather mail in a check please use this form (http://main.acsevents.org/site/TRGiftForm?fr_id=37046&px=22321501)

If you would like to see the fund raising progress click here (http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY12National?px=22321501&pg=personal&fr_id=37046)

Gunnar Alquist
07-02-2012, 06:39 PM
Hi Brian,

Right now, I still use checks. Do you have a mailing address?


Brian Hannigan
07-03-2012, 12:20 PM
Hi Gunnar,

Thank you very much for your support.

I am checking to see who the check should be made out to (American Cancer Society or Relay For Life).

When I find out I will let you know and post my address.

Have a great 4th and thank you for caring!

Steven Turetsky
07-03-2012, 06:04 PM
Go Team Inspection News

Gunnar Alquist
07-03-2012, 07:33 PM
Thanks B.H. A friend of mine is dying of stomach cancer. Pretty upsetting. Actually, can I PM you?

Brian Hannigan
07-05-2012, 04:01 PM
I'm very happy to add two more names to the list of donors above!


Eric Barker and Steven Turetsky

Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Brian Hannigan
07-06-2012, 01:51 AM
and the list grows!!

Thank You Nolan Kienitz!!

Brian Hannigan
07-06-2012, 02:01 AM
I hope that this becomes a very long thread....

Thank You Chris Duphily!!

Brian Hannigan
07-06-2012, 10:13 AM
It's great to have fresh donations in the morning!

Thank you Bronson Beisel and Kim Breeden!

Brian Hannigan
07-07-2012, 12:26 PM
I love weekend donations!

THANK YOU Jack Feldman!

And thank you again to all of the above people who have contributed to the Relay For Life.

Relay For Life is a life-changing event that helps communities across the globe celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease.

Brian Hannigan
07-07-2012, 03:39 PM
Cary Bissell, THANK YOU for taking time out of your weekend to make a donation!

Your donation will help those with cancer and help prevent cancer in the future.

Thank you!

Ron Bibler
07-07-2012, 08:28 PM
Hey Brian... Cancer is more and more around each corner of my llife these past few years I have lost 4 very good frends. and my Brother and Brother in law just completed the first rounds of treatment... Just today my band played at a Cancer fund drive...

Very happy to help...


Ron Bibler
"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you:
"May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."

Excellence Exterminating Co. Inc.
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Brian Hannigan
07-09-2012, 11:53 AM
Matt Fellman, THANK YOU Very much for your donation!

Sorry I didn't get this up sooner.

With all of your help I am creeping closer to my goal of raising $3,500 for the American Cancer Society!

Brian Hannigan
07-09-2012, 10:52 PM
Hi Brian,

Right now, I still use checks. Do you have a mailing address?


Hi Gunnar,

I found the answer for you. Here is the form to fill out to mail in a check.


Please make the check out to the American Cancer Society.

Thank you!!

Brian Hannigan
07-10-2012, 11:37 AM
Two more donations today!

THANK YOU to Dee Goldstein of GEMarketing (http://gemmarketing.net/) and Jo Vasseur!

Your early morning donations were a great way to start the day!

Brian Hannigan
07-10-2012, 02:54 PM
The afternoon was getting slow and then Rick Sailors came through with a donation.


Brian Hannigan
07-11-2012, 11:30 PM
I thought I was going to go a full day without someone making a donation to Relay For Life.

Thank you Brenda Ledbetter!

And again thank you to all the people listed about who have made donations to help those with cancer and fund research to help prevent cancer.

Brian Hannigan
07-23-2012, 01:06 AM
This is my last week to try and raise money for the Relay For Life to help cancer patients and to help fund research to prevent cancer.

Will you please help and donate by clicking the link in the first post?

Brian Hannigan
07-23-2012, 10:49 PM
WOW! Thank you SO much to the 10 people who contributed today a total of $715 in the fight against cancer.

I can only imagine that each of you have had family or friends that have been touched by cancer too.

Together we can make a difference!

A big round of applause and THANK YOU to:

George Blair
Jeff Voisin
Dale Feb
Hal Metzner
Michele Dinneen
Gus Vindell
Peggy DeWitt
Paul Zak
Joe Maxwell
Hans Cramer

Brian Hannigan
07-24-2012, 12:26 AM
And a BIG THANK YOU to Ron Bibler!

Ron, thank you VERY much for your generous donation!

Our team is getting closer to our team goal but I am still working hard to meet my personal goal.

I will keep everyone up to date and let you know how the event goes.

Brian Hannigan
07-24-2012, 11:10 AM
I love my morning donations!

Thank you

Phillip Norman
Alan Robinson

Brian Hannigan
07-24-2012, 12:04 PM
Look at that, 12:02pm, my first afternoon donation of the day!

Thank you Bill Gustafson!

Brian Hannigan
07-29-2012, 10:04 PM
I just want to thank you all and let you know that there are many people not on this list that I need to thank as well. I have just run out of time tonight and will get everyone listed tomorrow.

The event was a HUGE success. In total the Relay For Life had 374 Participants, 35 Teams and raised $32,046 to help cancer patients and help fund research.

Our team alone raised $6,310

For the second year in a row, because of all your help, I received the most individual donations at $2,720.

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU that donated and I will get those other names up here tomorrow!

Brian Hannigan
08-03-2012, 04:55 PM
Since the event I have been very busy with post event activities, business and trying to buy a home. I have not had a chance to thank MANY others that have been so kind and have make a donation to help cancer patients.

I want to give A BIG THANK YOU to....
Byron Duerksen
Bob Knauff
Carl Fowler
Joseph Verdult
Steven Parrish
Dominic Maricic
Donald Kane
Carol Browning
Scott Taylor
Mike Dilger
Robert Young
Jory Lannes
Peter Walker
Jeff & Roxanne Fausett
Lindsay DeBoerThe total list of people who have donated (in the first post) is over 50. THANK YOU ALL!

Here are a few pictures from the event.


Luminaria bag in memory of my dad who died when I was 5.


Luminaria bag in memory of my Aunt (on the left) who died this past November.


Me and my neighbor (her grandmother and her Aunt are cancer survivors)


Part of our team... Footin' For Family & Friends. We have raised $6,490. More than the #2 & #3 teams combined.


My mom on the right. A two time cancer survivor. Her sister is a survivor as well. My mother lost her husband and mother (my father and grandmother) to cancer.

You can probably figure out why this cause is so important to me and all I can do is thank all of you that have helped me with your donations in this event.

A Thank You does not seem like enough but know it comes form my heart!